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Functional Fitness, General Fitness, Bodybuilding, Strength & Conditioning
Tanner Shuck

New to exercise? Or not sure what to do at the gym?

Tired of not getting results?

The Baseline Program is perfect program for beginner/moderate level athletes to build FOUNDATIONAL strength with both the barbell and your bodyweight!

With 3 total-body strength & conditioning workouts each week, and 40-50 minutes/session, this program is PERFECT busy people to maximize their time in the gym so you can get in, get out, and get on with your life!

Plus, as an added bonus, you get the TrueStrength Meal Plan & CUSTOM calories/macros for FREE!

When you pair the perfect training program with an ideal nutrition plan, there's NO EXCUSE not to reach your goals.

(whatever your goals might be)

We will build your BASE with squats, deadlifts, presses, push-ups, pull-ups, rows with the proper regressions and progressions scalable for ANY ability level.

So whether you're new to the gym, or just looking to get the most "bang for your buck" in your workouts, The Baseline Program has got you covered!

So if you’re ready to see REAL RESULTS, then stop mindlessly exercising and start TRAINING- join the Baseline Team today!

Get Insane VALUE
When you sign up, you get unlimited access & support from me in the app & FB. This also includes my complimentary TrueStrength Meal Plan & Custom Calorie/Macro Calculator to show you exactly what/how much to eat! This also teaches you how to build simple, sensible, & SUSTAINABLE nutrition habits FOREVER. When you pair up the perfect training & nutrition plan, I guarantee you'll crush your goals.
Build Your BASE!
New to strength training or been out of the game for awhile? Perfect! Want to master strict push-ups? Or get that elusive strict pull-up? You can! Baseline is the perfect program for you to build and improve foundational strength!
Know your "WHY"
With 10+ years of coaching experience, I've realized the majority of people just want to feel good, look good, and be HEALTHY! The Baseline Program simplifies training with effective and efficient workouts to accomplish those goals! Afterall, there's more to life than fitness, but fitness certainly adds more to life!
A Program for ANYONE and EVERYONE!
Our needs as humans do not very by kind, only by degree. The Baseline Program is a tried and proven program prioritizin fundamental movement patterns with the proper regressions & progressions scalable to any ability level.
With just 3 Total-Body Strength & Conditioning Workouts each week, you're able to get the perfect amount of both volume and frequency. This is BY FAR my favorite training split for 99% of people as it allows you to get stronger, fitter, and maximize recovery. The best part?! You don't have to live in the gym to get AMAZING RESULTS!! Just 3 hours a week is all you really need!
Unlimited & Direct Support from ME!!
I am here for you every step of the way to hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow and improve!
Programming 3 days per week
Expect 3 Total-Body and 2 optional aerobic workouts each week. Baseline is a perfect program challenging for athletes of any level or background.
Exercise Video Guidance
Includes detailed Instructional videos with me demonstrating every single workout & exercise to guide you and make execution flawless and easy.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond sets and reps, I'll give you the small (but important) details you'll need in each training session so that you get the exact right stimulus.
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep accountable and pushing you to unlock your best!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. I am able to push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Barbell + Plates+Rack // Dumbbells // Your Body
Cardio Machines (rower, assault bike, jump rope)
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready



2 rounds of: 1 min easy walk or jog on treadmill/row/stationary bike (your choice) 10 air squats 5 inch worms


Back Squat

5, 3, 1, 10, 10, 10 @ 45, 55, 65, 65, 65, 65 %


Lat Pull Down

3 x 12


Incline DB bench press

3 x 12


Decline Bench Sit-Up

3 x 12



**Choose between Option A or Option B!! *CHOOSE ONE OPTION ONLY!! Option A) For time: 21-15-9 Calorie row WB shots (20/14) *200m run/8 lateral burpees over the rower after each round! Option B) Work Intervals EMOM x10 alternating minutes: odd: Max distance row/bike/run/ski-erg (your choice, but choose 1 machine only!) even: REST *5x through this circuit Notes: *EMOM=Every minute on the minute *this is a simple workout that's essentially 1 minute of work and 1 minute of rest repeated for 5 rounds total. It will take exactly 10 minutes!


Optional Conditioning


Choose between A,B, or C -CHOOSE 1 OPTION ONLY!! Option A) 4 or 5 rounds of: 15 sec jog 15 sec fast walk 30 sec jog 30 sec fast walk 45 sec jog 45 sec fast walk 60 sec jog 60 sec fast walk *1 min easy walk between rounds * *Simple fun jog/walk workout where the entire point is to keep you engaged and focused on the clock and it will make the time go by faster I swear! Option B) 30 sec on/30 sec rest x30 minutes 1)Run 2) assault bike 3) row 4) ski -erg 5) Box step-ups 6) Dynamic stretch of your choice *5 rounds through this circuit to promote blood flow and recovery *if no machines, then just modify to easy dynamic movements such as: -slow perfect air squats -controlled burpees -reverse lunges -single skips w/jump rope Option C) Go for a leisurely bike ride/swim/walk or just try and accumulate 8-10k steps throughout the day!




