Train With Lindsay

Elite Health & Fitness LLC

Functional Fitness, General Fitness
Lindsay Pearl

Through my own fitness journey, I've realized that besides the right training program, and an amazing coach, you need a no BS training partner to push you in your journey.

If you've been looking for all 3 of those, you've finally found the right place.

By joining our community you'll gain access to an amazing training program, written by an amazing coach, Lindsay Pearl (me), and an absolutely no BS training partner.

If you need motivation to get up, and get in shape, day in and day out, you've found the right place.

If you're sick of wasting time, and failing to get the body you want, you've found the right place.

If you've been baffled on how all of theses people can be so fit, and you're looking to get that sleek look, let's do this together.

If you're walking around the gym, still unsure on how to use that hour you gave yourself for a workout, I can show you the way.

This community is not a half-ass, walk in the park, instead, we're training hard for 5 days a week, and getting real results.

In this community, you're apart of a team.

Your first 7 days are on me, and all I ask is that you commit to the process, and work hard.

And invite some friends!

A Training Schedule That Fits Your Needs
Stop training every single day, only to end up exhausted, frustrated, and further from your goals. Train With Lindsay will put you on the right path to the results you deserve for only 60 minutes a day, and 5 days per week.
A Community of Woman That Gets You
Even if you're training alone, our community is going through the same training at the same time. Go ahead and hop on the community message board with any questions, success stories, and offer support when your teammates need it.
A Coach That Understands You (Me)
I've been where you are for too long. Not knowing exactly what to do, how to do it, why things aren't working, or how much to train are NOT things you should have to deal with. I'll give detailed instructions everyday, so there is no guessing on what to do, how to do it, what order to do things, or how much is enough training to get the results you deserve.
$1 A Day
I'm giving you access to everything, and my 12 years of training experience for $1 a day. That makes this a truly easy yes for you and your friends, who are not seeing the results you want as you walk aimlessly around the gym. Plus the first 7 days are completely free on me!
Access to your coaches
Direct messaging to me for any, and all questions!
Programming 5 days per week
5 workouts per week. Mixing it up between lower body, upper body, and full body workouts.
You'll both be inspired and inspire others by being a member of the community. We truly push each other to be our best selves!
Exercise Video Guidance
Every exercise comes with a video of myself demostrating the exercise so you never have to worry about performing an exercise incorrectly again!
Detailed, expert instruction
Besides the videos, and messages. I will give you guidance on anything you need.
Committed Teammates
Let's do this as a team!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
No more PDF's. You'll be able to connect to your teammates, track your progress, and acheive your goals all through an easy to use app.
Dumbbells // Kettlebells // Bands // Jump Rope // Cardio Equipment
Barbell // Access to a Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready



EMOM x 4min E: 50 Double Unders (100 singles) O: 15/12 cal row (can also bike, 200m run, or 12 burpees) EMOM x 4min E: 15 Double DB Swings (modify with 1 db or kb) O: 5 DB Hang Power Cleans + 5 DB Push Press + 5 DB Thrusters EMOM x 4min E: 50 Double Unders (100 singles) O: 15/12 cal row (can also bike, 200m run, or 12 burpees) EMOM x 4min E: 15 Double DB Swings (modify with 1 db or kb) O: 5 DB Hang Power Cleans + 5 DB Push Press + 5 DB Thrusters EMOM x 4min E: 50 Double Unders (100 singles) O: 15/12 cal row (can also bike, 200m run, or 12 burpees) EMOM x 4min E: 15 Double DB Swings (modify with 1 db or kb) O: 5 DB Hang Power Cleans + 5 DB Push Press + 5 DB Thrusters



Rest 5 minutes between sections: 5 Rounds: 20 seconds max L sit DB Press (can also do hand stand pushups if you are able to) 10 second rest 20 seconds max bench dips 10 seconds rest 20 seconds max push ups 10 seconds rest




2 Rounds: 40 seconds work/20 seconds rest each movement so this pieces is a total of 8 minutes. For the lunge, hold 1 DB ideally overhead. Focus on keeping core braced and arm locked out the entire time. if you cannot maintain that position, bring db to shoulder and do the front rack hold. Whichever arm is holding dumbbell is the side you do your side plank on to get a little extra shoulder burn. Single Arm Overhead Lunge (right side) Side Plank (right side) Single Arm Overhead Lunge (left side) Side Plank (left side(



EMOM (every minute on the minute) x 6 minutes perform both movements each minute so 3-5 curtsy lunge each leg + 20 jumping jacks. For the curtsy, you can alternate or complete all reps on one side and then the other. Can hold 2 dbs or 1 in goblet hold. Make sure to drop knee all the way down and maintain a vertical torso. Can do bodyweight to modify 3-5 Curtsy Lunge (each side) 20 Jumping Jacks



