Hard Way Fitness Tribe - Fundamentals

The Hard Way Fitness

Multi-sport, Women's Training, Combat Sports
Stephen Mooney

Hard Way Fitness Fundamentals is a no-equipment, bodyweight-only program designed for those starting out, restarting their fitness journey, or looking for a new challenge. This 10-week program offers a balanced mix of strength, conditioning, and cardio sessions, ensuring comprehensive fitness development. Each week, you'll engage in two alternating strength-focused sessions that keep you on your toes, a dedicated conditioning session, and a cardio session. Our unique Friday 'Test Workout' approach means you’ll face a new metabolic conditioning challenge each week, pushing you to progress and finish the week strong.

All exercises and programming in the Fundamentals program are designed to be "pick-up-and-go" for all fitness levels, making it accessible and scalable for everyone.

Start your journey with Hard Way Fitness Fundamentals and transform your fitness the Hard Way. Join our community on TrainHeroic today!

Comprehensive Fitness Development
This program includes strength, conditioning, and cardio sessions each week, ensuring a well-rounded approach to improving overall fitness, endurance, and muscular strength.
No Equipment Required
Designed to be accessible for everyone, this program requires no equipment, making it perfect for those who want to work out at home or on the go without the need for special gear.
Weekly Varied Workouts
Alternating strength-focused sessions and unique Friday 'Test Workouts' keep the routine fresh and engaging, preventing workout monotony and continually challenging the body.
Suitable for All Levels
Whether you're starting out, restarting, or seeking a new challenge, this program offers scalable exercises and clear instructions, making it adaptable to any fitness level.
Progress Tracking
The weekly 'Challenge Workouts' provide a measurable way to track your progress, ensuring you stay motivated and can see tangible improvements in your fitness journey. The program ends with a 'Hell Week' of 3 challenging workouts.
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 5 days per week
The programme is designed over a 5-day split but can be adjusted if needed.
Mental Exercises
The programme has certain workouts, in particular the test weeks that will push you mentally.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
There is clear, concise instruction in both text and video format to keep you on track.
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best. Ask to join our Discord and follow us on social media.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Excels and PDFs are a thing of the past. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all via the app.
Just your own body and some discipline
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 10-week program
Strength Training 1


Heroic Warm-up



1:00, 0:45, 0:30


Shoulder Taps

0:30, 0:35, 0:40


Chair Dips

3 x 0:30


Inverted Row Using Table or Chair

3 x 8


Mountain Climber

3 x 0:20


Hollow Rock

3 x 0:20

Conditioning Session 


Heroic Warm-up

HWF Fundamentals Conditioning Circuit


Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds rest; complete 3 to 5 rounds Each week increase either the number of rounds or exercise time by 5-10 seconds. By week 9 you should be doing several rounds of more than 30 seconds. -Jumping Jacks -Push-Ups (as many as possible within 30 seconds) -Squat Jumps -Bicycle Crunches -High Knees -Plank to Push-Up Rest for 2-3 minutes between rounds Cool Down: A light walk, gentle stretching and drink some fluids.

Strength Training 2


Heroic Warm-up


Air Squat

3 x 1:00


Walking Lunges

3 x 1:00


Glute Bridge

3 x 15


Calf Raise

3 x 15


Leg Raises

3 x 0:30


Side Plank

3 x 0:20

Cardio Training 


Heroic Warm-up



1 x 20:00

Friday Challenge!


Heroic Warm-up

Sizzler Circuit


Exercises: Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers Instructions: Perform 40 seconds of Jumping Jacks, rest for 20 seconds, then perform 40 seconds of Mountain Climbers, rest for 20 seconds. Repeat for 20 rounds. Total Time: 30 minutes (40 seconds work + 20 seconds rest for each exercise, 2 exercises per round, 20 rounds)

coach-avatar Stephen Mooney

I help people get the body they want in the time they have. We do what we can, with what we have and where ever we are. My business is the Hard the Way Fitness. If you want to see what you are capable of, check us out and commit to greatness.

Get the Fundamentals Nailed

Join the Hard Way Fitness Fundamentals and embrace a structured, bodyweight program that balances strength, conditioning, and cardio. Perfect for beginners and those looking to restart. Begin your fitness transformation today with a community that supports

Get Hard Way Fitness Tribe - Fundamentals
What equipment do I need for this program?
No equipment is needed. The program is designed to be bodyweight-only, making it accessible for home workouts or on-the-go fitness without any special gear.
Is this program suitable for beginners?
Yes, the Hard Way Fitness Fundamentals program is suitable for all fitness levels. Exercises are scalable, with variations provided to accommodate beginners and those looking for a new challenge.
How long does each workout session last?
Each workout session is designed to last between 45 to 60 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down periods.
How many days per week will I be training?
The program includes five sessions per week: two strength-focused sessions, one conditioning session, one cardio session and a challenge workout.
What is the 'Test Workout' on Fridays?
The 'Test Workout' is a weekly metabolic conditioning challenge designed to push your limits and track your progress. Completing these challenges helps you advance through the program.
Can I follow this program if I have previous injuries?
It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have previous injuries. The program includes scalable exercises, but modifications may be necessary based on your specific condition.
How do I track my progress in this program?
TrainHeroic will store a record of all your achievements! Additionally progress can be tracked through the weekly 'Test Workouts' and personal performance improvements in strength, endurance, and cardio sessions. Regular self-assessment helps monitor progress.
Is there a warm-up included in the workouts?
Yes, each workout session includes a comprehensive warm-up to prepare your body for exercise and reduce the risk of injury.
What if I miss a workout session?
If you miss a session, try to complete it the next day. Consistency is key, but it's also important to listen to your body and ensure adequate recovery.
How do I join the Hard Way Fitness community on TrainHeroic?
You can join the Hard Way Fitness community by signing up for the program on the TrainHeroic app and getting a weeks free trial. The community offers support, motivation, and interaction with coaches and fellow participants.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Dublin City exiles

Rugby Team

Verified Athlete

""Stephen at the Hard Way Fitness trained the senior exiles team for a couple of sessions as part of warm-up preparation for training mid-season, feedback was always positive and there was a particular lunging, squatting and push-up sequence the lads won't forget anytime soon."."

verified-athlete-avatar Małgorzata

Got my Fitness Back

Verified Athlete

"4 kids means time is of the essence for me when it comes to training. Hard Way Fitness analysed my week and found two spots for me to train and with a little bit of planning I was able to implement it, the accountability helped a lot. The Programme was exactly what I needed."

verified-athlete-avatar Agnieszka

Mother of 2

Verified Athlete

""I've used the Hard Way Fitness for my training needs for several years now, including before, during and after two pregnancies. It's enabled me to train long term, stay injury free and keep fit. Can't recommend the Hard Way Fitness enough for online training and support.""

verified-athlete-avatar Eric

Founder, Velacor

Verified Athlete

"Maintaining fitness was difficult considering my desk job. The discipline and routine of this programme ensured I was fit and ready. Staying disciplined over the programme through me resilience and there is real accountability. it made showing up for training so much easier."

Hard Way Fitness Tribe - Fundamentals