Are you tired of twinges and tweaks? Does one side feel stronger than the other? This program is created to balance out asymmetries bulletproofing your whole body. We do this by using physical therapy based fitness that targets your entire foundation. This program will help you improve your foundational strength and increase your mobility in all joints. The combination of these two things keeps you moving well and prevents injury. We have seen it happen with our thousands of patients we treat each year and we want to share it with you.
Stop dealing with those small nagging issues that keep popping up. You don't want any more minor setbacks, and we don't want you to either. Do this class and transform how your body is able to take the challenges of your regular routine. Support your fitness, don't replace it!
You'll Get:
Windshield Wiper Stretch
3 x 50
Plank fire hydrant
3 x 50
Single Leg RDL with Jump (MoveRight)
3 x 50
DB Deadlift
5 x 60
AMRAP 49 8 Min AMRAP Final score is number of rounds you compete in 8 minutes Rx Circuit: (if needed you can modify the reps of any exercises) 40x Flutter Kicks 20x Alternating 1 arm DB Snatches 10x DB Thrusters
Side Lying Internal Rotation
3 x 50
Down Dog Toe Touches
3 x 50
Alternating DB Row
3 x 50
DB Split Curl to Press
5 x 60
AMRAP 50 8 Min AMRAP Final score is number of rounds you compete in 8 minutes Rx Circuit: (if needed you can modify the reps of any exercises) 40x Mountain Climbers 20x Hollow hold 1 arm DB Bench Press (10x each side) 10x Curtsey Lunge (with or without weight)
Scorpions (MoveRight)
3 x 50
jackknifes crunch
3 x 50
kb woodchop
3 x 50
American KB Swing
6 x 40
45/15 (28)
45/15 (28) Every round is 45s and 15s of rest. If you finish sooner than 45s then you get more rest time. You will have 10 rounds. Total Rounds: 10 Rx Circuit: (if needed you can modify the reps of any exercises) 4x Jumping Squats (or regular air squats) 20x Seated Russian Twists with weight 4x alternating single leg plank walkout (or 2 legs if that’s too hard)
Dr. Chloe is a former D1 distance athlete turned PT. She both coaches and regularly contributes to the MD Fit program.
Dr. John has coached groups and individuals at various levels ranging from PT classes to national-level Olympic weightlifting. When he isn’t coaching this class, he is taking it as a member.
When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.