8 weeks
This is an 8-week program that features targeted mobility and strength for the Rotator Cuff.
3 Strength and 5 Mobility sessions are provided per week, and they are separated for ease of use. If the athlete is looking for Rotator Cuff Stability, then they can focus on only the Strength portion of the program. If an athlete requires both strength and mobility work, the athlete should perform the entirety of the program.
Scorpion for Pec Minor
1 x 1:00
Back of the shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Front half of shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Laying on your side. Options: (pick one) 3 sets of 5 reps, 10 reps, or 10 reps with a 5 second hold at the top (easy, medium, hard). No more than 1lb this week unless you have done this before, then you can do 2, or maybe 3.
Rotator Cuff Side-step
10, 8, 6
Shoulder blade retraction
Standing, shoulder blade pull-back and hold - like squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades: Easiest is no resistance medium is with the crossover reds or blues Perform 20 reps, rest when/if you need. Each rep should take about 2 seconds each direction to perform, so you can also set a timer for 1:20 seconds instead.
Scorpion for Pec Minor
1 x 1:00
Back of the shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Front half of shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Scorpion for Pec Minor
1 x 1:00
Back of the shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Front half of shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Laying on your side. Options: (pick one) 3 sets of 5 reps, 10 reps, or 10 reps with a 5 second hold at the top (easy, medium, hard). No more than 1lb this week unless you have done this before, then you can do 2, or maybe 3.
Rotator Cuff Side-step
10, 8, 6
Shoulder blade retraction
Standing, shoulder blade pull-back and hold - like squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades: Easiest is no resistance medium is with the crossover reds or blues Perform 20 reps, rest when/if you need. Each rep should take about 2 seconds each direction to perform, so you can also set a timer for 1:20 seconds instead.
Scorpion for Pec Minor
1 x 1:00
Back of the shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Front half of shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Scorpion for Pec Minor
1 x 1:00
Back of the shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Front half of shoulder blade stretch
1 x 1:00
Laying on your side. Options: (pick one) 3 sets of 5 reps, 10 reps, or 10 reps with a 5 second hold at the top (easy, medium, hard). No more than 1lb this week unless you have done this before, then you can do 2, or maybe 3.
Rotator Cuff Side-step
10, 8, 6
Shoulder blade retraction
Standing, shoulder blade pull-back and hold - like squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades: Easiest is no resistance medium is with the crossover reds or blues Perform 20 reps, rest when/if you need. Each rep should take about 2 seconds each direction to perform, so you can also set a timer for 1:20 seconds instead.