Improve Your Endurance: Engine Builder

The Professor Project

Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Brent Fikowski, Bobby Dee and Jeremy Meredith

Improve your endurance with just 3 sessions a week.

This Train Your Weakness FOCUSED programming will have your endurance improving in 8 weeks.

Add-On Progression Programming
Train Your Weakness is an add-on program to your current fitness regime. Dedicate an extra 30 minutes, three times a week, for 6 weeks to see results.a
Coach's Notes Included
Each session will have your coach's insights about why you are doing the movement, recovery notes, and more - so you can be sure each step of the way.
Created By The Best
Every single Train Your Weakness programs are forged out of many years of elite CrossFit® experience.
Programming 3 days per week
This Train Your Weakness FOCUSED programming will have endurance improving in 8 weeks.
Demo VIdeos
Every single movement is equipped with a demo video so you're never guessing what to do or how to do it.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond just sets and reps, expect to have every detail you need to execute the program to perfection.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
We've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get the training experience that you deserve.
Air Bike // Rower
CrossFit Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
Week 1 Session 1

Read Intro


Hello! This Endurance: Engine Builder program is 3 times a week, for 8 weeks. It is 2 weeks longer than your typical Train Your Weakness program. The program is designed to develop your overall endurance and bring your 'engine' to the next level! You will be receiving emails from us for the first bit - let us know how you’re doing, if you have any questions and how we can support you. You'll need a few documents to help assist you through this program which will be linked to your welcome email. 1. Heart Rate Zone 2. Drag Factor for Body Weight 3. Classic Air Assault Bike Calories 4. Concept 2 Rower Meters To assist in this program, you'll also need a heart rate monitor: This monitor is one of Brent Fikowski's favorites and connects to the FITIV app. While a HR monitor is strongly recommended, it is not mandatory. IMPORTANT: All written movement cues and video examples can be found under "TIPS" If you have any questions about this program or want video review help, email: All billing issues to Ready to tune that engine? Let's go! -TYW Team

Pre-program Tips & Tricks


We encourage you to watch the following few videos that will help direct you through this program (click on tips): 1. Air Bike: Proper Technique and Positioning 2. Air Bike: Use of Monitor and How to Use For Our Programming 3. Rower: Proper Technique and Positioning 4. Rower: Use of Monitor and How to Use For Our Programming Rower Damper: The rowers' damper ranges from 1-10. Simply put; the lower the damper number, the easier the pull will be, the higher the damper number, the harder the pull. You will need to be quicker (more strokes per minute) when rowing with a low damper number in comparison to rowing with a higher number (less strokes per minute). Refer to the provided videos on damper settings for a more detailed explanation. For the sake of testing/ consistency, find your preferred setting and stick with it!

Warm-up (13-15min):


Row for 2 minutes at very easy pace Rest 1 minute (perform some stretches or mobility if needed) Row for 1 minute at your ave/500m goal 2km pace [+20 seconds] (So that is slower than your goal pace by 20seconds/500m) Rest 1 minute (perform some stretches or mobility if needed) Row for 45 seconds at your ave/500m goal 2km pace [+12 seconds] Rest 45 seconds Row for 40 seconds at your ave/500m goal 2km pace [+6 seconds] Rest 45 seconds Row for 30 seconds at your ave/500m goal 2km pace [+1 second] Rest 45 seconds Row for 20 seconds at your ave/500m goal 2km pace [-2 seconds] (So that is faster than your goal pace by 2seconds/500m) Row for 40 seconds at an easy pace Rest 3 to 4 minutes then complete the Time Trial Coach's Note: First decide what your realistic goal time is for your 2km time trial today. This goal will help you determine your warm-up paces. Refer to the spreadsheet to determine what that pace is per 500 meters based on that goal time.

Rower Test: 2km


Complete a 2km row in the fastest time possible. Record total time. Coach's Note: Record your average 500 meter pace in the notes below as this pace will be used to dictate most of your rowing training sessions across the next 8 weeks.

Week 1 Session 2

Warm-up (12-14min)


Bike for 90 seconds at a very easy pace Rest 1 minute (perform some stretches or mobility if needed) Bike for 1 minute at your goal RPM for the 10 minute test [- 7 RPM] (so that is 7 RPM slower than your goal RPM) Rest 1 minute (perform some stretches or mobility if needed) Bike for 45 seconds at your goal RPM for the 10 minute test [- 5 RPM] Rest 45 seconds Bike for 40 seconds at your goal RPM for the 10 minute test [- 3 RPM] Rest 45 seconds Bike for 30 seconds at your goal RPM for the 10 minute test [- 1 RPM] Rest 45 seconds Bike for 15 seconds at your goal RPM for the 10 minute test [+ 1 RPM] (so a little faster than your goal RPM) Bike for 45 seconds at an easy pace Rest 3 to 4 minutes then complete the 10 minute TEST Coach's Note: First, decide what your realistic goal is for total calories in 10 minutes on the Assault Bike. This goal will help you determine your warm-up paces. Refer to the spreadsheet to determine what RPMs to use in the warmup.

Air Assault Bike Test: 10min


10 minutes to accumulate maximum calories. Record total calories. Coach's Note: Record your approximate average RPMs throughout the 10 minutes in the notes below. This average RPM will not be recorded on the screen like it is for the rower, but make your best guess. Also refer to the spreadsheet which is fairly accurate for most Classic Air Assault Bikes. For other makes and models the spreadsheet will not be as accurate.

Week 1 Session 3

Air Bike- Aerobic Threshold Training


20 rounds: 75 second Air Bike at 10 minute Time Trial pace [- 4 to - 6 RPM] 15-second rest *After finishing 10 rounds, rest an extra 5 minutes before Starting the 11th round of intervals Coach's Note: Our Aerobic Threshold is the maximum pace which we can sustain using primarily our aerobic metabolism. This will be a moderate pace that just begins to feel uncomfortable, but that you can sustain for long bouts of training. This should be around 4 to 6 out of 10 on a scale of perceived exertion. If you have your max heart rate data, you will spend most of the 75 seconds in zone 3 at around 75% of your max heart rate.

coach-avatar Brent Fikowski

Brent has been a CrossFit Regionals athlete since 2013 and a CrossFit Games athlete since 2016. He is nicknamed "The Professor" because of his deliberate and thoughtful approach to training. He also started The Professor Project in 2018, helping athletes become more efficient in movement, mindset, and more.

coach-avatar Bobby Dee

By focusing on Brent's weaknesses, they qualified for the CrossFit® Games and landed on the podium. The caliber of athletes Bobby Dee has coached is matched by his own personal achievements. He holds a Masters in Chiropractic, has elite history in the military, podium finisher in Australia’s Strongest Man, completed an Iron Man, an ultramarathon and competed at a high level in rugby and CrossFit®.

coach-avatar Jeremy Meredith

2-time CrossFit® Games individual competitor and 9-time regionals athlete, Jeremy is a Level 2 Certified CrossFit® Trainer and owner of CrossFit® Vernon in Vernon, BC, Canada. Jeremy made his first trip to the CrossFit® Games in Carson, California, following that with a repeat trip in 2012.

Train Your Weakness

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Get Improve Your Endurance: Engine Builder
Improve Your Endurance: Engine Builder