Bambu Training

Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Kyle Kostynski and Will Henke

Our Performance program incorporates elements from a variety of training modalities, such as; weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio exercises; that are delivered in a variety of formats that will be sure to keep your motivation up and progress driving forward. This program follows the functional fitness season so you’re ‘Open’ ready.

  • Warm-up, Preparation & Cool down
  • Recommended Scaling Options
  • Equipment Modifications As Required
  • Coaches Workout Insights & Stimulus Intentions
Thoughtfully Designed Training
Our 6-week blocks work to increase your strength numbers and develop your work capacity throughout the year, culminating to set you up for success for competition. With our program you'll have strength, condition & all the accessory work to help develop your weaknesses into your biggest strengths, for skill and lifts.
Expert Coaching On Your Side
Our knowledgable coaches are standing by to answer questions, help motivate and get you moving toward your goals of increasing your performance!
Challenge Yourself
Show yourself what you're capable of when you actually stick to a program and fully commit to yourself and your training!
Purposeful Sessions Explained
Each session is designed with a specific purpose and is articulated to you so you get the most out of it. During your conditioning section, know exactly how your coach expects you to perform and their insight into effective execution.
Train With Us Anywhere
Hit our epic program and join our awesome international community no matter where you are in the world, LFG!
Coaches in Your Corner
Chat with your coaches directly in the app - questions, feedback, we have your back!
Programming 6 days per week
Daily strength and conditioning work that takes 60-75 minutes to complete.
Exercise Demo Videos
Make sure you're performing the movements correctly with our ever-growing exercise demo videos with each movement.
Detailed, Expert Instruction
We're here to get you where you want to go!
Worldwide Community
Join our amazing international community as you work toward your goals
Conveniently Delivered & Tracked Programs
Our programs at your fingertips through TrainHeroic, easy day!
Barbells // Dumbbells // Kettlebells & Other Equipment Found In
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Week 4



For 6 minutes, complete: 15/12 Calorie Machine 3 Position Barbell Power Clean 10 Wall-ball Squats 5/es. Side Lunge 30s Hollow Hold


Power Clean

5 x 3 @ 84 %



For 15 minutes, complete: 30/20 Calorie Row 15 Hang Power Cleans 30 Wall-ball Shots Target Score: 3+ rounds Loading Options: Level 1: M: 155-lbs/70-kg | F: 105-lbs/45-kg -------- Level 2: M: 135-lbs/60-kg | F: 95-lbs/40-kg -------- Level 2: M: 115-lbs/50-kg | F: 80-lbs/35-kg Stimulus Intention: Hey Team! Today we have a moderate length workout where we are looking to set a smooth pace and maintain across all 15 minutes. We want to focus on smooth controlled pulls on the rower. Try to settle in here. On the hang power cleans we recommend complete the following in 2 sets with a short break. The same strategy can be used on the wall-ball shots. If needed break these into 3 sets.


Front Squat

5, 3, 1 @ 75, 85, 95 %

Extra Work:


Complete the following: Glute Ham Raise: 5x15 Complete the following: Barbell Hip Thrust: 5x15




For 2 rounds or 5 minutes, complete 45s Machine 10/es. Side Lunge 10 Barbell Back Squats 5/es. Dumbbell Push Press 10 Banded Pull-aparts


Back Squat

5, 3, 1 @ 75, 85, 95 %



For 4 sets, complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of: 12/9 Calorie Air Bike 12 Double Dumbbell Thruster Rest 60s between each set Target Score / set: 1+ rounds Loading Options: Level 1: M: 50-lbs/22.5-kg | F: 35-lbs/15-kg -------- Level 2/3 M:35-lbs/15-kg | F: 26-lbs/12-kg Stimulus Intention: Hey Team! Today we have a tough high intensity interval workout where we are looking to push the pace and hold on across all 4 sets. We want to set a strong but maintainable pace on the bike. Try to limit your rest to immediately pick up the dumbbells. Here we want to try to push for unbroken as long as possible. Try to match your score across each set..

Extra Work:


Complete the following; Bulgarian Split Squats: 5x15 Complete the following: Leg Curl: 5x15




For 6 minutes, complete 100m Jog 5 Barbell Strict Press + 5 Barbell Push Press 20s Handstand Hold 5/es. Box Step-up 30s Tall Plank


Shoulder Press

5, 3, 1 @ 75, 85, 95 %



For 18 minutes, complete 100m Run 10 Strict Handstand Push-ups 100m Run 10 Burpee Box Jump Over Target Score: 5+ rounds Stimulus Intention: Today we have a longer workout where we are looking to set a smooth pace that can be maintain across all 18 minutes. We want to settle in on the run that allows us to immediately kick up into the wall. Try to complete these in 1 to 2 sets with a short break! On the burpee box jump over set a pace that allows you to keep moving.


