Barbell Beast Strength Programme

The Hard Way Fitness

General Fitness, Strength & Conditioning, Women's Training
Stephen Mooney

Immerse yourself in the "Barbell Beast Strength Programme," a meticulously designed 12-week journey tailored for barbell fans. The foundation of this program rests on enhancing your prowess in the big lifts: the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Each week, you'll be guided through strategic variations of these exercises, boosting not just power but also technique and resilience. Week one starts with an assessment of your one-rep max, setting the stage for personalized progression. Our program's structure ensures a blend of core lifts and targeted auxiliary movements, thoughtfully selected for balanced development. With a blend of visual and textual instruction, each session flows from a dynamic warm-up to a restorative cool-down. Evolving from our proven "Kettlebell Hell Volume 1," this program is a crucible that forges strength and cements your bond with the barbell, underpinned by the wisdom of seasoned coaches and the success stories of our clients. Join us to elevate your training and become a Barbell Beast.

Embrace the Barbell
Through consistent barbell lifting and progressive overload, barbell training significantly increases muscle hypertrophy. Over time, this can lead to visibly toned muscles and an overall sculpted physique, it's a great skill to have and provides endless satisfying workouts.
Resilient Body, Resilient Mind
Through barbell training, Hard Way Fitness not only aims to sculpt your physique but also toughen your mindset. Regular lifting builds physical strength, while overcoming challenging sets fosters mental grit and resilience, essential for daily challenges.
Everyday Ease, Powered Performance
Lifting weights isn't just for athletes. The strength and balance gained from barbell training with Hard Way Fitness mean daily tasks, from rough housing with the kids to chasing after a bus, become significantly easier. Train hard, live easy.
Beyond Fitness, A Way of Life
Hard Way Fitness believes in holistic growth. Beyond just physical strength, barbell training releases endorphins, uplifting mood and combatting stress. It’s more than just a fitness routine; it's about cultivating a balanced, fulfilled life.
Challenge Today, Triumph Tomorrow
At Hard Way Fitness, we believe that the challenges you face in training pave the path for tomorrow's victories. Barbell training, with its progressive intensity, embodies this principle. As you lift, push, and challenge yourself, you're not just building a physique but also cultivating a spirit of perseverance, preparing you to tackle life's hurdles with newfound confidence and capability.
Access to your coaches
Contact your coach via the app as needed, we're here to help.
Programming 3 days per week
The programme is designed over a 3-day split but can be adjusted if needed.
Mental Exercises
The programme has certain workouts are there to push you, to help you grow.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
There is clear, concise instruction in both text and video format to keep you on track.
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best. Ask to join our Discord and follow us on social media.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Excels and PDFs are a thing of the past. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all via the app.
Squat Rack & Barbells // Assorted weight plates
This plan works best in a well equipped gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
1Rep Max Testing



1 x 1000



Total Body Flow Warm-Up:

Cycle through this sequence for a few minutes, allowing each movement to flow into the next. By the end, you'll feel invigorated, warmed up, and primed for the challenges ahead. There is no set reps for each movement, do as many or as few as you feel are needed. Deep Squat to Reach: Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Sink into a deep squat, pushing your knees out and keeping your chest up. While in the squat, raise both arms overhead, lengthening the spine and stretching the chest. Return to standing and repeat. Lunge with a Twist: Step into a forward lunge position. As you descend, rotate your torso towards the lunging leg, extending the opposite arm outward. Push off the front foot to return to standing, then switch sides. This movement integrates lower body activation with thoracic mobility. Inchworm to Plank: From a standing position, hinge at the waist and place your hands on the ground in front of your feet. Walk your hands forward until you reach a plank position. Engage your core, ensuring a straight line from head to heels. Walk your hands back towards your feet and stand up, stretching the hamstrings and activating the core. Scorpion Kicks: Lie face down with arms outstretched to the sides, forming a T shape. Lift one leg off the ground and rotate your hips to touch the lifted foot towards the opposite hand. Return to the starting position and switch sides. This dynamic movement promotes hip mobility and opens up the chest and front of the shoulders. Bear Crawl: Start on all fours with your knees just above the ground. Move forward using opposite arm and leg pairs, keeping the back flat and hips stable. After a few steps forward, reverse and crawl backward. This movement challenges coordination and warms up the shoulders, core, and quads.



