Bambu Training

Functional Training
Craig Preston and Will Henke

Our signature Shred sessions combine bodybuilding principals, such as compound lifts and training methods with cardio and core elements in a interval-style format that will have you feeling challenged and energized. Expect to burn fat, build strength and get shredded with these high intensity sessions! Daily Workouts Include:

  • Warm-up, Preparation & Cool down
  • Recommended Scaling Options
  • Equipment Modifications As Required
  • Coaches Workout Insights
Thoughtfully Designed Training
Our 6-week blocks hone into your biggest weaknesses with proven training methods to appropriately load and progress compound lifts and pair them with thoughtfully designed accessory work for the smaller muscles to grow and strengthen from all angles!
Expert Coaching On Your Side
Our knowledgable coaches are standing by to answer questions, help motivate and get you moving toward your goals of moving well and getting shredded!
Challenge Yourself
Show yourself what you're capable of when you actually stick to a program and fully commit to yourself and your training!
Effective & Efficient Full Body Sessions
Each session is created with an upper-body & lower-body split to effectively and efficiently train your body. You can expect the following in a week's training: Monday: Upper Push & Lower Pull (Strength Focus) - Tuesday: Upper Pull & Lower Push (Strength Focus) - Wednesday: Full Body Conditioning - Thursday: Upper Push & Lower Pull (Volume Focus) - Friday: Upper Pull & Lower Push (Volume Focus)
Train With Us Anywhere
Hit our epic program and join our awesome international community no matter where you are in the world, LFG!
Coaches in Your Corner
Chat with your coaches directly in the app - questions, feedback, we have your back!
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength and hypertrophy work that will only takes 45-60 minutes to complete.
Exercise Demo Videos
Make sure you're performing the movements correctly with our ever-growing exercise demo videos with each movement.
Detailed, Expert Instruction
We're here to get you where you want to go!
Worldwide Community
Join our amazing international community as you work toward your goals
Conveniently Delivered & Tracked Programs
Our programs at your fingertips through TrainHeroic, easy day!
Barbells // Dumbbells // Kettlebells & Other Common Gym Equipmen
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Strength Focus: Upper Push + Lower Pull



Grab a light to moderate warm-up Dumbbell & Band. 30s Machine of choice, hop off the machine and complete: 5 Inchworm Walkouts 8 Scap Push-ups 6 Push-ups 3 Dive Bomber Push-ups 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10 Banded Deadlifts 10 Banded Bent Over Rows 10 Banded Good Mornings 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10/ea. Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlifts 8/ea. Single Arm Dumbbell Half Kneeling Strict Press 30s Tall Plank Shoulder Taps



A. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 10 Close Grip Bench Press + 12 Double Dumbbell Flyes Partner 2: Ski/Row at a moderate effort, until partner 1 is done. No Partner: 60s Ski/Row at a moderate effort Rest 5 minutes B. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 6 Deadlifts (20X1) + 20s/ea. Single Leg Banded Glute Bridges Partner 2: Jump Rope at a moderate effort, until partner 1 is done No Partner: 60s Jump Rope at a moderate effort (60 Double-under CAP) Rest 5 minutes C. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: 10-12 Double Dumbbell RDL's (2111) 3-5 Max Height Reset Vertical Jumps 8-10 Dips (2111) + 20-30s L-sit/Tuck Hold Rest as needed between sets Stimulus Intention: Week 4/6, Let's go!! For Monday's on weeks 2, 4 & 6 we're going to be focusing on... Part A is going to have us working our chest and triceps hard in the close grip bench press and then stretching that chest out with the flyes! Part B has us completing 6 deadlifts with a 2s eccentric (lowering) focus that we're looking to complete a soft touch on the ground and driving immediately back up. Let's really focus on making these deadlifts perfect! Part C has us completing some plyometrics to start with for 3-5 vertical jumps, with a reset, before going into all our lower pull + upper push accessories 👌🏽.


Close Grip Bench Press

3 x 10


Dumbbell Fly

3 x 12



3 x 6


Banded Glute Bridge

3 x 20


Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

3 x 12


Vertical Jump

3 x 5



3 x 10



3 x 30

Strength Focus: Upper Pull + Lower Push



Grab a light to moderate warm-up Dumbbell. 30s Machine of choice, hop off the machine and complete: 20 Air Squats 10 Crush Grip Romanian Deadlifts 10 Weighted Dead Bugs 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10 Goblet Squats (21X1) 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows 15-20s Forearm Side Plank 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10 Goblet Squats 10 Goblet Good Mornings 10 Crush Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (1012)



A. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 8 Back or Front Squats (20X1) + 30s Weighted Forearm Plank Partner 2: Air Bike at a moderate effort, until partner 1 is done. No Partner: 60s Air Bike at a moderate effort Rest 5 minutes B. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 6-8 Pendlay Rows or Bent Over Rows + 6-8 Barbell Roll-outs Partner 2: Row/Ski at a moderate effort, until partner 1 is done. No Partner: 60s Ski/Row at a moderate effort Rest 5 minutes C. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, of the following: 6-8/ea. Ipsilateral Kettlebell Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (21X1) + 20s Standing Bike Erg Sprint 8-10 Dumbbell Incline Prone Rows + 12-16 Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bicep Curls Rest as needed between sets Stimulus Intention: Week 4/6 - Big Upper Pull + Lower Push coming at ya!! For Tuesday's on weeks 2, 4 & 6 we're focusing on... Part A will have us completing 8 back or front squats with a 2s eccentric focus, let's really make sure we're controlling that eccentric and then driving up fast! Part B is going to have us completing Pendlay or bent over rows into some roll-outs. our midline and back should be on fire here! Part C is all about getting that full range of motion and quality contractions, move well and with intent legends!


Back Squat

3 x 8


Forearm Plank

3 x 30


Pendlay Row

3 x 8


Barbell Rollouts

3 x 8


Ipsilateral Kettlebell Front Foot Elevated Front Rack Split Squat

3 x 8


Incline Bench Dumbbell Prone Row

3 x 10


Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl

3 x 16

Full Body Conditioning



Grab a light to moderate warm-up Kettlebell & Skipping Rope. 30s Machine of choice, hop off the machine and complete: 5 Inchworm Walkouts 16 Alternating Tall Plank Shoulder Taps 16 Air Squats 30s Skipping (moderate effort) 10 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 10 Goblet Squats 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 6-10 Push-ups 30s Forearm Plank 3 x 1 Forward Lunge + 1 Reverse Lunge (Each Side)

Full Body


Complete the following: A. In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: Strict Pull-ups or Ring Rows Rest 2 minutes B. In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: Single Arm Dumbbell Reverse Lunges Rest 2 minutes C. In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: Push-ups Rest 2 minutes D. In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 5 Kettlebell Reset Squat Jumps Rest 2 minutes E. In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: Air Bike Calories Rest 2 minutes F. In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: 30s Forearm Plank 20 Sit-ups


Strict Pull-ups

1 x MAX


Ring Row

1 x MAX


Single Arm DB Suitcase Reverse Lunge

1 x MAX


Push up

1 x MAX


Russian Kettlebell Swing

3 x 15


Kettlebell Squat Jump

3 x 5


Air Bike

1 x MAX


Forearm Plank

3 x 30



3 x 20

Hypertrophy Focus: Upper Push + Lower Pull



Grab a light to moderate warm-up Dumbbell & Band. 30s Machine of choice, hop off the machine and complete: 5 Inchworm Walkouts 8 Scap Push-ups 6 Push Ups 3 Dive Bomber Push-ups 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10 Banded Deadlifts 10 Banded Bent Over Rows 10 Banded Good Mornings 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10/ea. Single Arm Dumbbell B-Stance RDL 8/ea. Single Arm Dumbbell Glute Bridge Floor Press 30s Tall Plank Shoulder Taps



A. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, of the following: 8-10 Good Mornings (2111) 8-10/ea. Dumbbell B-stance Glute Bridges (1012) 60s Bike Erg (moderate effort) Rest as needed between sets Rest 5 minutes B. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 12-16 Top-down Dumbbell Incline Bench Press + 8-10 Dumbbell Prone Incline Y-Raises Partner 2: Row/Ski at a moderate effort, until partner 1 is done. No Partner: 60s Ski/Row at a moderate effort Rest 5 minutes C. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: 8-10/ea. Half Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Arnold Press (2111) 10/ea. Machine Single Leg Hamstring Curl 12-15/ea. Standing Kettlebell Oblique Crunches 8-10 Single Arm Kettlebell Turkish Sit-ups Rest as needed between sets Stimulus Intention: Week 4/6 - Big Upper Push + Lower Pull coming at ya!! For Thursday's on weeks 2, 4 & 6 we're focusing on... Part A has us bringing back good mornings that are looking to really strengthen our hamstrings, glutes & midline! Part B is going to have us glued to the incline bench completing dumbbell incline bench and y-raises that should leave us feeling nice and toasty! Part C has all the successories that are going to have us feeling really good!