2 rounds of: 15 calorie row/bike/ski (your choice) 10 banded goodmornings 5 PVC Passthroughs


DeadStop Deadlift

5, 3, 1, 10, 10, 10 @ 45, 55, 65, 65, 65, 65 %


Seated DB Strict Press

3 x 12



3 x 8


Lying Leg Lifts

3 x 15



**Choose between Option A or Option B!! *CHOOSE ONE OPTION ONLY!! Option A) 8 min AMRAP of: 3 rounds of: 16/12 calorie assault bike 16 alternating DB snatch -then max double unders/single skips with time remaining in the 8 minutes! Option B) Work Intervals 8x250m row *30 sec rest between intervals *goal is fastest overall time Notes: *program rowing monitor as select workout >new workout>intervals>distance>250m>30 sec rest>hit the checkmark box *if you have questions let me now and I'll send your a video.


Optional Conditioning


Choose between A,B, or C -CHOOSE 1 OPTION ONLY!! Option A) For time: 50 calorie row 25 WB shots (20lb) 40 calorie row 20 WB shots 30 calorie row 15 WB shots 20 calorie row 10 WB shots 10 calorie row 5 WB shots Option B) 30 sec on/30 sec rest x30 minutes 1)Run 2) assault bike 3) row 4) ski -erg 5) Box step-ups 6) Dynamic stretch of your choice *5 rounds through this circuit to promote blood flow and recovery *if no machines, then just modify to easy dynamic movements such as: -slow perfect air squats -controlled burpees -reverse lunges -single skips w/jump rope Option C) Go for a leisurely bike ride/swim/walk or just try and accumulate 8-10k steps throughout the day!




2 rounds of: 1 min easy walk or jog on treadmill/row/stationary bike (your choice) 10 walking lunges 5 strict push-ups on ground or with hands on elevated surface!


Barbell Bench Press

5, 3, 1, 10, 10, 10 @ 45, 55, 65, 65, 65, 65 %


Bodyweight Inverted Row

3 x 12


DB Walking Lunge

3 x 12


MIddle Plank Hold

3 x 30



**Choose between Option A or Option B!! *CHOOSE ONE OPTION ONLY!! Option A) For time: 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest x12 alternating rounds: odd: 30 sec max distance sled/box push even: 30 sec max calorie ski-erg/row (ski-erg preferably) *if no sled, just do 30 on/30 off of the ski-erg/row every round Option B) Stair Mill 5 rounds of: (10 minutes total) 1 min moderate pace (NO HANDS ON RAILS) 1 min slow pace hands on rails *these stair mills are amazing, they are hard AF, but perfect for a big man like you, and not hard on the joints

coach-avatar Tanner Shuck

I tend to have a serious demeanor only because I am serious about making people stronger, healthier, and improving the quality of their life. We all have ONE life to live and we should all aspire to LIVE WITH PURPOSE. For me, What is most important is teaching people how to become the very best versions of themselves through health and fitness.

Your health is the best investment you can make.

We all pay a price. We pay a price to be fit and healthy. We also pay a price to be overweight and metabolically sick. Remember, if you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for your sickness.

Get Baseline
When should I join the Team?
Now! Jump right into today's training session with the rest of the team. One of the best parts about the Baseline Program is that ANYONE can start it at ANYTIME! Just keep in mind that this is a long-term journey, but your teammates and myself are here for you every step of the way!
How long does each session take?
40-50 minutes max. We'll get in, get after it, and get out. That's why this is the perfect program for busy people on the go. I know how valuable your time is and the best part YOU REALLY ONLY NEED 2-3 HOURS/WEEK!!
What if I miss a workout?
Don't worry!! Life happens. Just get back to it as soon as you're able. That's the best part about the Baseline Program! It's really only 3 workouts each week!! As long as you consistently hit 2-3 total body strength workouts week in and week out, you will be AMAZED how much progress you'll make!
Are you really coaching the team?
Yes! I program your training and monitor how you and your teammates are doing. I message the team each and every week! Whenever you have a question, it's REALLY ME answering your question directly! I will ALWAYS serve you to the best of my ability, and be the best coach for you that I can be.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Kam Vernon

Baseline Member/Oil and Gas

Verified Athlete

"The Baseline Program was exactly what I needed to get back in shape! I struggled to to balance work/life/family and my health suffered as a result. The 3-day total body split worked perfectly for my busy schedule and I can't believe how much better I feel and look after just 8 weeks of training!"

verified-athlete-avatar Saurabh Bafna

Baseline Member/Financial Planner

Verified Athlete

"I followed Tanner on social media for awhile and I loved his brutally honest approach to health and fitness. Tired of never getting results, I signed up to his Baseline program and I can honestly say I've made more progress in 4 months on this program than I have in 4 years when training on my own."

verified-athlete-avatar Sarah Briek

Baseline Member and Primary Teacher

Verified Athlete

"I always found the gym a scary and intimidating place. The Baseline Program gave me the confidence I desperately needed to start my health and fitness journey. With way Tanner has simplified both the training and nutrition, I'm feeling more confident than ever and am already down over 15lbs!"

Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.
