HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning

TrainRx Performance Programming

Rick Gorrell

Increase overall strength, build lean muscle mass, improve work capacity, and become the most well-rounded athlete in the gym.

HybridRx is designed to guide you towards increasing your overall strength for the Squat, Press, Deadlift, and Olympic Lifts while still allowing you to smash the hardcore CrossFit you love. Daily training sessions are broken up into 3 sections - 1. Strength Training / 2. CrossFit Based Conditioning / 3. Optional Accessory Strength Training

No matter your age or level of experience, no matter your gender or where you are training, HybridRx is designed for the every day athlete. Each training day includes RX/RX+/Scaled versions of workouts, detailed explanations for all strength work, and will guide you every step of the way towards smashing your strength and conditioning goals.

We do what works. HybridRx is built on solid strength & conditioning foundations. Every single training day is designed around proven strength training tactics and highly effective WOD formats that will allow you to excel in both your strength gains and work capacity.

This program is for anyone looking to reap the benefits of CrossFit based Strength & Conditioning without having to sift through the intricacies of a competitor based program. This program is for the every day athlete training at home in the garage, for those looking to use the Box during open gym time, or anyone who wants to incorporate strength into their regular conditioning routine.

Built for the Every Day Athlete
Your training should encompass things all of the things that will help you get better every single day. No more sifting through competitor based programs, no more 2 hour gym sessions, no more high skill movements that require tons of scaling. HybridRx is designed for the every day human looking to get stronger and improve their work capacity.
Scaling Options for Everyone
Every single workout includes RX/RX+/Scaled versions. No matter your ability or experience level, there will always be an option available to you the will provide the right training stimulus for you to progress.
See Real, Lasting Results
Consistency is key for seeing the progress you want to see. On HybridRx we use simple, effective training strategies that will allow you to remain committed to the plan. Your training shouldn't break you, it should build you up. Every single day on HybridRx is designed to provide you with achievable, effective workouts.
Programming 7 days per week
Each week includes 5 training days + 2 Rest Days
Exercise Video Guidance
Demo videos are provided to ensure you are moving correctly through every rep you perform.
Detailed Daily Workout Explanations
Training stimulus, Progressive Overload Tactics, format instructions, and more are always covered.
Committed Teammates
A dedicated community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Track results, follow progress, and crush every workout on the TrainHeroic App.
Barbell & Bumper Plates // Squat Rack // Pull Up Bar // Flat Bench or Adjustable Bench // Dumbbells or Kettlebells // Airbike and/or Rower // Jump Rope
Plyo Box
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Rest Day
Current TC - 1

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 7 Hand Release Push Up 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Moderate Loads + Build Up Sets: Perform 3 sets of the following Complex to prepare for the Clean & Jerk 3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets 1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Press Set 1: At RPE 4-5 out of 10 Set 2: At RPE 5-6 out of 10 Set 3: At RPE 6-7 out of 10


Clean & Jerk

3, 3, 3, 2, 1


Dual DB Step Up


Dual DB Lying Triceps Extension



Instructions: • Complete the circuit as listed "For Time" • Follow the rep count for the Burpee Box Jump Over & Toes to Bar as it descends each set RX: For Time; At Sustained Effort 500/400m Row 30-20-10 Reps; Burpee Box Jump Over; 24"/20" Toes to Bar Scaled: For Time; At Sustained Effort 500/400m Row 30-20-10 Reps; Burpee Box Jump Step Down; 24"/20" Toes to Bar or V-Up Score the time it takes to complete the Chipper.

Current TC - 2

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Hamstring March (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 5 Box Jump Step Down; 24"/20" 7 Ring Row 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Build Up Sets: Prior to starting the Deadlift perform 1-2 warm up sets to build up to a weight you feel comfortable starting your Max Effort build at.



1 x 5


Dual DB Incline Row

Sets For Time:


Instructions: Complete 5 consecutive sets of the triplet listed "For Time". RX: 5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Double Unders 30m Dual DB Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 20 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 50/30 lb per Hand RX+: 5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Double Unders 30m Dual DB Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 20 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 70/50 lb per Hand Scaled: 5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Single Unders 30m Dual DB Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 35/20 lb per Hand 20 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 35/20 lb per Hand Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like additional variety to today's workout 5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Double Unders 30m Dual DB Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 20 Wall Ball; 20/14 lb Score the time it takes to complete 5 consecutive sets of the triplet.