Good Morning (Barbell)

3 x 10


Dumbbell B-stance Glute Bridge

3 x 10


Top Down Alternating Incline Bench Press

3 x 16


Prone Incline Dumbbell Y Raise

3 x 10


Half Kneeling Arnold Press

3 x 10


Single Leg Hamstring Curl (Machine Prone)

3 x 10


Standing Oblique Side Crunch

3 x 15


Single Arm Turkish Sit-up

3 x 10

Hypertrophy Focus: Upper Pull + Lower Push



Grab a light to moderate warm-up Dumbbell. 30s Machine of choice, hop off the machine and complete: 20 Air Squats 10 Crush Grip Romanian Deadlifts 10 Weighted Dead Bugs 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10 Goblet Squats (21X1) 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows 15-20s Forearm Side Plank 30s Machine, hop off the machine and complete: 10 Goblet Squats 10 Goblet Good Mornings 10 Crush Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (1012)



A. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 8-12 Feet Elevated Ring Rows / Ring Rows + 8-10 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises Partner 2: Row/Ski at a moderate effort, until partner 1 is done. No Partner: 60s Ski/Row at a moderate effort Rest 5 minutes B. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work, with a partner, of the following: Partner 1: 60s Double Dumbbell Box Step-overs Partner 2: 45s Bike Erg (easy effort) Rest 5 minutes C. In 10 minutes, complete continuous work of the following: 10 Heels Elevated Goblet Squats - 2s pause in the bottom 10-12/ea. Single Arm Kettlebell 3-Point Row (1012) 12-15 Double Dumbbell Drag Curls Rest as needed between sets Stimulus Intention: Week 4/6 - Big Upper Pull + Lower Push coming at ya!! For Friday's on weeks 2, 4 & 6 we're focusing on... Part A will have us completing ring rows with weighted knee raises, this combo is going to have our back and midline feeling ready to attack anything. Part B is a spicy combo of dumbbell box step-overs for which we want you going HEAVY into an easy effort on the bike to spin the legs over. Part C is all about keeping our joints and muscles feeling fit and healthy.


Feet Elevated Ring Rows

3 x 12


Hanging Knee Raises

3 x 10


Double Dumbbell Box Step Over

3 x MAX


Heels Elevated Goblet Squat

3 x 10


3-Point Kettlebell Row

3 x 12


Double Dumbbell Drag Curls

3 x 15

Rest Day or Optional Session 

Rest Day or Optional Session


Didn't get to all of the programming this week? Consider using today as a make-up day, only if you feel you have the extra energy and motivation to give. If your body is sore, or you're feeling fatigue, then leave what you didn't get to and use this time to recover and rest. If you've dedicated the last five days towards training, use today to fully rest, taking the necessary time to stretch any areas of your body that are sore from this week's training. Don't neglect this, it's important! Overtraining and not taking the necessary time to recovery will not lead you closer to your goals, in-fact overtraining will lead you further away from achieving your goals and success. If your body needs some extra TLC, jump into the stretching and mobility session provided. If you're an advanced athlete who is use to training 6 days a week, jump on over to one of the other programs and hit one of the different Saturday sessions programmed. Have a great weekend Team, see you on Monday!

Stretching & Mobility


Every minute on the minute, continuously flow through the following movements for desired rounds: Minute 1: Seated Straddle Stretch reach to middle, right, and left Minute 2: Upper Back Stretch Over Med-ball Minute 3: Frog Stretch Minute 4: Triangle Stretch Variation 1 or 2 Minute 5: Child's Pose Choose to complete 2, 3, or 4 rounds. 2 rounds = 10 minutes 3 rounds = 15 minutes 4 rounds = 20 minutes Record total rounds you decided to flow for today.

Rest Day Recommendations

Rest Day Recommendations


Use today to fully rest, taking the necessary time to tend to any areas of your body that are sore for this weeks training up to now. Don't neglect this, it's important. 1) Spend 20-30min to stretch, foam roll, floss etc. The key is to feel fresh going into another week of training. 2) Play a sport, go for a hike, spend time with family. 3) Spend 30-40 minutes and go for a walk on the empty closed beach or around the block but try to be outside. 4) Take time to meal prep, organize, and schedule your week so you don't feel rushed. Try to eliminate any extra external stressors that may come you way with proper organizational skills. 5) Write down your goals for the week.

No better time than now, LFG!!!

Here's a week on us, you're welcome. Strap in and let's do this!

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Easy! All communication is done through the App - you can ping them anytime! We're all about the human experience, no bots or auto answers! Just a team of super motivating coaches who love engaging with our community!
Am I locked into a contract?
No, your subscription can be cancelled easily at any time with no penalties or exit fees here on the app. There are some Terms and Conditions (boring legal stuff) but you can opt out at any time and there are zero penalties.
How do I interact with other people doing the same workouts?
We have a messaging platform within the App so you can communicate with our team of coaches and the rest of the community. It's a great way of being reminded, you are not alone! Give it a try today - we look forward to chatting...
Same workouts as in Bambu Fitness Bali?
You bet! These workouts are the same as we do in our gym, so no matter if you're here in Bali, or elsewhere, we look forward to training with you!
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