This program is for anyone with a light to moderate weight set of dumbbells they can get after it with. If you are limited on time and equipment but dont want to sacrifice your fitness, this is your program. We balance full body strength work, and conditioning pieces with just your body weight and 1 or 2 dumbbells. The program includes detailed notes to get you through the workouts. If you have questions we are right there at your fingertips to message for answers. The program is 4 workouts per week. Its simple in regards to equipment and how to follow along, however be prepared to get to work!
DB Bench Press
3 x 10
Single arm DB Push Press
3 x 10
DB Bent Over Row
3 x 10
3 rounds for time : -10 hand release push ups - 400 m run - 10 v ups
Goblet Squat
3 x 10
DB Good Morning + Shrug
3 x 10
Db Crossbody Hammer Curl
3 x 10
3 rounds for time: 20 walking lunges - use your Dbs if you can, if they are to heavy body weight will be fine 20 db hang power cleans
Death By Manmakers
Death by DB Man makers - every minute perform 1 DB manmaker - every additional minute adds 1 more rep. minute 1 = 1 rep minute 2= 2 reps minute 3=3 reps and so on... This will be challenging. Once you cannot complete the required reps in the minute window you are done. Note the last minute you successfully finish, We will re do this workout! Also when you are finished, take that rep you failed and hit it for 2 more sets with 2 minutes rest between. EX: I failed to complete 8 reps on round 8. - note my score. then, complete 1x8 db manmakers , rest 2 min, and do 1 more set of 8 db manmakers
Russian Twist
3 x 1:00
4 rounds: 10 DB deadlifts + immediately into farmers carry for max distance. ( may have to grab by the hex to make it harder) rest 2 minutes between sets
DB Hamstring Curl
3 x 10
Db Rollback Tricep extension
3 x 12
Hill Sprint
10 x 0:10
Cooper has owned and operated his own gym for 5 years. He holds his Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. He is CSCS ( certified strength and conditioning specialist) certified with the NSCA. He has attended multiple other certifications on top of practicing what he preaches. Cooper played collegiate football where he found his passion for training to improve.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
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Verified Athlete"This is a great program and very easy to follow!"