Coach Miguel Diaz

Functional Fitness
Miguel Diaz

Welcome to “Parents Express”

This program is meant for those short in time and still want to get fit.

I personally used this program when my first child was born and long training sessions were not an option.

Each session is planned to be completed within 30 minutes.

The program will show you 5 sessions per week for those who can squeeze those 30 min 5 times a week. If you can only do 3 times, no stress.

5 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Team Training
You will find three options:1. Full equipment. 2. Restricted equipment (as you might find in a home gym) 3. Dumbbells only.
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
A. Full equipment



Every 6 minutes for 3 rounds: 500 meters row 30 wall balls (9/6 kg) 10 power snatches Scaling options: Rx: 40/30 kg power snatches Intermediate: 35/25 kg power snatches Scaled: 30/20 kg power snatches Fitness: 10 High KB swings Notes: We are looking for a weight in the snatches that allows us to go unbroken or maybe break them in 2 sets. Be smart on how to split the wall balls. Maybe you can risk going unbroken, but make sure you have some energy for the barbell. Scale the wall balls if it takes you more than 2 minutes in the first round. Substitutions: 500 meters row: 500m ski, 400m run, 1000m C2 bike, 40/30 cal ECHO/Assault bike

B. Garage gym



Every 6 minutes for 3 rounds: 500 meters row 30 wall balls (9/6 kg) 10 power snatches Scaling options: Rx: 40/30 kg power snatches Intermediate: 35/25 kg power snatches Scaled: 30/20 kg power snatches Fitness: 10 High KB swings Notes: We are looking for a weight in the snatches that allows us to go unbroken or maybe break them in 2 sets. Be smart on how to split the wall balls. Maybe you can risk going unbroken, but make sure you have some energy for the barbell. Scale the wall balls if it takes you more than 2 minutes in the first round. Substitutions: 500 meters row: 500m ski, 400m run, 1000m C2 bike, 40/30 cal ECHO/Assault bike Power Snatches: DB snatches or High KB swings

C. Dumbbell madness



Every 6 minutes for 3 rounds: 150 Double Unders 30 walking lunges 10 dual DB power snatches Scaling options: Rx: 2x22,5/15 kg Intermediate: 2x15/10 kg Scaled: 250 single unders + 2x10/5 kg Notes: If you can do some Double Unders but 150 are too many, you can take 2 minutes and practice as many as you can. When the clock says 2, move on to the lunges. Substitutions: If you only have one DB perform alternating arms on every rep x20 reps.

A. Full equipment



3 rounds for time of: 20 Kipping Handstand push ups 10 Deadlifts into 3 rounds for time of: 10 strict HSPU 10 Deadlifts Rx: 100/70 Intermediate: Substitute strict HSPU for pike push ups on a box. 80/60 kg on the bar Scaled: Substitute kipping HSPU for hand release push ups and strict HSPU for pike push ups. 60/40 kg on the bar Fitness: 6 rounds for time of: 20 hand release push ups and 10 deadlifts at 65%

B. Garage gym



3 rounds for time of: 20 Kipping Handstand push ups 10 Deadlifts into 3 rounds for time of: 10 strict HSPU 10 Deadlifts Rx: 100/70 Intermediate: Substitute strict HSPU for pike push ups on a box. 80/60 kg on the bar Scaled: Substitute kipping HSPU for hand release push ups and strict HSPU for pike push ups. 60/40 kg on the bar Fitness: 6 rounds for time of: 20 hand release push ups and 10 deadlifts at 65% If you don't have a barbell Perform the DL with DBs for 15 reps per round

C. Dumbbell madness



3 rounds for time of: 20 Kipping Handstand push ups 15 Dual DB Deadlifts into 3 rounds for time of: 10 strict HSPU 15 Dual DB Deadlifts Scaling options: kipping HSPU for hand release push ups strict HSPU for pike push ups.

