Prep Circuit 1) Ankle / Knee / Hip / Shoulder
2-3 Rounds 20 Wall Tib Raises 20/20 Poliquin Step-Ups 20/20 Lateral Monster Band 20 Light Band Pull-Aparts If at any point in the program you come accross a movement you don't understand or don't have the equipment for, try to seach YouTube for alternatives and/or reach out to Coach Miller for help.
Walking Backward
Seated Hamstring Curl
3 x 10
Seated Chest Press
3 x 10
Seated Cable Row
3 x 10
3 x 10
Post-Workout Recovery
It's important to spend 3-5 min after the workout to calm your system and begin the healing process. Let your instincts guild you on what stretches to do. Find a place you can relax and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose deep for 4-5 seconds then breathe out through your mouth for 8-10 seconds. The first time you come across this block, watch the full length of the videos attached. The priority is not to push for deep flexibility or mobility. The priority is cool down through breathing exercises and light stretching. Below are suggestions on some possible stretches. The main objective is breathing and putting at least a little static stretch on every muscle group. 60 sec hold each stretch: Spiderman lunge Hip flexor lunge Squat adductor Russian baby maker Butterfly Straddle Seated Hip Hook Pigeon Lying hamstring Squatting ankle Wrist series Doorjam Pec Underarm Apley push Leaning bar hang squat rack stretch
Treadmill Work
1 x 5:00
Prep Circuit 2) Ankle / Knee / Hip / Shoulder
2-3 Rounds 20 Squat Position Calf Raise 10/10 ATG Split Squat (Start today with your front foot elevated) 10/10 Side Plank 10/10 Seated External Rotation
Machine Seated Knee Extension
3 x 10
Machine Seated Shoulder Press
3 x 10
Lat Pulldown
3 x 10
Flutter Kicks
3 x 0:30
Post-Workout Recovery
It's important to spend 3-5 min after the workout to calm your system and begin the healing process. Let your instincts guild you on what stretches to do. Find a place you can relax and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose deep for 4-5 seconds then breathe out through your mouth for 8-10 seconds. The first time you come across this block, watch the full length of the videos attached. The priority is not to push for deep flexibility or mobility. The priority is cool down through breathing exercises and light stretching. Below are suggestions on some possible stretches. The main objective is breathing and putting at least a little static stretch on every muscle group. 60 sec hold each stretch: Spiderman lunge Hip flexor lunge Squat adductor Russian baby maker Butterfly Straddle Seated Hip Hook Pigeon Lying hamstring Squatting ankle Wrist series Doorjam Pec Underarm Apley push Leaning bar hang squat rack stretch
Athlete Choice Cardio
Select the cardio activity you desire for the day, i.e., Run, Swim, Bike, Row, Jump Rope, Ski Erg, Step Mill, etc. Go for 3-10 minutes.
Prep Circuit 3) Ankle / Knee/ Hip / Shoulder
2-3 Sets 10/10 Slant Board Calf Raise (calf/achillies stretch is the most important part) 10/10 Band TKE 10/10 ATG Hip Flexor/ Reverse Squat 10 ATG Trap 3 Raise
Leg Press
3 x 10
Machine Assisted Dips
3 x 10
Machine Biceps Curl
3 x 10
Machine Seated Triceps
3 x 10
DB Side Bend
3 x 10
Post-Workout Recovery
It's important to spend 3-5 min after the workout to calm your system and begin the healing process. Let your instincts guild you on what stretches to do. Find a place you can relax and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose deep for 4-5 seconds then breathe out through your mouth for 8-10 seconds. The first time you come across this block, watch the full length of the videos attached. The priority is not to push for deep flexibility or mobility. The priority is cool down through breathing exercises and light stretching. Below are suggestions on some possible stretches. The main objective is breathing and putting at least a little static stretch on every muscle group. 60 sec hold each stretch: Spiderman lunge Hip flexor lunge Squat adductor Russian baby maker Butterfly Straddle Seated Hip Hook Pigeon Lying hamstring Squatting ankle Wrist series Doorjam Pec Underarm Apley push Leaning bar hang squat rack stretch
Zone 2 Cardio
If you find the workout to be not what you expected or find you need a different workout, Coach Miller will be sure to get you on the right one.
Get Be Strong - Beginner 1.0""