Ruck / Run / Carry 12-Week Train-Up

Modern Athlete Strength

Modern Athlete Strength

Designed for athletes training for events that include distance rucking, running, and moving heavy/odd objects

Ruck - Run - Carry is our answer to everyone who has asked us how to move further and faster with a ruck on their back.

Having spent nearly 20 years participating in various rucking events - from heavy, slow rucks over arduous terrain, to achieving a sub-2 hour 12-mile ruck, I can tell you that there is a way to smartly train for any event you encounter.

Some of the lessons integrated in this program can only be taught through the first hand experience of spending most of your adult life carrying a pack on your back. That's why outside of the program design, you'll get insight on how to pack your ruck, boot and sock selection, and general advice that only comes from experience.

The detailed design of the program is developed through an advanced understanding of biomechanics, energy systems, and program design.

If you want a no BS blueprint to rucking, running, and moving heavy stuff further and faster - you've found it.

Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy

Results are King
RRC provides 12-weeks of training divided into 3 training blocks. In addition to the training, you get direct access to your coach through the team forum for any questions we can answer to help get you to your goals.
Train For Performance
RRC consists of three four-week training blocks. The 4th week of each block consists of benchmark testing. During this program we test the 4, 8, and 12 mile ruck. We also test the 2, 4, and 6 mile run.
Carry Heavy/Odd Objects
Two full-body lifts are included each week to build the structure required for carrying heavy loads. Training places an additional emphasis on increasing grip strength, pushing and pulling implements, and carry heavy and/or odd objects.
Access to your coaches
Access to our chat feature, connecting you directly to expert coaches ready to support your journey every step of the way
Programming 6 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer.
Barbell, Plates, Squat Rack (Basic Gym Set-Up), Ruck, Bands, KBs
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
RRC - W1D1



Warm-Up 1

General Warm-Up (3 Minutes) Run/Row/Bike/Jump Rope Dynamic Warm-Up (3 Minutes) Banded Good Morning - 10 Rotational Scoop Throw - 10 (Each Side) DB Side Bend - 10 (Each Side) Dynamic Flexibility/Mobility (3 Minutes) Back Roll to Reach - 5 90/90 Hips - 5 (Each Side) Side Plank w/ Reach & Rotation - 5 (Each Side) Banded Pass Through - 10 Each of these blocks are completed AMRAP style. For instance - if you run through the Dynamic Warm-Up in 2 minutes, then start over until your clock hits the 3 minute mark. This is designed to be around 10 total minutes given you will have transition time between movements.


Back Squat

6, 6, 6, 12, 12 @ 50, 55, 60, 65, 65 %


Overhead Press

4 x 10


Pull Up

4 x MAX


Landmine Lateral Lunge

3 x 10



Sled Drag/Grip Circuit

Backward Sled Drag - 6x25m During rest between sets 1-3 perform 15x Captains of Crush on each hand (can sub tennis ball squeeze) During rest between sets 4-6 perform 15x Pinch Grip Side Bends on each side Rest is while performing the grip movements. Once you finish your grip work get back on the sled. Load the sled with approximately 3/4 of your bodyweight (not including sled)



Cool Down: Box Breathing

Breathe in on a 4 count, hold for a 4 count, exhale 4-8 seconds, pause for about 4 seconds before your next breath. You can elevate your feet on a bench while you do this or go outside for a walk. Our intent with the cool-down is to simply down-regulate from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. This helps us begin the recovery process.




Ruck/Run Warm-Up

5 Mins General Prep - Bike, Row, Jog, Jump Rope, Etc -Then- Leg Swings - 5 Each (EA) Leg (Front/Back/Left/Right) Single Leg Glute Activation - 10 EA Adductor Walk Out - 10 EA Iron Cross - 10 EA A-Skip - 20m Backwards Skip to Hip Opener - 20m ACFT Push-Up - 10 Squat Jump - 10



3 x 1



Conditioning Cool-Down

2-3 Rounds Rope Hamstring - 30 Seconds Rope Adductor/Abductor - 30 Seconds (Each) Rope Piriformis - 30 Seconds Rope Quad - 30 Seconds