A. Full equipment



AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the bar 5 hang power cleans rest 2:30 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the bar 5 hang power cleans rest 2:30 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the bar 5 hang power cleans Rx+: 60/45 - 80/60 - 100/70 Rx: 40/30 - 60/40 - 80/55 Intermediate: 40/30 - 50/35 - 60/40 Scaled: 30/20 - 35/25 - 40/30 Fitness: Dual DB hang Power Cleans (increasing the weight every 5 minutes block) Notes: We are looking for a 5-minute window where intensity is semi high, but you are able to move the entire time instead of taking big breaks. The weights should be very light in the first block, moderate light in the second one, and heavy in the last one (still possible to do unbroken) Targets: Round 1: +9 rounds Round 2: +7 rounds Round 3: +5 rounds

C. Dumbbell madness



AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the DBs 5 Dual DB hang power cleans rest 2:30 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the DBs 5 Dual DB front squats rest 2:30 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the DBs 5 Dual DB hang squat cleans Rx: 2x22,5/15 Intermediate: 2x15/10 Scaled: 2x10/8 Notes: We are looking for a 5-minute window where intensity is semi high, but you are able to move the entire time instead of taking big breaks. If you have different weight of DBs you can perform all the 5-min windows with Hang power clean and increase on weigth on each round.

B. Garage gym



AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the bar 5 hang power cleans rest 2:30 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the bar 5 hang power cleans rest 2:30 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 5 burpees over the bar 5 hang power cleans Rx+: 60/45 - 80/60 - 100/70 Rx: 40/30 - 60/40 - 80/55 Intermediate: 40/30 - 50/35 - 60/40 Scaled: 30/20 - 35/25 - 40/30 Fitness: Dual DB hang Power Cleans (increasing the weight every 5 minutes block) Substitutions: If you don't have a barbell, you can perform this with dual DB or Sandbag cleans. If it is possible increasing every round, if not, stay in the same weight and try to be constant in the amount of reps. Notes: We are looking for a 5-minute window where intensity is semi high, but you are able to move the entire time instead of taking big breaks. The weights should be very light in the first block, moderate light in the second one, and heavy in the last one (still possible to do unbroken)

B. Garage gym


Back Squat

5 x 5



Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds: 30 double unders 10 dual DB front rack lunges remaining time max calories ECHO bike Rx: 2x22,5/15 Intermediate: 2x15/10 Scaled: 50 single unders and 2x10/5 Notes: This is a 10-minutes window with no rest in between. At the 0:00 and every 2 minutes complete the DUs and the lunges before start in the bike. If you can do some DUs you can use a 30 seconds window to practice as many as you can and then move on to the lunges. The bike can be substituted for any other machine, running or burpees.

A. Full equipment


Back Squat

5 x 5



Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds: 30 double unders 10 dual DB front rack lunges remaining time max calories ECHO bike Rx: 2x22,5/15 Intermediate: 2x15/10 Scaled: 50 single unders and 2x10/5 Notes: This is a 10-minutes window with no rest in between. At the 0:00 and every 2 minutes complete the DUs and the lunges before start in the bike. If you can do some DUs you can use a 30 seconds window to practice as many as you can and then move on to the lunges.

C. Dumbbell madness


Bulgarian Split Squat

6 x 16



Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds: 30 double unders 10 dual DB front rack lunges remaining time max distance run Rx: 2x22,5/15 Intermediate: 2x15/10 Scaled: 50 single unders and 2x10/5 Notes: This is a 10-minutes window with no rest in between. At the 0:00 and every 2 minutes complete the DUs and the lunges before start the running. If you can do some DUs you can use a 30 seconds window to practice as many as you can and then move on to the lunges.

B. Garage gym



For Time 15 Front Squats 30 Toes-to-Bars 15 Thrusters Rest 1 minute 15 Front Squats 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 15 Thrusters Rest 1 minute 15 Front Squats 30 Bar Muscle-Ups 15 Thrusters Time cap: 15 minutes Rx: 43/30 Intermediate: 30/20 Scaled: Empty bar / Hanging knee raises (above 90 degrees) / Jumping pull ups / Jumping bar muscle ups If not pull up bar: Toes-to-bar -> V-ups or sit ups Chest-to-bar pull ups -> DB bent over rows Bar muscle ups -> burpees

C. Dumbbell madness



For Time 15 Air Squats 30 Sit ups 15 single arm DB Thrusters Rest 1 minute 15 Air Squats 30 DB bent over row 15 single arm DB Thrusters Rest 1 minute 15 Air Squats 30 burpees 15 single arm DB Thrusters Time cap: 15 minutes

A. Full equipment



For Time 15 Front Squats 30 Toes-to-Bars 15 Thrusters Rest 1 minute 15 Front Squats 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 15 Thrusters Rest 1 minute 15 Front Squats 30 Bar Muscle-Ups 15 Thrusters Time cap: 15 minutes Rx: 43/30 Intermediate: 30/20 Scaled: Empty bar / Hanging knee raises (above 90 degrees) / Jumping pull ups / Jumping bar muscle ups

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Parents Express
Parents Express
Parents Express
Parents Express