Rx Athlete

Jason Brown Coaching

Functional Training, Functional Fitness
Jason Brown

A combination of full-body training and CrossFit style metcons.

Training schedule:

Monday: FBT Heavy Emphasis, accessory work, Anaerobic conditioning, core work

Tuesday: Mixed Aerobic Work

Wednesday: FBT Power Emphasis, accessory work, high-intensity aerobic piece, core work.

Thursday: Mixed Aerobic Work

Friday: FBT Strength Work, accessory work, GPP conditioning.

Saturday: Skill EMOM + Sled AMRAP. This is optional training day.

Sunday: Optional Active Recovery

Sessions will take 60-75 minutes, including warmup & cooldown.

This is a very serious program and so if you’re looking a combo of different styles of training while still using a well-thought out framework, this is it!

This program DOES NOT follow a seasonal approach, instead we are focusing on all elements of fitness year-round eg. maximal strength, power, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic power.

Conditioning the right way
Aerobic conditioning is the single most butchered aspect of fitness, but when used properly, it can skyrocket strength gains. Being more well-conditioned means a stronger ability to recover IN and OUTSIDE of your training sessions, which means you can go harder when it's time. Don't overlook this incredible tool for gains and heart health.
Full Body Strength Work
Rx Athlete utilizes full-body strength sessions and aerobic conditioning to give you well-rounded fitness. Some of the benefits include better mobility since you're training all of the foundational movement patterns 3-4x per week, maximizing the time you have to train, cleaning up nagging aches & pains, improve body composition all while having FUN with your training again!
Rekindle Your Love For Training
Just training strength is boring. Just training conditioning is boring. Having a blend of the two is good. Having a seamless blend of mixed modality conditioning, multiple forms of strength training, aerobic conditioning, blah blah is best. This is EVOLV. And it will get you more motivated to train than you've been in years- no question.
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 6 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer.
Squat Rack // Air Bike // Push Sled // Drag Sled // Kettlebells // Ski Erg // Dummbells // Resistance Bands
Cable Machine // Trap Bar
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
Heavy Full Body + Anaerobic Work



Full Body Warm-up (V2)

1. Foam Roll Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Lats, and Thoracic Spine x 30s each side - small 1-2” motion *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Active Straight Leg Raises: 2 x 5 each 3. Adductor Rockback Thoracic Rotations: 2 x 5 each 4a. Banded Pull-apart: 3 x 10 4b. BW Glute Bridge: 3 x 10 5. Warm-up all 4 movements in your training today for 3 sets x 3-5 reps each 6. Plyometric Variation: 3 x 3. Rest 45s. *Choose either a box jump or plyo push-up variation. Alternate these each session.


Front Box Squat

4 x 6


Neutral Grip Pull-ups

4 x 6


DB Single Arm Push Press

3 x 8


Feet Elevated Hip Thrust + Band

3 x 20



2-3 Rounds of: 15 Calorie Max Effort Air Bike 10 Kettlebell Clean + Press (moderate load) Rest 3:00 - 4:00 between rounds. - Goal: Hard effort, RPE 9. You should need the entire rest interval. For ladies, perform 10-12 cals per set.


Feet Elevated Stir The Pot

3 x 0:20




1. Worlds Greatest Stretch x 8 total reps 2. Recovery Breathing x 8 breaths - 5s nasal inhale + 1s hold at top + 5s nasal exhale in supine position + 1s hold at the bottom.

Rx Conditioning



Conditioning Warm-up

​​1. Foam Roll Adductors: 60s of 1-2" motion on each side *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Rock back Adductor Stretch x 30s small rocking + 30s static hold each 3. Shin Box x 10 total reps 4. Table Top + Hip Thrust x 8-10 each side 5. Alt. KB Lateral Squat: 2-3 x 3-5 each. Rest as needed. 6. KB Squat Jumps: 3 x 3. Rest 45-60s. *light load for maximal height


Kettlebell Snatch

5 x 10


Single Arm Front Rack Carry

5 x 100


Ski Erg

5 x 20


Single Arm Front Rack Carry

5 x 100


No Push-up Burpees

5 x 20


Air Bike

5 x 20



Parasympathetic Breathing

10 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1-second hold at the top 5 second exhale 1-second pause at the bottom *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

Full Body Power + Metcon



Full Body Warm-up (V2)

1. Foam Roll Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Lats, and Thoracic Spine x 30s each side - small 1-2” motion *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Active Straight Leg Raises: 2 x 5 each 3. Adductor Rockback Thoracic Rotations: 2 x 5 each 4a. Banded Pull-apart: 3 x 10 4b. BW Glute Bridge: 3 x 10 5. Warm-up all 4 movements in your training today for 3 sets x 3-5 reps each 6. Plyometric Variation: 3 x 3. Rest 45s. *Skip #6 and go right to B1/B2


Band Assisted Plyo Push-ups

7 x 3


Hang Power Clean From Mid Thigh

7 x 3


Strict Ring Dips

3 x MAX


Pronated Grip Ring Rows

3 x MAX


Alt. Lateral KB Squat

3 x 12


Ski Erg

8 x 0:15


Half-Kneeling Banded High To Low Chop

3 x 10




1. Worlds Greatest Stretch x 8 total reps 2. Recovery Breathing x 8 breaths - 5s nasal inhale + 1s hold at top + 5s nasal exhale in supine position + 1s hold at the bottom.