Barbell Bliss Warm-Up Routine:

Barbell Bliss Warm-Up Routine: Begin with an unloaded barbell and move through the following sequence of exercises, designed to activate and mobilize key muscle groups essential for barbell training: Romanian Deadlifts – 5 reps: Primarily targets the posterior chain, including hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This movement helps in enhancing hip hinge mechanics. Bent Over Rows – 5 reps: Engages the muscles of the upper back, lats, and biceps, promoting a strong and stable upper body pull. Hang Power Cleans – 5 reps: A total-body movement focusing on the hips, thighs, and shoulders, which also instills proper clean mechanics without the need for a high-speed pull under the bar. Front Squats – 5 reps: Works the quads, glutes, and core, while also reinforcing the front rack position essential for cleans and thrusters. Overhead Presses – 5 reps: Directly targets the shoulders and triceps, ensuring a sturdy overhead push and stability. After completing the sequence, rest for a period of 30-45 seconds. This short break allows for a slight recovery while maintaining an elevated heart rate. Repeat the entire circuit two more times for a total of 3 sets.


Back Squat

8, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1 @ 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 %


Rack Pull

8, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1 @ 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 %

Walk Complementing Lower Body Focus Day



1 x 45:00

1 Rep Max Testing Day



1 x 1000



Total Body Flow Warm-Up:

Cycle through this sequence for a few minutes, allowing each movement to flow into the next. By the end, you'll feel invigorated, warmed up, and primed for the challenges ahead. There is no set reps for each movement, do as many or as few as you feel are needed. Deep Squat to Reach: Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Sink into a deep squat, pushing your knees out and keeping your chest up. While in the squat, raise both arms overhead, lengthening the spine and stretching the chest. Return to standing and repeat. Lunge with a Twist: Step into a forward lunge position. As you descend, rotate your torso towards the lunging leg, extending the opposite arm outward. Push off the front foot to return to standing, then switch sides. This movement integrates lower body activation with thoracic mobility. Inchworm to Plank: From a standing position, hinge at the waist and place your hands on the ground in front of your feet. Walk your hands forward until you reach a plank position. Engage your core, ensuring a straight line from head to heels. Walk your hands back towards your feet and stand up, stretching the hamstrings and activating the core. Scorpion Kicks: Lie face down with arms outstretched to the sides, forming a T shape. Lift one leg off the ground and rotate your hips to touch the lifted foot towards the opposite hand. Return to the starting position and switch sides. This dynamic movement promotes hip mobility and opens up the chest and front of the shoulders. Bear Crawl: Start on all fours with your knees just above the ground. Move forward using opposite arm and leg pairs, keeping the back flat and hips stable. After a few steps forward, reverse and crawl backward. This movement challenges coordination and warms up the shoulders, core, and quads.



Barbell Bliss Warm-Up Routine:

Barbell Bliss Warm-Up Routine: Begin with an unloaded barbell and move through the following sequence of exercises, designed to activate and mobilize key muscle groups essential for barbell training: Romanian Deadlifts – 5 reps: Primarily targets the posterior chain, including hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This movement helps in enhancing hip hinge mechanics. Bent Over Rows – 5 reps: Engages the muscles of the upper back, lats, and biceps, promoting a strong and stable upper body pull. Hang Power Cleans – 5 reps: A total-body movement focusing on the hips, thighs, and shoulders, which also instills proper clean mechanics without the need for a high-speed pull under the bar. Front Squats – 5 reps: Works the quads, glutes, and core, while also reinforcing the front rack position essential for cleans and thrusters. Overhead Presses – 5 reps: Directly targets the shoulders and triceps, ensuring a sturdy overhead push and stability. After completing the sequence, rest for a period of 30-45 seconds. This short break allows for a slight recovery while maintaining an elevated heart rate. Repeat the entire circuit two more times for a total of 3 sets.


Bench Press

8, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1 @ 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 %

Walk Complementing Lower Body Focus Day



1 x 45:00

Deadlift Day



1 x 1000



Total Body Flow Warm-Up:

Cycle through this sequence for a few minutes, allowing each movement to flow into the next. By the end, you'll feel invigorated, warmed up, and primed for the challenges ahead. There is no set reps for each movement, do as many or as few as you feel are needed. Deep Squat to Reach: Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Sink into a deep squat, pushing your knees out and keeping your chest up. While in the squat, raise both arms overhead, lengthening the spine and stretching the chest. Return to standing and repeat. Lunge with a Twist: Step into a forward lunge position. As you descend, rotate your torso towards the lunging leg, extending the opposite arm outward. Push off the front foot to return to standing, then switch sides. This movement integrates lower body activation with thoracic mobility. Inchworm to Plank: From a standing position, hinge at the waist and place your hands on the ground in front of your feet. Walk your hands forward until you reach a plank position. Engage your core, ensuring a straight line from head to heels. Walk your hands back towards your feet and stand up, stretching the hamstrings and activating the core. Scorpion Kicks: Lie face down with arms outstretched to the sides, forming a T shape. Lift one leg off the ground and rotate your hips to touch the lifted foot towards the opposite hand. Return to the starting position and switch sides. This dynamic movement promotes hip mobility and opens up the chest and front of the shoulders. Bear Crawl: Start on all fours with your knees just above the ground. Move forward using opposite arm and leg pairs, keeping the back flat and hips stable. After a few steps forward, reverse and crawl backward. This movement challenges coordination and warms up the shoulders, core, and quads.