Bench Press

5, 3, 1 @ 75, 85, 95 %

Extra Work: Accessory


Complete the following: Dips: 5x15 Complete the following: Strict Pull-up: 5x10




For 6 minutes, complete: 40 Machine of choice 10 Barbell Good Mornings 5 Kip Swing + 5 Strict Pull-ups 40 Single-unders



5, 3, 1 @ 75, 85, 95 %



For 3 rounds, complete: 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 60 Double-unders 15 Chest-to-bar Target Time: 9:00-12:00 Time Cap: 15:00 Loading Options Level 1: M: 50-lbs/22.5-kg | F: 35-lbs/15-kg -------- Level 2/3: M:35-lbs/15-kg | F: 26-lbs/12-kg Stimulus Intention: Hey Team! Today we have a fun pulling focused workout. We want to try to complete the dumbbell snatch in 1-2 sets with a short break. Breathe and stay relaxed on the double-unders and be smart with your sets if you feel you need a break. The same goes for the chest-to-bar. We want to ensure we never push to failure.

Extra Work:


Complete the following: Dumbbell Row: 5x15 Complete the following: Hanging Leg Raise: 5x15




For 2 sets complete, 45s Machine 3 Position Barbell Power Snatch 5 Push-up + Back Extension 30 Lateral Palate Hops


Power Snatch

5 x 3 @ 84 %



For 8 minutes, complete: 2-4-6-8…. Power Snatch Burpee Over Bar Target Score: round of 12+ Loading Options: Level 1: M: 95-lbs/40-kg | F: 65-lbs/30-kg -------- Level 2/3: M: 75-lbs/35-kg | F: 55-lbs/25-kg Stimulus Intention: Hey Team! Today we are going to end the week with a tough increasing rep scheme workout! Here we want to set a good place but also be smart with our reps as we progress in this workout. Try to limit your breaks and put the pedal down in the final minute.


Overhead Squat

5 x 3 @ 84 %

Extra Work: Accessory


Every minute for 16 minutes, complete: Minute 1: 30s Plank Minute 2: 15 Leg Raise Minute 3: 20s Side Plank Minute 4: 20s Side Plank




Swolemate Saturday

In teams of 2, complete the following for time: 100 Plate Thrusters 100 Sit-ups 100 Plate Ground To Overhead 100 Burpees 100 Plate Reverse Lunges 100 Tall Plank Up Downs 100 Plate Bent Over Rows 100 Push-ups *Each team must complete an 800m Run. This can be done at any time during the workout


Rest Day Recommendations


Use today to fully rest, taking the necessary time to tend to any areas of your body that are sore for this weeks training up to now. Don't neglect this, it's important. 1) Spend 20-30min to stretch, foam roll, floss etc. The key is to feel fresh going into another week of training. 2) Play a sport, go for a hike, spend time with family. 3) Spend 30-40min and go for a walk on the empty closed beach or around the block but try to be outside. 4) Take time to meal prep, organize, and schedule your week so you don't feel rushed. Try to eliminate any extra external stressors that may come you way with proper organizational skills. 5) Write down your goals for the week.

No better time than now, LFG!!!

Here's a week on us, you're welcome. Strap in and let's do this!

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
How do I contact the coaches?
Easy! All communication is done through the App - you can ping them anytime! We're all about the human experience, no bots or auto answers! Just a team of super motivating coaches who love engaging with our community!
Am I locked into a contract?
No, your subscription can be cancelled easily at any time with no penalties or exit fees here on the app. There are some Terms and Conditions (boring legal stuff) but you can opt out at any time and there are zero penalties.
How do I interact with other people doing the same workouts?
We have a messaging platform within the App so you can communicate with our team of coaches and the rest of the community. It's a great way of being reminded, you are not alone! Give it a try today - we look forward to chatting...
Same workouts as in Bambu Fitness Bali?
You bet! These workouts are the same as we do in our gym, so no matter if you're here in Bali, or elsewhere, we look forward to training with you!
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Alex Macphail

Perth, Australia

Verified Athlete

"Since following Bambu's Performance program, the amount of progress I've seen with my own abilities has blown me away! The way they structure all the sessions to cater to my level and my weaknesses has me reaching goals faster than I expected. Just do it and take things to the next level!"

verified-athlete-avatar Georgia M.

Sydney, Australia

Verified Athlete

"Long time member! Been a happy and loyal member since 2019, follow all of their programs and love the performance program as my main staple. Love the care and attention to detail you see and feel in their programs and the ability to chat with the coaches directly when I have a question! Keep it up!"

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When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.
