Bambu Hyrox - Endurance Capacity by James Newbury

Bambu Training

James Newbury and Will Henke

This program is for for those looking to enter the Hyrox races with a beginner or moderate level of training. For example, normal resistance training and functional fitness and those who have completed a Hyrox race, finding the most limiting factor the run portion and breath / heart rate regulation. 

This program has a focus on building endurance capacity across running volume and longer conditioning work. The running portions in this program build familiarity with varying distances as well as improve running economy. The conditioning work trains familiarity in the 8 movements seen between the running portions. While developing the key aspects that are not trained in most gym class settings, i.e. grip strength, movement execution efficiency, pacing, etc.

Designed by James Newbury
A specialist in endurance-based fitness, James has proven to be among the best athletes and coaches in the world; gaining his achievements through his own program design.
Improve Your HYROX Specific Weaknesses
This program helps work on the endurance specific aspects of your HYROX Race. That said, you'll maintain your other movements to keep progressing!
Get Fit & Prepared
You can be certain James will not only get you to your fittest come race day, but you'll also see an amazing change in how you look and feel!
Train Hard & Smart
James has already thought it all through for you. All you need to do is show up, put in the purposeful work and reap the benefits! You'll see progression as intensity increases throughout these 10 weeks.
Have Fun & Enjoy The Moment
We'll be here for questions and support along the way! Once you cross that finish line, you'll be happy with your achievement and ready for the next race!
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 7 days per week
Daily sessions and notes from James to help improve your HYROX race - including running, conditioning and rest day protocols.
Movement Demo Videos
There are movement demo videos for most of the exercises, so you can be certain you're doing them correctly!
Detailed, expert instruction
We provide stimulus intentions for each run and conditioning section so you understand the why and how James expects you to attack each session.
Committed Teammates
Your coaches and fellow members are here to support you along the way!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder and keep you going longer, all through an app.
* Access to general gym equipment; such as - dumbbells, barbells // * Access to a Ski Erg and Row Erg
* Access to a treadmill, if running outdoors isn't available to // * Access to a Sled, preferably a Prowler to simulate race condit // * A Wall-ball - Male: 6-9-kg | Female: 4-6-kg) // * 2 x Kettlebells (dumbbells can be used, if kettlebells are not
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 10-week program
Session 1


5km Time Trial

1 x 5000

Session 2



In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of the following: 200m Run 12 Wall-ball Shots 8 Burpee Broad Jumps Target Score: 6+ Rounds Loading Options: Pro: M: 20-lbs/9-kg | F: 14-lbs/6-kg -------- Open: M: 14-lbs/6-kg | F: 10-lbs/4.5-kg Stimulus Intention: For the 200m Runs we are looking to be done at a pace faster than your race pace. Roughly 20s per km quicker than race pace. The Wall-ball Shots must be unbroken across the 12 minutes, choose a light load to achieve this, if needed. The Burpee Broad Jumps are roughly the speed of race day Burpees. Find a rhythm that allows you to move consistently while regulating your breath efficiently.

Session 1


Track Speed Session

4 x 600

Session 2



For 5 rounds for time, complete: 250m Ski Erg 10m Sled Pull 10m Sled Push Loading Options: Sled Push: Pro: M: 445-lbs/202-kg | F: 335-lbs/152-kg -------- Open: M: 335-lbs/152-kg | F: 225-lbs/102-kg Sled Pull: Pro: M: 340-lbs/153-kg | F: 227-lbs/103-kg -------- Open: M: 227-lbs/103-kg | F: 172-lbs/78-kg Target Time: 8:00-10:00 Stimulus Intention: For efforts here I would like to see sustained power on the Ski so do not go out hot there. Be mindful of the 500m pace on the monitor and do your best to be consistent with a similar stroke rate. Use the Ski as a recovery stroke and hammer through the Sleds like it's race day. This is your time to get comfortable pushing and pulling the Sled.