Barbell Bliss Warm-Up Routine:

Barbell Bliss Warm-Up Routine: Begin with an unloaded barbell and move through the following sequence of exercises, designed to activate and mobilize key muscle groups essential for barbell training: Romanian Deadlifts – 5 reps: Primarily targets the posterior chain, including hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This movement helps in enhancing hip hinge mechanics. Bent Over Rows – 5 reps: Engages the muscles of the upper back, lats, and biceps, promoting a strong and stable upper body pull. Hang Power Cleans – 5 reps: A total-body movement focusing on the hips, thighs, and shoulders, which also instills proper clean mechanics without the need for a high-speed pull under the bar. Front Squats – 5 reps: Works the quads, glutes, and core, while also reinforcing the front rack position essential for cleans and thrusters. Overhead Presses – 5 reps: Directly targets the shoulders and triceps, ensuring a sturdy overhead push and stability. After completing the sequence, rest for a period of 30-45 seconds. This short break allows for a slight recovery while maintaining an elevated heart rate. Repeat the entire circuit two more times for a total of 3 sets.



8, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1 @ 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 %

Walk Complementing Lower Body Focus Day



1 x 45:00

coach-avatar Stephen Mooney

I help people get the body they want in the time they have. We do what we can, with what we have and where ever we are. My business is the Hard the Way Fitness. If you want to see what you are capable of, check us out and commit to greatness.

Unlock Your Strength Potential

Dive into Barbell Beast and discover a transformative journey tailored for true barbell enthusiasts. With Hard Way Fitness, it's not just about lifting weights; it's about elevating your entire being. Join us and redefine what you're truly capable of.

Get Barbell Beast Strength Programme
Is "Barbell Bliss" suitable for beginners?
This programme is designed to accommodate individuals at various fitness levels, including beginners. The program emphasizes proper form and technique, ensuring a solid foundation. As with any new fitness regimen, beginners should start with lighter weights and progress gradually.
What equipment do I need for this program?
Primarily, you'll need a barbell and an assortment of weight plates. Some exercises might require additional equipment like a squat rack, bench, or trap bar. Having access to a gym with standard weightlifting equipment is ideal for this program.
How many days a week is the training?
The program typically involves training 3 days a week. This includes focused strength training days and active recovery days, like the prescribed three walking sessions, ensuring a balanced approach to fitness.
What if I miss a workout day?
Life happens! If you miss a day, try to make it up when possible. Consistency is key, but it's essential to listen to your body. If cramming in a missed session feels too much, adjust the schedule and ensure you're not overexerting.
Are there any nutritional guidelines included?
While "Barbell Bliss" primarily focuses on strength training, proper nutrition is vital to see optimal results. We recommend consulting with a nutritionist for best results.
How is this program different from other barbell programs?
We test every programme we produce and refine. "Barbell Beast" is uniquely structured, offering a blend of traditional and dynamic exercises. With its 12-week format, periodic variation, and active recovery, it's tailored for holistic growth, ensuring both physical strength and mental resilience.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Jeff

It's all you need

Verified Athlete

""Big lifts, big numbers, and big gains. Having a plan tailored to me is an Awesome feeling, TrainHeroic shows me how I'm doing and combining the Hardway Fitness & TrainHeroic have given me a great awareness of my ability and my potential, kept me very motivated to stay on track.""

verified-athlete-avatar Susan

Rugby Player

Verified Athlete

""Hardway Fitness has changed my training style to a much more efficient and better method. Using the TrainHeroic app made sessions very easy to follow and kept me accountable. I Would highly recommend Hardway Fitness for all levels of experience.""

verified-athlete-avatar Agnieszka

Fitness Addict, Mother of 2

Verified Athlete

""I've used the Hard Way Fitness programme for several years now, including before, during and after both pregnancies. It's enabled me to train long term, stay injury free and keep fit. Can't recommend the Hard Way Fitness enough."

verified-athlete-avatar Dublin City Exiles

Rugby League Team

Verified Athlete

"Stephen at the Hard Way Fitness trained the senior exiles team for a couple of sessions as part of warm-up preparation for training mid-season, feedback was always positive and there was a particular lunging, squatting and push-up sequence the lads won't forget anytime soon."

Barbell Beast Strength Programme