Team Reach Training

Functional Training
Taylor Haney

You're a dad.  You're busy.  We understand.  But, that doesn't mean you have to have a dad bod and lose your ability to perform and play with your kids.

Our busy dad program brings something new to the functional training world.  Why?  It's tailored to the functional needs of dads.  You need to be able to run, hike, jump, and crawl with your kids.  You need to model for your children what a strong, capable dad looks like.  Well, here's your program.

There are three days of functional strength and conditioning work, but we have taken it a step further: included nightly mobility work.

You can train everyday, but if you don't work on your mobility and flexibility, you won't be able to jump on the trampoline, crawl on the ground, and chase your kids without fear of getting hurt.  So, take the time to work on yourself in the evenings.  You and your children will be glad you did.

Program Series 1 Specs:

Skill Level – Beginner to intermediate. No Olympic Lifting experience required.

Equipment Needed - Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, pulley system, medicine/wall ball, sandbag, wall ball.

Focus – General Physical Preparedness

Training Days per Week – 3, with 2 optional mobility days.
Program Length - 4 Weeks, but can be repeated if desired.

Excerpt from Day 1 Movement, Strength, and Conditioning:

Bear Crawl 2x20m

Spiderman Crawl 2x20m

Alternating Lateral Gorilla Hop 2x10

Lat Pulldown 3x12

Deadlift x15, 15, 12, 10, 8

8 Minute EMOM

4 Manmakers

Excerpt from Day 5 Functionality, Strength, and Conditioning:

Turkish Get-Up 4x6

Bench Press x15, 15, 12, 10, 8

Run Carry Throw Circuit - 4 Rounds:

400m Run

50m DB Farmers Carry

10 Wall Balls 

3 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Busy Dad Series 1: Movement, Strength, and Conditioning 



Complete 2 Rounds of the Following: Dowel Passthrough x10 Alternating Lunges x20 Push-Up x10 Pull-Up x5


Bear Crawl

2 x 20


Spiderman Crawl

2 x 10


Alternating Lateral Gorilla Hop

2 x 10



15, 15, 12, 10, 8


Lat Pulldown

3 x 12


Barbell Bicep Curl

15, 12, 10, 8



Manmaker EMOM 4x8

8 Minute EMOM Manmaker x4 *Use 15-30lbs DBs. Perform 2-4 reps every minute on the minute for 8 minutes. Do no more than 4 reps per minute. Track your number of reps the total of all 8 minutes.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Thread Needle Modified Pigeon or Pigeon Prone Shoulder Kneeling Hamstring Couch

Nightly Mobility Routine 1



Nightly Mobility Routine 1

Complete every stretch as 2 sets of 30 seconds. 1) Couch Stretch 2) Seated Straddle Stretch 3) Thread the Needle 4) Modified Pigeon 5) Frog Stretch 6) Lats and Pecs Stretch - use a door frame; this is two separate stretches. 7) Kneeling Hamstring Stretch 8) Prone Shoulder Stretch 9) Lying Active Thoracic Spine Rotation

BSD: Strength, Endurance, and Stability 



Perform 2 Rounds of the Following: Dowel Passthrough x10 Alternating Lunges x20 Box Step-Ups x5/leg Overhead Squat w/PVC x10


Back Squat

15, 15, 12, 10, 8


Lateral Lunge to DB Curl and Press

3 x 5


DB Reverse Lunge

3 x 10

Endurance, Strength, and Stability Circuit


10 Rounds: Sandbag Carry and KB Suitcase Carry x50m (switch arms half way) Push-ups x5 Rest 30 Seconds. *Throw tomahawk bag over one shoulder, squat down and pick up the KB, walk 25m. Switch sandbag to other shoulder and switch KB to the other hand. You may add a weighted vest, if desired.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Modified Pigeon or Pigeon Kneeling Hamstring Couch Thread Needle Modified Lat Front Delt and Pec

Busy Dad Series 1: Nightly Mobility Routine 1



Nightly Mobility Routine 1

Complete every stretch as 2 sets of 30 seconds. 1) Couch Stretch 2) Seated Straddle Stretch 3) Thread the Needle 4) Modified Pigeon 5) Frog Stretch 6) Lats and Pecs Stretch - use a door frame; this is two separate stretches. 7) Kneeling Hamstring Stretch 8) Prone Shoulder Stretch 9) Lying Active Thoracic Spine Rotation

Busy Dad Series 1: Functionality, Strength, and Conditioning 



Perform 2 Rounds of the Following: Dowel Passthrough x10 Alternating Lunges x20 Push-Up x10 DB Arnold Press x5 @light weight


Turkish Get Up

3 x 5


DB Thruster

3 x 10


Bench Press

15, 15, 12, 10, 8


Tricep Pushdown

15, 12, 10, 8

Run, Carry, Throw Circuit


3 Rounds: 400m Run 50m DB Farmer's Carry 10 Wall Balls @10-20lbs *Record time.

Post Workout Stretch


Perform Each Stretch for 20-30sec: Thread Needle Prone Shoulder Modified Lat Kneeling Hamstring Modified Pigeon or Pigeon Couch

Busy Dad Series 1: Nightly Mobility Routine 1



Nightly Mobility Routine 1

Complete every stretch as 2 sets of 30 seconds. 1) Couch Stretch 2) Seated Straddle Stretch 3) Thread the Needle 4) Modified Pigeon 5) Frog Stretch 6) Lats and Pecs Stretch - use a door frame; this is two separate stretches. 7) Kneeling Hamstring Stretch 8) Prone Shoulder Stretch 9) Lying Active Thoracic Spine Rotation

coach-avatar Taylor Haney

USAW L1, Spartan SGX Coach, TBXM Advanced Youth Coach Obstacle Course Racer, Captain of Team Reach

Busy Dad Series 1