This program was built at the request of our local police department. There is a large amount of aspiring police officers that are struggling to pass their physical exam and we want to help. We have helped a handful already find huge success with weight loss and improving the aspects of fitness the departments are going to test.
This 6 week program should help fill a ton of gaps in fitness getting these LEO applicants stronger, faster, and more fit for duty.
DB Bench Press
3 x 10
Single arm DB Push Press
3 x 10
DB Bent Over Row
3 x 10
3 rounds for time : -10 hand release push ups - 400 m run - 10 v ups
8 sets: Run 30-seconds Walk 60-seconds ----- Rest 1-minute ----- 8 sets: Run 30-seconds Walk 60-seconds ----- DONE!
Goblet Squat
3 x 10
DB Good Morning + Shrug
3 x 10
Db Crossbody Hammer Curl
3 x 10
3 rounds for time: 20 walking lunges - use your Dbs if you can, if they are to heavy body weight will be fine 20 db hang power cleans
6 sets: Run 45-seconds Walk 90-seconds ----- Rest 1-minute ----- 6 sets: Run 45-seconds Walk 90-seconds ----- DONE!
Death By Manmakers
Death by DB Man makers - every minute perform 1 DB manmaker - every additional minute adds 1 more rep. minute 1 = 1 rep minute 2= 2 reps minute 3=3 reps and so on... This will be challenging. Once you cannot complete the required reps in the minute window you are done. Note the last minute you successfully finish, We will re do this workout! Also when you are finished, take that rep you failed and hit it for 2 more sets with 2 minutes rest between. EX: I failed to complete 8 reps on round 8. - note my score. then, complete 1x8 db manmakers , rest 2 min, and do 1 more set of 8 db manmakers
Russian Twist
3 x 1:00
4 x MAX @ 1:00
4 rounds: 10 DB deadlifts + immediately into farmers carry for max distance. ( may have to grab by the hex to make it harder) rest 2 minutes between sets
DB Hamstring Curl
3 x 10
Db Rollback Tricep extension
3 x 12
Hill Sprint
10 x 0:10
10 sets: Run 60-seconds Walk 2-minutes ----- DONE!
Owner and Head Coach at Iron Cowboy CrossFit. Cooper has been coaching since 2013 and opened his gym in 2015. Cooper works everyday with general population atheltes, high school sports athletes, and private training clients helping them all reach their goals. CF-L2 NSCA CSCS BA- Kinesiology
If you are truly serious about passing your LEO fitness exam to get hired. Look no further. If you are not serious, then I don't think that department would want you anyway.
Get LEO TEST READYLocal deputy
Verified Athlete"I can't speak highly enough about Iron Cowboy and Cooper Palmer for the help and work he's out in to help me achieve my goals. I was preparing to take the physical fitness test to become a LEO. I was overweight and with this program and nutrition my weight came down my run time came down."