Conditioning Warm-up

​​1. Foam Roll Adductors: 60s of 1-2" motion on each side *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Rock back Adductor Stretch x 30s small rocking + 30s static hold each 3. Shin Box x 10 total reps 4. Table Top + Hip Thrust x 8-10 each side 5. Alt. KB Lateral Squat: 2-3 x 3-5 each. Rest as needed. 6. KB Squat Jumps: 3 x 3. Rest 45-60s. *light load for maximal height



45-60 minutes on the clock: Cyclical Work eg. rower, bike, ski erg, air runner (choose one) *Every 15:00 starting at 0:00 (this workout starts with the below work) perform: 20 Kettlebell Halos (10 each) 20 Calories on a different cyclical piece 20 Hollow Rocks - Goal: This should be an 'easy' aerobic session, all conversational. The listed work is done at 0:00 then the remaining time is on the cyclical piece of your choosing. When the clock hits 15:00, get off the cyclical piece and perform the 20, 20, 20. Once that is complete, get back on the cyclical piece for the remaining time until another 15:00 has passed. Follow this sequence for 45-60 minutes.



Parasympathetic Breathing

10 Nasal Breathes 5 second inhale 1-second hold at the top 5 second exhale 1-second pause at the bottom *Turn off the music and make sure you’re in a relaxing state. The goal is to start the recovery process before leaving the gym

Heavy Full Body + GPP



Full Body Warm-up (V2)

1. Foam Roll Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Lats, and Thoracic Spine x 30s each side - small 1-2” motion *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Active Straight Leg Raises: 2 x 5 each 3. Adductor Rockback Thoracic Rotations: 2 x 5 each 4a. Banded Pull-apart: 3 x 10 4b. BW Glute Bridge: 3 x 10 5. Warm-up all 4 movements in your training today for 3 sets x 3-5 reps each 6. Plyometric Variation: 3 x 3. Rest 45s. *Choose either a box jump or plyo push-up variation. Alternate these each session.


Hybrid Stance Deadlift

5 x 4 @ 70 %


DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats

3 x 10


Close Grip Chin-up

3 x MAX


Low Handle Sledpush

5 x 100


Farmer Carry

5 x 100


KB Push Press

5 x 10




1. Worlds Greatest Stretch x 8 total reps 2. Recovery Breathing x 8 breaths - 5s nasal inhale + 1s hold at top + 5s nasal exhale in supine position + 1s hold at the bottom.

Skill + Conditioning



Conditioning Warm-up

​​1. Foam Roll Adductors: 60s of 1-2" motion on each side *All foam rolling should be non-painful so remove pressure as needed 2. Rock back Adductor Stretch x 30s small rocking + 30s static hold each 3. Shin Box x 10 total reps 4. Table Top + Hip Thrust x 8-10 each side 5. Alt. KB Lateral Squat: 2-3 x 3-5 each. Rest as needed. 6. KB Squat Jumps: 3 x 3. Rest 45-60s. *light load for maximal height

Skill Work


EMOM 20: Minute 1: 15s Handstand Hold Minute 2: 15s L-Sit Hold Minute 3: 15s Barbell Cycling (your choice of light snatch or clean) Minute 4: Rest - Goal: Resist the urge to go longer than the set time as we'll increase this each subsequent week.



AMRAP 20: 100 ft. Sled Drag Forward 100 ft. Sled Drag Backward 100 ft. Sled Drag Facepulls 100 ft. Sled Drag Extensions - Goal: Use a moderate/heavy load and shoot for 5 rounds.




1. Worlds Greatest Stretch x 8 total reps 2. Recovery Breathing x 8 breaths - 5s nasal inhale + 1s hold at top + 5s nasal exhale in supine position + 1s hold at the bottom.

coach-avatar Jason Brown

I’ve spent my entire 20 year career training everyday athletes to become healthier, stronger, and better conditioned, using concurrent training. I’ve been exclusively online coaching since 2015. I’m a combat veteran, husband, father, published author, and speaker.

To look, feel, and perform your best

... and be able to sustain it into your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond… without spending hours a day in the gym?

Get Rx Athlete
How long do sessions take?
Between 60-75 minutes (most days you'll be around 60 minutes)
Is this is a subscription?
This program used to be a subscription, but is now a one-time purchase 12-week program.
Is this a CrossFit program?
Not technically, but there are similar elements like mixed modality conditioning, Olympic lifting, and gymnastics skill work (there is no kipping in this program)
What is the minimum amount of days needed to perform this program?
5 days per week
How much experience does one need to perform this program?
You should be highly experienced, advanced athlete.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Mike Devin

Former Professional Athlete

Verified Athlete

"As a former hockey player, I've had access to some of the best coaches on the planet, but all pale in comparison to JBC. Jason's programming has simultaneously allowed me to correct imbalances while pushing all qualities of my fitness. Jason truly is the 'King of Programming.'""

verified-athlete-avatar Josh Casby

Muy Thai Enthusiast

Verified Athlete

"Hands down the best training programs I've ever used. Functionally, I'm stronger and faster than I ever was, and I considered myself an athlete."

verified-athlete-avatar Liz Asci

Former CrossFitter

Verified Athlete

"I've been training with Jason since his gym owner days and at almost 40 years old it keeps me pain free and in shape. I no longer have knee or shoulder issues which plagued me during my Crossfit years. And most importantly, I look forward to training every day!!!"

Rx Athlete