Current TC - 3

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Overhead Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 5 Box Jump Step Down; 24"/20" 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Build Up Sets: Perform 3 sets of the following Complex to prepare for the Power Snatch 3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press Set 1: At RPE 4-5 out of 10 Set 2: At RPE 5-6 out of 10 Set 3: At RPE 6-7 out of 10 + Prior to the Front Squat perform 1-2 warm up sets to build up to your working weight for the day.


Power Snatch

5 x 3


Front Squat

5 x 5


Dual DB Biceps Curl

AMRAP: Monostructural + Gymnastic


Instructions: Accumulate as many Pull Up repetitions as possible in each individual set of the AMRAP. RX: 3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 4 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 15/12 Calories Airbike 12 Box Jump Over; 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Pull Up; Kipping or Strict RX+: 3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 4 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 15/12 Calories Airbike 12 Box Jump Step Down; 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Chest to Bar Pull Up Scaled: 3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 4 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 15/12 Calories Airbike 12 Box Jump Step Step Down; 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Strict Pull Up Score the number of Pull Up repetitions completed in each individual set of the AMRAP.

Rest Day
Current TC - 4

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 15m Dual KB Front Rack Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Hand Release Push Up 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Build Up Sets: Perform the following Complex in preparation for the Power Clean 3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets 1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean Set 1: At RPE 4-5 out of 10 Set 2: At RPE 5-6 out of 10 Set 3: At RPE 6-7 out of 10 + Prior to the Close Grip Bench Press perform 1-2 warm up sets to build up to the weight you intend to use for your work sets.


Power Clean

5 x 3


Close Grip Bench Press

3, 3, 3, 2, 1


Dual DB Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift

Chipper: Monostructural


Instructions: Complete the prescribed workload for each exercise listed "For Time". RX: For Time; At Sustained Effort 400m Run 150 Double Unders 50/40 Calories Airbike 1,000/800m Row Scaled: For Time; At Sustained Effort 400m Run 150 Double Unders 50/40 Calories Airbike 1,000/800m Row Score the time it takes to complete the Chipper.

Current TC - 5

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Ring Row 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Build Up Sets: Prior to both the Back Squat and the Strict Overhead Press perform 1-2 warm up sets to build up to the weight you are using for your work sets.


Back Squat

3, 3, 3, 2, 1


Strict Overhead Press

5 x 5

AMRAP: Weighted + Gymnastic


Instructions: Complete as many repetitions as possible in 18:00 minutes. RX: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 7 Dual DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead; 50/30 lb per Hand 10 Pull Up; Kipping or Strict 10 Box Jump Over; 24"/20" RX+: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 7 Dual DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead; 70/50 lb per Hand 3 Bar Muscle Up/Ring Muscle Up 10 Box Jump Over; 24"/20" Scaled: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 7 Dual DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead; 35/20 lb per Hand 5 Strict Pull Up 10 Box Jump Step Down; 24"/20" Score the number of rounds & repetitions completed in 18:00 minutes.

coach-avatar Rick Gorrell

Owner - TrainRx Performance Programming: Certified Functional Strength & Conditioning Coach with 10 years experience training/coaching on and off the gym floor.

Your Results Matter

The results you see from your training are a direct reflection of my ability as a coach and trainer. I take writing this program very seriously, and will always go above and beyond to provide you with the best possible training I can provide.

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The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Jess H.

Home Gym Owner & 3+ Year Member

Verified Athlete

"I absolutely love it! All I have to do is come into the basement, check out the app, and get to work. No more coming up with random workouts. You've got a member for life!"

verified-athlete-avatar Sam M.

Home Gym Owner & 4+ Year Member

Verified Athlete

"Before starting HybridRx I had plateaued. My strength numbers weren't going up and I wasn't happy with my training. I've been on HybridRx for almost two years now, I PR at the end of every training cycle, there's no going back now."

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HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning
HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning
HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning
HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning