6-12-25 Conjugate Phase #2

Jason Brown Coaching

Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Jason Brown

This will be the HARDEST program you've ever done!

6-12-25 Ultimate Hypertrophy is a BRAND-NEW 6-Week Program comprised of 4 strength session + 2 optional conditioning per week training plan to increase muscle mass without losing strength.

This program using the 6-12-25 Method as it's primary driver of strength & hypertrophy gains. This method was made popular by the late Charles Poliquin.

This program utilizes uses a form of progression to build over the course of 6 weeks so you're not thrown to the wolves out of the gate.

This program does include conditioning which is essential part of facilitating recovery while on such a demanding training plan.

Note: this program is NOT the same as my 6-12-25 Conjugate Program.

Program Template: Monday: Heavy Lower Emphasis (weeks 1-3 Quadriceps Giant Set, Weeks 4-6 Hamstring/Glutes Giant Set) Tuesday: Conditioning Wednesday: Heavy Upper (weeks 1-3 Triceps giant set, weeks 4-6 Triceps giant set V2) Thursday: Conditioning Friday: Speed Lower Saturday: Speed Upper (weeks 1-3 upper back giant set, weeks 4-6 Biceps giant sets)

Increase Muscle Mass & Retain Strength
This program is designed to held you build muscle mass, without sacrificing strength. Each session consists of a primary lift, a 6-12-25 giant set, and a final accessory pattern.
Conditioning The Right Way
Conditioning is the single most butchered aspect of fitness, but when used properly, it can skyrocket strength gains and while conditioning is NOT a focal point of this program you'll find one aerobic conditioning session that will help bridge the gap between your main training sessions and improve recovery.
One Stop Shop
Following this program to the letter will give you the rewards you are searching for, you do not need to supplement with anything else. In fact, I advise against adding to this program at all. Each session is perfectly programmed with regard to exercise selection, sets, reps, rest intervals, and exercise order—everything is already accounted for.
Perfect For Former CrossFitters
Love crushing yourself, but want to do so in an intelligent way while sparking new gains? This program is for you!
Programming 6 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Demo Videos
I've filmed each movement so you're not playing guessing games.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond the sets and reps, you'll get everything you need to execute the training each and every day.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
We've partnered with the best tech in training so you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do.
Kettlebells // Barbell // Bench // Squat Rack with pull-up bar // One piece of cardio equipment // Resistance bands // Dummbells
Safety Squat Bar // Cables // Pulling Sled
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
Heavy Lower & Quad Emphasis Giant Set



Front Squat Warm-up

1. Foam Roll Hip Flexors x 60s each side - small 1-2 motion *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Biphasic Hip Flexor Stretch x 60s each side 3. Bird Dogs: 3 x 3-5 each 4. BW Glute Bridge: 3 x 5 with a 1 count at top of each rep. Rest as needed. 5. Tempo Goblet Squat: 3 x 3-5 - 3s lower + 1s at bottom + 1s raise 6. Standing Box Jump: 3 x 3. Rest 45s-60s.


Hybrid Stance RDL

12, 10, 8, 6


Front Squat

3 x 5


Single Arm Split Squats

3 x 10


1 1/4 Hamburger Squat

3 x 20


Banded Pull-Through

3 x 50


Serratus Iso Hold

3 x 3



Parasympathetic Breathing

10-15 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1 second hold at top 5 second exhale *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

GPP Conditioning



Conditioning Warm-up

​​1. Foam Roll Adductors: 60s of 1-2" motion on each side *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Rock back Adductor Stretch x 30s small rocking + 30s static hold each 3. Shin Box x 10 total reps 4. Table Top + Hip Thrust x 8-10 each side 5. Alt. KB Lateral Squat: 2-3 x 3-5 each. Rest as needed. 6. KB Squat Jumps: 3 x 3. Rest 45-60s. *light load for maximal height



EMOM 32: Minute 1: 30s KB Cleans Minute 2: 30s OH + Front Rack Carry Minute 3: 30s Sled Rope Pull + Push Sled Back Minute 4: Rest - Goal: This should be challenging but completely manageable in the sense you're able to work for 30s without stopping. If needed you can sub a 30s air bike sprint for minute 3.


Single Leg Banded Leg Curls

3 x 50



Parasympathetic Breathing

10-15 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1 second hold at top 5 second exhale *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

Heavy Upper & Triceps Giant Set



Bench Press Warm-up

1. Foam Roll Pecs x 60s small 1-2" motion each side *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Biphasic Pec Stretch x 60s each side 3. Thoracic Rotations: 3 x 5 each 4. Upper Activation: 2-3 sets of: 10-15 Facepull-aparts + 10-15 Banded Pushdowns. 5. Warm-up Your Bench Press: Perform 3 x 3-5 reps with a light load. Rest as needed. 6. Band Assisted Plyo Push-ups: 3 x 3. Rest 45-60s. *Maximal height on each rep


Supinated Grip BB Rows

12, 10, 8, 6


Close Grip Incline Bench Press

3 x 5


DB Floor Press - neutral grip

3 x 10


Rope Pushdowns

3 x 20


KB Windmill

3 x 8


Seated Incline DB Curls

3 x 10



Parasympathetic Breathing

10-15 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1 second hold at top 5 second exhale *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

Aerobic Conditioning



Conditioning Warm-up

​​1. Foam Roll Adductors: 60s of 1-2" motion on each side *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Rock back Adductor Stretch x 30s small rocking + 30s static hold each 3. Shin Box x 10 total reps 4. Table Top + Hip Thrust x 8-10 each side 5. Alt. KB Lateral Squat: 2-3 x 3-5 each. Rest as needed. 6. KB Squat Jumps: 3 x 3. Rest 45-60s. *light load for maximal height



5 Rounds of: 1a. 2:00 of Ski Erg, Air Bike, Air Runner, or Rower 1b. 2:00 of Ski Erg, Air Bike, Air Runner, or Rower 1c. 2:00 of Sled Drag Facepulls 1d. 2:00 of Sled Extensions - Goal: Easy work, RPE 6-7. Keep HR around 70%.


Banded Hammer Curls

3 x 30



Parasympathetic Breathing

10-15 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1 second hold at top 5 second exhale *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

Speed Lower



Trap Bar Deadlift Warm-up

1. Foam Roll Hamstrings x 60s each side - small 1-2” motion *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Active Straight Leg Raises x 10 each side 3. Bird Dogs: 3 x 3-5 each 4. BW Glute Bridge: 3 x 5 with a 1 count at top of each rep. Rest as needed. 5. Trap Bar RDL: 3 x 3-5. Rest as needed. 6. Trap Bar Jumps: 3 x 3 (empty bar). Rest 45s.


Band Assisted Squat Jumps

5 x 5


Trap Bar Deadlift against a band

5 x 5


1 1/4 Glute Hip Thrusts

3 x 20


Landmine Lateral Lunge

3 x 10


Ab Wheel

4 x 10



Parasympathetic Breathing

10-15 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1 second hold at top 5 second exhale *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

Speed Upper & Upper Back Giant Set



Overhead Press Warm-up

1. Three-way thoracic spine foam roll x 20s arms extended + 20s Arm Crossed + 20s Extend + Reach *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Biphasic Pec stretch x 30s small rocking motion + 30s static hold each side 3. Side-Lying Thoracic Rotations: 3 x 5 each 4. Upper Activation: 2-3 sets of: 10-15 Facepull-aparts + 10-15 Banded Pushdowns. 5. Single Arm DB Push Press: 3 x 3-5 each 6. Band-Assisted Plyo Push-ups: 3 x 3. Rest as needed.


DB Split Jerk

5 x 3


Plyo Push-ups

5 x 3


Wide Grip Pull-up

3 x 5


Chest Supported DB Rows

3 x 10


TRX Facepulls

3 x 20


Strict Ring Dips

3 x MAX



Parasympathetic Breathing

10-15 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1 second hold at top 5 second exhale *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

coach-avatar Jason Brown

I’ve spent my entire 18+ year career training everyday athletes to become healthier, stronger, and better conditioned, using concurrent training. I’ve been exclusively online coaching since 2015. I’m a combat veteran, a former gym owner, founder of Jason Brown Coaching, and published author of “Lower-body Training” via Human Kinetics.

Who is this program for?
The highly advanced lifter with 10+ years of experience.
Is this is a subscription?
No it is not, this is a one-time purchase program that you have access to for life.
How long are the training sessions?
60-70 minutes including warm-up & cooldown.
Do I need special equipment?
Nope just the equipment that's listed on this page.
What program would you recommend after this?
Team CXC
Is there support?
Yes there is! Our coaches are standing by to answer your questions.
6-12-25 Conjugate Phase #2