Core Strength and Endurance

Train Your Weakness

Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Brent Fikowski, Bobby Dee and Jeremy Meredith

Improve your core strength and endurance with just 3 sessions a week.

This Train Your Weakness FOCUSED programming will have your core strength and endurance improving in 6 weeks.

Add-On Progression Programming
Train Your Weakness is an add-on program to your current fitness regime. Dedicate an extra 30 minutes, three times a week, for 6 weeks to see results.a
Coach's Notes Included
Each session will have your coach's insights about why you are doing the movement, recovery notes, and more - so you can be sure each step of the way.
Created By The Best
Every single Train Your Weakness programs are forged out of many years of elite CrossFit® experience.
Programming 3 days per week
This Train Your Weakness FOCUSED programming will have your core strength and endurance improving in 6 weeks.
Demo Videos
Every single movement is equipped with a demo video so you're never guessing what to do or how to do it.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond just sets and reps, expect to have every detail you need to execute the program to perfection.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
We've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get the training experience that you deserve.
Dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, foam roller and a medi
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
Week 1/Session 1

Tempo Explained


There will be many movements throughout this program that have a specific tempo prescribed to assist in creating the desired dose response for the movement and training session. It will look similar to this: @3030 or @20X1 This means that the movement is meant to be done at a specific tempo or speed, instead of just as fast as possible. Tempo is always @ (eccentric)(point where direction changes)(concentric or 'the work' part of the lift)(other point where direction changes) X means as fast as possible Numbers mean seconds. Example: @3012 means 3 second eccentric (down), 0 second hold at bottom, 1 second concentric on the way up, 2-second hold at the top

Control (6min)


2 sets: 90/90 Breathing (1 Minute) 10 Thoracic Flexion/Extension (Foam Roller) 8/side Bent Over Banded Thoracic Rotations 10 Deadbugs Coach’s Note: This will be our standard core primer on anti-rotation/Iso days. The 90/90 breathing will be our basis for learning proper ‘brace’ mechanics, while the other two are preparing our spine and midline for a nice range of motion.


Core: Test


Core: Test


Core: Test

1 x 2:00

Anti-Rotation/Eccentric (15min)


4 Sets: 6/side Half-Kneeling Banded Cross Body Chops @3131 Tempo 6/side Supine Weighted Twists @2222 Tempo 8/side Windshield Wipers @2222 Tempo 3 Dragonflies (slow as possible) Coach’s Note: Complete control and attention to tempo are super important in this type of work. We are focusing on taking that big belly breath that we prepped in our ‘control’ with the intention of a nice core brace before we hit the eccentric portion of each movement. Remember, this is for quality, not for time! Note that normally we will have an Isometric portion on this day following the anti-rotation portion, however, due to our initial tests, the quantity of work would be too much for day 1.

Mobility (6min)


2 Sets: 1 Minute Seal Pose 1 Minute Seated Straddle 1 Minute Psoas Smash(:30/side) Coach’s Note: A bit of a longer session today due to the tests. It will be important to include some yin yoga-style stretching at the end of each session to ensure we are keeping mobility in mind. Important to breathe deep and allow our minds to relax. Give yourself a high-five, Day 1 is complete!

Week 1/Session 2

Control (6 mins)


3 Sets: 10 Foam Roller Child's Pose 10/side Side Plank Rotations 10/side Thread The Needle With Foam Roller 10 Reverse Plank Thrusts Coach’s Note: Welcome to the first dynamic core day. We are speeding things up and focusing on being explosive through the midline. This warmup will stay consistent on these days.

Dynamic (10 mins)


EMOM x 10 1) 10-12 Alternating Slam Balls 2) 10-12 Medicine Ball Sit-ups Coach’s Note: Initiate each movement from your core, focusing on staying tight. Both movements are meant to be completed with as much speed as possible, move the medicine ball with intention!

Endurance (8 mins)


8 MINUTE AMRAP 5-10-15-20-25-30…. Medicine Ball Russian Twists Relax-to-Arch Mountain Climbers Coach’s Note: You will move for 8 minutes with ascending reps (5 of each, then 10 of each, etc). We are using both our anterior and posterior core muscles, as well as our obliques. This is meant to burn; try to push past the pain and truly test your core endurance! Record your total reps.

Mobility (6 mins)


2 Sets: 1 Minute Child’s Pose 1 Minute/side Reclining Twist

Week 1/Session 3

Control (8 mins)


2 Sets: 1 Minute Banded Quadruped Breathing 10/side Alternating Scorpions 10/side Half Kneeling Windmill 10 Thoracic Bridges (5 second hold) Coach’s Note: Day three of each week will constantly see the 4 movements above. The movements today will involve more shoulders when compared to our other days so stay focused on range of motion and control with the scorpions and windmill.

Unilateral 1 (10 mins)


3 Sets: 10/side Wall Supported Kettlebell Crossbody Deadlifts 10/side Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings Coach’s Note: This is our first day of unilateral core work. Although non-traditional, it is just as important, if not more important, than other core exercises we will complete. By doing unilateral work, we can train our bodies how to properly brace as well as identify strengths and weaknesses we may have between both sides of our bodies. The suggestion would be to put on a weight lifting belt if you have one available. The purpose of the belt today is to serve as a reminder to use our breath for ‘flexing’ against the belt, ultimately bracing the core with each rep.

Unilateral 2 (12 mins)


EMOM x 12 1) 6-8/side Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 2) 6-8/side Dumbbell Plank Pull-throughs 3) 3-4/side Alternating Single Dumbbell Devil’s Press Coach’s Note: This will be an opportunity to test some core intensive movements with speed under fatigue. Be cognizant of maintaining a straight midline, not letting the weight pull your center of gravity off to one side. Choose the rep scheme for each movement that allows at least 20 seconds of rest each minute.

Mobility ( 6 mins)


2 Sets: 1 Minute Seated Saddle 1 Minute/side Pigeon Pose

coach-avatar Brent Fikowski

Brent has been a CrossFit Regionals athlete since 2013 and a CrossFit Games athlete since 2016. He is nicknamed "The Professor" because of his deliberate and thoughtful approach to training. He also started The Professor Project in 2018, helping athletes become more efficient in movement, mindset, and more.

coach-avatar Bobby Dee

By focusing on Brent's weaknesses, they qualified for the CrossFit® Games and landed on the podium. The caliber of athletes Bobby Dee has coached is matched by his own personal achievements. He holds a Masters in Chiropractic, has elite history in the military, podium finisher in Australia’s Strongest Man, completed an Iron Man, an ultramarathon and competed at a high level in rugby and CrossFit®.

coach-avatar Jeremy Meredith

2-time CrossFit® Games individual competitor and 9-time regionals athlete, Jeremy is a Level 2 Certified CrossFit® Trainer and owner of CrossFit® Vernon in Vernon, BC, Canada. Jeremy made his first trip to the CrossFit® Games in Carson, California, following that with a repeat trip in 2012.

Train Your Weakness

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Core Strength and Endurance