Ruck/Run Warm-Up

5 Mins General Prep - Bike, Row, Jog, Jump Rope, Etc -Then- Leg Swings - 5 Each (EA) Leg (Front/Back/Left/Right) Single Leg Glute Activation - 10 EA Adductor Walk Out - 10 EA Iron Cross - 10 EA A-Skip - 20m Backwards Skip to Hip Opener - 20m ACFT Push-Up - 10 Squat Jump - 10



1 x 30:00



Conditioning Cool-Down

2-3 Rounds Rope Hamstring - 30 Seconds Rope Adductor/Abductor - 30 Seconds (Each) Rope Piriformis - 30 Seconds Rope Quad - 30 Seconds

RRC - W1D4



Warm-Up 2

General Warm-Up (3 Minutes) Run/Row/Bike/Jump Rope Dynamic Warm-Up (3 Minutes) Banded Good Morning - 10 MedBall Rotational Punch Throw - 10 (Each Side) Palloff Overhead Press - 10 (Each Side) Dynamic Flexibility/Mobility (3 Minutes) Back Roll to Reach - 5 Quadruped Hip External Rotation - 5 (Each Side) Shoulder Airplane - 5 (Each Side) Snatch Push Press - 8 (Empty Barbell or PVC Pipe) Each of these blocks are completed AMRAP style. For instance - if you run through the Dynamic Warm-Up in 2 minutes, then start over until your clock hits the 3 minute mark. This is designed to be around 10 total minutes given you will have transition time between movements.


Trap Bar Deadlift

6, 6, 6, 12, 12 @ 50, 55, 60, 65, 65 %


DB Bench Press

4 x 10


DB Chest Supported Row

4 x 10


Kettlebell Swing

3 x 12


Short Lever Copenhagen Hold

3 x 20

10 Minute AMRAP


10 Minute As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) 50m Single Arm Farmer's Carry (Switch Arms at 25m) Barbell Reverse Curl - 15 (Empty Bar) Band Pull-Apart - 25



Cool Down: Box Breathing

Breathe in on a 4 count, hold for a 4 count, exhale 4-8 seconds, pause for about 4 seconds before your next breath. You can elevate your feet on a bench while you do this or go outside for a walk. Our intent with the cool-down is to simply down-regulate from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. This helps us begin the recovery process.

RRC - W1D5



Ruck/Run Warm-Up

5 Mins General Prep - Bike, Row, Jog, Jump Rope, Etc -Then- Leg Swings - 5 Each (EA) Leg (Front/Back/Left/Right) Single Leg Glute Activation - 10 EA Adductor Walk Out - 10 EA Iron Cross - 10 EA A-Skip - 20m Backwards Skip to Hip Opener - 20m ACFT Push-Up - 10 Squat Jump - 10



6 x 400



Conditioning Cool-Down

2-3 Rounds Rope Hamstring - 30 Seconds Rope Adductor/Abductor - 30 Seconds (Each) Rope Piriformis - 30 Seconds Rope Quad - 30 Seconds

RRC - W1D6



Ruck/Run Warm-Up

5 Mins General Prep - Bike, Row, Jog, Jump Rope, Etc -Then- Leg Swings - 5 Each (EA) Leg (Front/Back/Left/Right) Single Leg Glute Activation - 10 EA Adductor Walk Out - 10 EA Iron Cross - 10 EA A-Skip - 20m Backwards Skip to Hip Opener - 20m ACFT Push-Up - 10 Squat Jump - 10



1 x 45:00



Conditioning Cool-Down

2-3 Rounds Rope Hamstring - 30 Seconds Rope Adductor/Abductor - 30 Seconds (Each) Rope Piriformis - 30 Seconds Rope Quad - 30 Seconds

RRC - W1D7
coach-avatar Modern Athlete Strength

The Modern Athlete coaching team brings decades of experience in the tactical field and working with Division 1 college athletes. Our programs are designed based on first-hand experience as the athletes ourselves, professional coaching experience, and the latest evidence in the strength & conditioning field. We know exactly how to get you to your goals if you are willing to put in the work.

Modern Athlete Liability Statement
Modern Athlete is not responsible for any injuries incurred while training. If you are entering a new physical fitness plan, you should consult with a licensed physician prior to beginning.
How early should I start this program before my event?
We recommend starting this program 14-weeks before a heavy ruck-based event. This accounts for a two-week taper. Guidance for tapering is provided in the program.
Ruck / Run / Carry 12-Week Train-Up