8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) this section is all bodyweight, you are meant to keep moving, get that heart rate up. Make sure to keep core engaged on mountain climbers 20 Walking Lunges ( 20 each side so 40 total) 8 Push ups 25 Mountain Climbers ( each side so 50 total)



Finally just a simple cardio/core 8 minute emom 8 minute EMOM E: 10 cal row (bike, ski, 200m run, 10 burpees) O: 20 Alternating Vups (20 total, 10 each side)




5 Rounds (35 minutes total) 40 seconds rowing ( goal: 12-18 cals) same rep goal if biking or doing up downs 20 sec rest 40 sec DB Bench Press (goal 10-12 reps) 20 sec rest 40 sec DB Situps (goal 10-12 reps) key here is to keep db on chest, DO NOT lift it off the chest, can anchor feet under dumbbells as well 20 sec rest 40 sec assault bike (goal 12-18 cals) 20 sec rest 40 sec DB Deadlifts (goal 10-12 reps) make sure both sides of db touch ground 20 sec rest 40 sec Box Jumps (goal 15-20 reps) if no box do squat jumps, modify with step ups 20 sec rest 40 sec db push press (goal 10-15 reps) 20 sec rest some weight recommendations: Men: Bench Press: 45-50lbs DB SIt Up: 45-50 lbs DB Deadlift: 50-70 lbs DB Push Press: 45-50lbs Women: Bench: 20-30lbs Sit ups: 20-30lbs Deadlift: 35-50lbs Push Press: 25-35lbs




50 DB Power Cleans (one side of db touches ground) *Every minute you complete 7 vups or tuck ups. Start the workout with the vups 50 Front Squats (dumbbells or barbell) *every minute you complete 7 american kbs (all the way over head) 50 V-ups or tuck ups *every minute you complete 5 DB Power Cleans 50 American KBS *every minute you complete 5 Front Squats (dumbbells or barbell)



5 Single Arm DB Sit ups (right arm, push db towards ceiling, engage core the entire time, try not to use db to sit up, arm stays locked out the entire time 5 Single arm DB Situps (left arm) 5 DB Situps (both arms) 30 Low Plank Mountain Climbers (15 per side) 30 Penguins (15 per side) 30 Low Plank Mountain Climbers 5 Single arm db situps (right) 5 single arm db situps (left) 5 db situps (both arms)




0-5 minutes 500m row (400m run) 20 DB Thrusters (choose a weight that you can keep moving) 5-10 minutes 3 Rounds: 10 Burpees 50 DU (100 singles) 10-15 minutes 50 Box Step Ups (25 each leg, hold 1 DB however you like) 15-20 minutes 500m row (400m run) 20 DB Thrusters 20-25 minutes 3 Rounds 10 Burpees 50 DU (100 singles) 25-30 minutes 50 Box Step Ups 30-35 minutes 500m row (400m run) 20 DB Thrusters


DB Front Raise

3 x 15


DB Lateral Raise

3 x 15


Band Pull-Apart

3 x 20

coach-avatar Lindsay Pearl

Lindsay Pearl is a ACSM certified personal trainer, CF-L2 coach, nutrition specialist, and mother of 4. She has over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. In 2018 after having her 4th child, she decided to make a major change to her fitness regime, and had an amazing transformation losing 40 pounds over 2 years, and gaining 15 pounds in lean muscle mass.

Join the Team Today!

You'll get the first 7 days for free and then have full access to our community, coaching, training, and so much more for $1 per day!

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
Is Lindsay actually coaching us?
Absolutely. I'm writing the workouts each week. I'll follow your results, and will respond to any all messages you send directly to me as well as keeping an eye on the community messaging board.
How long does each workout actually take?
I am writing the program for both the community as well as myself, and I know we both live busy lives. Having kids is no easy task. Expect the training to fit our busy schedules. Each session will take 60 minutes or less, and there will be 5 sessions per week.
What should I do once I reach my goal?
Great question! Keep training with us as everything we do in the program can be scaled up or down, meaning we can make it more or less challenging dependent upon your level. My hopes is that once you get the results you deserve, you invite your friends to come train with you!
What does it mean to join this community?
I've set this up to truly be a community where everyone encourages each other. You will simply be put right into the training so that you don't miss a beat with the whole group which means you will be doing today's training. Everyone in the community has the same plan and community message board.
Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

Train With Lindsay
Train With Lindsay
Train With Lindsay
Train With Lindsay