

Strength & Conditioning, Bodybuilding, Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Tanner Shuck

Want to get absolutely SHREDDED in record time?

If you said yes, FitAesthetics is the program for you!

**Skip the boring bro splits & mind numbing cardio sessions. **

FitAesthetics is for anyone that wants the ultimate combo of Fitness & Aesthetics.

This program will get you leaner, stronger, & looking better than ever in record time with some of the most fun, creative, & effective workouts you will ever do.

FitAesthetics delivers unmatched results by seamlessly combining the best elements of bodybuilding, strength, & HIIT into 1 all-inclusive program.

As an added bonus, you get the TrueStrength Anabolic Meal Plan Guide & CUSTOM calories/macros FOR FREE!!

This way, you know exactly what/how much to eat based on your SPECIFIC goals. When you pair that with perfect training program, there's NO EXCUSE for not making progress.

FitAesthetics is on TrainHeroic, the best in-class training app that allows you to train alongside other insanely dedicated individuals while getting unlimited coaching and support from me.

So if you're ready to get absolutely shredded, join the FitAesthetics Team today & I'm covering your first 7 days, which are 100% free to you!

Get Insane Value
When you sign up, you get unlimited access & support from me in the app & FB. I also give you exactly what/how much to eat with my Anabolic Meal Plan & my Custom Calorie/Macro Calculator. This is completely FREE & it teaches you how to build simple, sensible, & SUSTAINABLE nutrition habits FOREVER. When you pair up the perfect training & nutrition plan, I guarantee you'll crush your goals.
Look Good Naked 🔥
Similar to other bodybuilding programs, we'll build muscle & lean mass so that you have the confidence that you deserve, wherever & whenever it matters to you!
Burn Fat + Build Muscle
Through efficient programming (so you can keep training long-term with us) & effective training with movements that matter. Your job is simple. Show up & put in the work! My job is to make sure that doing the work results in burning fat & building muscle. I take that job very seriously!
Live Longer + Healthier
By lifting heavy weights while also addressing our cardio in a way that's fun & sustainable, we'll set you up for a life that's richer, fuller, longer, & healthier. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about.
Access to me
You're being guided and coached each step along the way. I'll be live on our team's message boards so you're not on this journey alone.
Programming 5 days per week
The ultimate combination of Fitness & Aesthetics. Skipping the boring bro splits and spending our 45-60 minutes each day doing movements that matter.
Exercise Video Guidance
I've filmed demo videos so you're not guessing what to do.... ever!
Detailed, expert instruction
More than just the sets and reps, I'll give you everything you need thru each training session.
Committed Teammates
You're part of a real team, with real teammates, and a real coach (me) so that you have the pieces in place to stay on this journey for the long-haul.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get the training experience that you deserve.
Barbell + Plates // Dumbbells // Kettlebells // Bench, Cables, Plyo Boxes, Cardio Equipment
Conventional Gym / CrossFit Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Aesthetics Week 1 Day 1



2x: 15 calorie row 10 perfect air squats 10 big and slow mountain climbers 5 inch worms



Every 6 min x5 rounds: 20/15 calorie row 10 Back Squats 8 KB Z-press (use challenging weight) 6-8 perfect strict pull-ups/10 inverted bodyweight rows *goal is to finish each round as fast as possible and rest the remainder of the 6 minutes! Notes: Start light on the back squats and increase weight each round. Use the following percentages as a guide! R1) 50% R2) 60% R3) 65% R4) 70% R5) 70-75% *based off your most recent 1RM -rest 5-10 minutes and then perform


Back Squat

5 x 10



For time: 12-10-8-6-4-2 bodyweight deck squats/weighted sit-ups *50 double unders/50 quick step-ups after each round!

Aesthetics Week 1 Day 2



2x: 15 calorie assault bike 10 arm circles forward and backward 10 perfect strict push-ups


Barbell Bench Press

10, 8, 6, 4, MAX @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 %



For time and quality: 50 calorie bike erg/ski-erg 10 bench press@60% 15 GHD sit-ups 40 calorie bike erg/ski-erg 8 bench press@65% 15 GHD sit-ups 30 calorie bike erg/ski-erg 6 bench press@70% 15 GHD sit-ups 20 calorie bike erg/ski-erg 4 bench press@75% 15 GHD sit-ups 10 calorie bike erg/ski-erg MAX REPS bench press@80% 15 GHD sit-ups *Percentages based off your most recent 1RM bench press *scale down GHD to 10-12 reps if needed *if no ski-erg/bike erg modify with rower or assault bike

Arm Pump/conditioning


4 Rounds of: max rep KB towel curls to failure -immediately into max rep CLOSE GRIP strict push-ups to failure 200m recovery run

Aesthetics Week 1 Day 3



EMOM x10: odd min: 8-12 calorie row even: 3 inch worms+6 arm circles+6 trunk twist


Touch and Go Deadlifts

8 x 3 @ 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 %



EMOM x 32 alternating minutes: 1) 12/9 calorie assault bike SPRINT!! 2) 3 touch and go deadlifts (building) 3) 10 DB lateral raise+10 DB front raise+10 bent over rear delt DB lateral raises/2 wall walks 4) REST *8x through this circuit! *alternate each round between the DB raises and the wall walks (4 rounds of each movement) Notes: This should be an awesome total body strength and conditioning piece! Start light on deadlifts such as 135/95lb and try and increase 10-20lb pounds each round until you reach a 3 rep max for the day!!