Session 1



Cross Training Option: Swim Cycle Cyclical-biased Mixed Modal Training If you decide to train please keep your duration to 40 minutes or less, and ensure your heart rate stays under 70% of max. Any movement you do today should not imped your training tomorrow. This should promote blood flow at a lower heart rate and intensity. Regardless of which you do, if any, be sure you can hold a conversation through to ensure you're not moving faster than I want you to. More is not better. Workout Option: Ocean ins and outs: Complete 10 Runs into the water, 5 Dolphin Dives, directly into 10 Freestyle Strokes and returns. Aim: Move - nothing hectic

Session 1



1 x 6000

Session 2



Every minute, for 28 minutes, complete: Minute 1: 16 Walking Lunges Minute 2: 100m Run Minute 3: 12 Burpee Broad Jumps Minute 4: Rest Loading Options: Holding Dumbbells on the Walking Lunge and 100m Run Pro: M: 14-lbs/6-kg | F: 10-lbs/4.5-kg -------- Open: M: 10-lbs/4.5kg | F: 6-lbs/2.5kg Stimulus Intention: Make sure you're Lunging into a vertical shin position, practicing purposeful steps and covering consistently meaningful distance. Do not let the knee go too far over the foot and find yourself short stepping. The Run with the Dumbbells is going to be awkward, it's meant to be. Start finding ways to be comfortable while you're uncomfortable and play the cards you’re dealt. While you're Burpee Broad Jumping, using different styles of technique and strategy to see what you like the best and what you're most efficient with.

Session 1



1 x 8000

Session 2



For 5 sets, each for individual time: 15 Calorie Row 15 Wall-ball Shots 200m Run 15 Push-ups 15m Sled Pull Rest 1:30 between sets Target Time: 3:00-3:30 each set Loading Options: Wall-ball Shots Pro: M: 20-lbs/9-kg | F: 14-lbs/6-kg -------- Open: M: 14-lbs/6-kg | F: 10-lbs/4.5-kg Sled Pull: Pro: M: 340-lbs/153-kg | F: 227-lbs/103-kg -------- Open: M: 227-lbs/103-kg | F: 172-lbs/78-kg Results: Log the time from your fastest set and make a note/comment with your individual set times. Stimulus Intention: I would like to see all these rounds hover within 10 seconds of each other. They don't need to be negatively split; some can be slightly slower or slightly quicker than the first effort. Be conscious of Rowing mechanics and aim to be efficient with your strokes. Maintain 3 points of contact on the Wall-ball, i.e. both hands and chin, throughout the carry phase of the Wall-ball Shot. Breathe once per rep at the top of the Wall-ball Shot. After a moderate Run pace you should immediately start the Push-ups and bang straight into the Sled Pull.

Week 1 Day 6



Active Rest Day

Do your best to dedicate some time for self-care today. We don’t care what it is, so long as it makes you happy! Here’s a few examples: - Spend quality time with your partner, loved ones or friends. If they're not around, hop on a Video Chat with them. - Eat yummy treats in moderation ;) - Stretch while watching Netflix - Stretch while listening to a podcast, audio book, or music - Go for a bike ride - Take a bubble bath - Take your dog for a walk - Go for a swim - Go for a hike - Get some sunshine - Just get out of the house and into nature and do something that makes you feel good - Again, these are examples. As long as you’re doing something to make yourself feel good, that’s all what we care about.

Session 1


Fartlek Run

1 x 30:00

Session 2



In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of the following: 800m Row 50 Air Squats 40 Sit-ups Target Score: 3-5 rounds Aim: Today we want you to hold the race pace Row and see how it feels as work accumulates. If you cannot maintain your Row pace you went out too hot. Try to settle into a better pace and adjust.

coach-avatar James Newbury

James is a high level professional athlete earning accolades at the highest level of sports, including Rugby Union, CrossFit, and Australian Olympic Bobsled, he now conquers Ironman, HYROX Pro, and high-endurance sports, showcasing expertise in endurance and pacing across diverse disciplines.

coach-avatar Will Henke

Will, with nine years in the US Army Special Operations, blends his rich coaching experience with leadership prowess. His diverse background equips him to guide individuals effectively in health, fitness, and life, fostering growth and success with tailored strategies and unwavering dedication.

It's GO time!

It's time to take some action and put in the work! Join James and the rest of the crew in pursuit of passion and performance 🚀

Get Bambu Hyrox - Endurance Capacity by James Newbury
How long is this program?
This program is 10 weeks long! It's a great program to do leading up to your next HYROX race or full simulation.
What is the main goal this programs aims to achieve?
This program is endurance-biased, meaning if you know running is your weakest point in your race, this will help to increase your running capacity and also improve your running economy.
Will the running-bias take away from the other aspects of HYROX?
Absolutely not! Although we're going to improve your running capabilities, the conditioning work we have teed up for you still maintain and look to improve your other 8 movements. We also have a Strength Endurance program that helps to solve that problem for those who need improved strength capacity
How do I contact my coaches?
Ping us directly in the app anytime! We're always here and happy to help.
What if I don't have access to some equipment?
As simple as a quick message and a coach will work to find a solution that works best for you!
Bambu Hyrox - Endurance Capacity by James Newbury