Team Reach Training

Functional Training
Taylor Haney

What you see is what you get with this program! Get a burn everyday with this series! Designed to get you in and out of the gym in 30 minutes or less.  But, worry not, this isn't some easy program you can knock out without breathing and doing any real strength work.

The program is designed for all levels as we give you three levels to choose from.  Series 1 has 24 unique workouts.  

Your warmup is a mini workout and we only program the stretches at the end that give you the most bang for the time.  

Series 1 Specs:
Skill Level – Beginner to intermediate. Beginner to no Olympic Lifting experience required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball, BaseBlocks (optional), Air Bike, resistance bands, TRX, rowing machine, Ski Trainer, treadmill (optional), slam ball.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 6
Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Session#1 Press Pull Legs:


10 Bench Press @50-60% RPE

5 One Arm DB Rows (per arm) @50-60% RPE

5 KB Reverse Lunges (per leg) @50-60% RPE


10 Bench Press @50-60% RPE

5 One Arm DB Rows (per arm) @60-70% RPE

5 KB Reverse Lunges (per leg) @60-70% RPE


10 Bench Press @50-60% RPE

10 One Arm DB Rows (per arm) @60-70% RPE

10 KB Reverse Lunges (per leg) @60-70% RPE


6 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Daily Burner: #1 Press Pull Legs

Full Body Warmup Bike


2 Rounds: 2 Minutes Air Bike@easy pace 10 TRX Air Squat 10 TRX Row 5 Push Ups *No rest.

Strength AMRAP


LEVEL ONE: 12 Minute AMRAP: 10 Bench Press @50-60% RPE 5 One Arm DB Rows (per arm) @50-60% RPE 5 KB Reverse Lunges (per leg) @50-60% RPE LEVEL TWO: 14 Minute AMRAP: 10 Bench Press @50-60% RPE 5 One Arm DB Rows (per arm) @60-70% RPE 5 KB Reverse Lunges (per leg) @60-70% RPE LEVEL THREE: 16 Minute AMRAP: 10 Bench Press @50-60% RPE 10 One Arm DB Rows (per arm) @60-70% RPE 10 KB Reverse Lunges (per leg) @60-70% RPE *Record number of rounds completed. Denote the LEVEL completed and the weights used in notes.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Lats and Pecs Couch Modified Pigeon Kneeling Hamstring

Daily Burner: #2 Run Carry Core

Full Body Warmup Runner


2 Rounds: 1 Minute Casual Jog 10 Hyperextensions (on GHD machine) 30 Second Plank *No rest.

Run Carry Core


LEVEL ONE 8 Rounds: 1 Minute Run @60-70% RPE 50yd Over Shoulder Sandbag Carry (switch shoulders half way) @20-80lbs 10 Ab Mat Crunch *Rest 30 seconds between rounds. LEVEL TWO 10 Rounds: 1 Minute Run @70-80% RPE 50yd Over Shoulder Sandbag Carry (switch shoulders half way) @20-80lbs 10 Ab Mat Sit-Up *Rest 30 seconds between rounds. LEVEL THREE 10 Rounds: 1.5 Minute Run @70-80% RPE 50yd Sandbag Over Shoulder Carry and KB Carry (switch half way) @20-80lbs on each 10 MB Overhead Sit-Up (use wall ball or slam ball) @10-20lbs *Rest 30 seconds between rounds.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Thread Needle Pigeon or Modified Pigeon Kneeling Hamstring Couch

Daily Burner: #3 Ski and Arms

Full Body Warmup TRX


2 Rounds: 10 TRX Tricep Press 10 TRX Bicep Curl 10 Split Jumps *No rest.

Strength Metcon


LEVEL ONE 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Calorie Ski 10 DB Hammer Curls (per arm) @60-70% RPE 10 Skullcrushers @60-70% RPE 10 EZ Bar Curls @60-70% RPE LEVEL TWO 3 Rounds for Time: 12 Calorie Ski 10 DB Hammer Curls (per arm) @60-70% RPE 10 Skullcrushers @60-70% RPE 10 EZ Bar Curls @60-70% LEVEL THREE 4 Rounds for Time: 12 Calorie Ski 10 DB Hammer Curls (per arm) @60-70% RPE 10 Skullcrushers @60-70% RPE 10 EZ Bar Curl to Press @60-70% RPE

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Modified Lat Wall Bicep Tricep Pigeon Half Kneeling Hamstring

Daily Burner: #4 Row Drag Core

Full Body Warmup Row


2 Rounds: 1 Minute Row @easy pace 25yds Walking Lunge 10 Ab Mat Crunch

Row Drag Core


LEVEL ONE 6 Rounds: 250m Row @60-70% RPE 25yd Shoulder Strap Sled Drag @100-400lbs 10 Russian Twists @8-16lbs (10 per side) *Rest 30 seconds between rounds. LEVEL TWO 8 Rounds: 250m Row @70-80% RPE 25yd Shoulder Strap Sled Drag @100-400lbs 15 Russian Twists @10-20lbs (15 per side) *Rest 30 seconds between rounds. LEVEL THREE 8 Rounds: 400m Row @70-80% RPE 25yd Shoulder Strap Sled Drag @100-400lbs 15 Russian Twists @10-20lbs (15 per side) *Rest 30 seconds between rounds.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Pigeon Stretch Kneeling Hamstring Calf Couch Modified Lat

Daily Burner: #5 Press Hinge Squat

Full Body Warmup Bike


2 Rounds: 5 Calorie Bike @easy pace 30second Third World Squat Hold (TRX Assisted) 10 Hyperextensions (Use GHD Machine) *No rest.

Strength Metcon


LEVEL ONE 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 Floor Seated DB Shoulder Press @60-70% RPE DB Romanian Deadlift @60-70% RPE KB Goblet Squat @60-70% RPE LEVEL TWO 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Floor Seated DB Shoulder Press @60-70% RPE DB Romanian Deadlift @60-70% RPE KB Goblet Squat @60-70% RPE LEVEL THREE 10-9-8-7-6-5-6-7-8-9-10 Floor Seated DB Shoulder Press @60-70% RPE DB Romanian Deadlift @60-70% RPE KB Goblet Squat @60-70% RPE The number system represent the number of reps. Example, do 5 reps of each movement, then 4 reps of each movement, then 3 reps, etc... rest only as needed.Take as little rest as possible between movements and sets.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Prone Shoulder Thread Needle Pigeon Kneeling Hamstring Couch Tricep

Daily Burner: #6 Run Core

Full Body Warmup Runner


2 Rounds: 1 Minute Jog @easy pace 10 Russian Twists @10lbs 20 Second Plank

Run Core


LEVEL ONE For Time: 15-10-5 Calories/Reps Xebex Runner Ball Slams 10-15lbs >>after completing above cal/reps<< Accumulate 2 minutes of a plank or TRX FLR LEVEL TWO For Time: 20-15-10 Calories/Reps Xebex Runner Ball Slams 10-15lbs >>after completing above cal/reps<< Accumulate 4 minutes of a plank or TRX FLR LEVEL THREE For Time: 25-20-15 Xebex Runner Ball Slams 10-15lbs >>after completing above cal/reps<< Accumulate 6 minutes of a plank or TRX FLR

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Modified Lat Pigeon Half Kneeling Hamstring Couch

coach-avatar Taylor Haney

USAW L1, Spartan SGX Coach, TBXM Advanced Youth Coach Obstacle Course Racer, Captain of Team Reach

Daily Burner Series 1