Arm Pump/conditioning


2 min work/1 min rest x4 rounds: 2 min AMRAP of: 12 bar facing burpees 12 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65lb) 12 front rack reverse lunges (95/65) 12 hang power cleans (95/65) *1 min rest between each round! *start round 1 on burpees, round 2 on SDLHP, round 3 on front rack lunges, and round 4 on HPC! Goal is to complete a full round it back to the starting movement each time before the 2 minutes finish!! *fun little twist on a simple workout!!

Aesthetics Week 1 Day 4

Rest day


Aesthetics Week 1 Day 5



7 min AMRAP of: 2-4-6-8-10.... calorie bike/row bodweight reverse lunges sit-ups jumping jacks



Every 3 min x 5 rounds: 200m run 10 DB power cleans (50/35lb DBs) 10 front rack reverse lunges w/ DBs -rest 5 minutes then: Every 3 min x 5 rounds: 50 double unders/100 single skips 10 DB hang squat cleans 10 toes to bar/6 lateral burpees over DBs *fun minimal equipment workout today!! *if 3 minutes isn't enough time to finish the work, then increase the interval to every 3:30 or every 4 minutes!! Just finish each round as fast as possible!!


DB power clean

5 x 10


DB hang squat clean

5 x 10

Aesthetics Week 1 Day 6



For time and quality: $in of: 30 calorie bike/row/400m run (your choice) then: 2 inch worms 20m bear crawl 2 inch worms 20m crab walk 2 inch worms



2 min work/1 min rest x6 alternating rounds: Round 1) 15/12 calorie row 10 incline barbell bench press then max calorie row w/time remaining Round 2) 15/12 calorie assault bike 5-10 strict pull-ups (unbroken) then then max calorie bike w/time remaining Round 3) 12/10 burpee box jump overs (24/20) 15 toes to bar/knees to elbow then max BBJOs w/time remaining *GO THROUGH THIS CIRCUIT 2X!!! *18 min of total work!!

Arm Pump


3x: 25 banded tricep push-downs (1-inch band) 10 incline DB curls 30 heavy band pull-aparts *rest no longer than 30 seconds between exercises!


Incline Barbell Bench Press

3 x 10


Strict Pronated Grip pull up

3 x 10

Aesthetics Week 1 Day 7

Rest Day


coach-avatar Tanner Shuck

I tend to have a serious demeanor only because I am serious about making people stronger, healthier, and improving the quality of their life. We all have ONE life to live and we should all aspire to LIVE WITH PURPOSE. For me, What is most important is teaching people how to become the very best versions of themselves through health and fitness.

Get Leaner & Stronger in Record Time! 💪

FitAesthetics delivers unmatched results by seamlessly combining the best elements of bodybuilding, strength, & HIIT into 1 all-inclusive program. If you're ready to get absolutely shredded, join the FitAesthetics Team today & I'm covering your first 7 day

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Kirby Martin

CrossFitter/Gym Owner

Verified Athlete

"After doing the FitAesthetics Program and following the Anabolic Meal Plan Guide I'm down 10lbs in just 5 weeks! Combining strength work with cardio and prioritizing protein has been a GAME CHANGER for me! These workouts are the BEST! FitAesthetics and dialing in my nutrition working magic!!"

verified-athlete-avatar Tobias Pfister

Financial Advisor and Fitness Enthusiast

Verified Athlete

"I started crossfit in 2012 and never in my life have I felt or looked as good as I do now. I just followed Tanner's Anabolic Meal Plan and stuck to my custom calories/macros and the results speak for themselves. I got burnt out on crossfit and class wods don't even compare to FitAesthetics workouts."

verified-athlete-avatar Joyce Selvatti

Personal Trainer/F45 Coach

Verified Athlete

"Doing FitAesthetics and improving my eating habits has been a great experience. I've learned so much and had awesome results and use it with my own clients as well! I'm so happy to have built healthy and sustainable habits! I love the FitAesthetics Program and feel healthier (and leaner) than ever!"

verified-athlete-avatar Travis Bradshaw

D1 Football Player/Petroleum Engineer

Verified Athlete

"I used to be in great shape back in college. But with my work/life balance my eating habits really started to catch up with me. Once I started FitAesthetics and started eating for purpose, I've lost 20lbs in just 3 months. The 40-50 minute workouts are perfect for me and my busy lifestyle."

Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.


Customer Reviews

Overall Rating

2.75 out of 5.0

4 Total Ratings