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Lift Heavy, Swing Fast

Lift Heavy, Swing Fast

Cody Wescott and Erika Wescott

This program follows the golf season - we've got you covered all year round!

Lift Heavy, Swing Fast (LHSF) will help you become the fittest player on the course. We focus on Mobility, Strength, and Power to improve your game.

Expect to see more club head speed, more overall strength, an increase in range of motion in your swing, and improved endurance with this program.

There are 3 main workouts each week, along with an additional mobility and conditioning workout. In total - there are 5 programmed workouts per week. We understand not everyone is able to train 5 days a week, which is perfectly fine. If you can commit to at least 2 or 3 of the main workouts (M,W,F on the calendar) this program will still work great for you.

Need help with form? We provide unlimited form checks - FREE.

A fully equipped gym is ideal - options and swaps are provided. Check out LHSF - HOME GYM for the HOME GYM version of our LHSF program!


With our mobility, strength and power training you will gain club head speed. Club head speed is important at all levels of the game and can be gained at any age. Paired with a technically sound swing and you'll be lowering your handicap in no time.
When joining this program you are no longer just a golfer, you are a golf ATHLETE, and we will train you as such. Athletes lift, jump, slam, and move dynamically. This is not a bro workout where we are going to spend hours doing arms. This is a program for real athletes who bring it to the gym and the course.
LIFT HEAVY, SWING FAST...and still play
Through proper programming we will still be able to play and perform our best. Lifting heavy doesn't have to make you so sore you can't walk or swing the club. After a week or two of following the program consistently you will feel very little to no soreness, but feeling and playing better.
LHSF athletes will all be given a link to join our private online group. Our private group is a community where athletes can share progress, workout modifications, golf tips, best places to play etc. The CWG coaches are very active as a resource to all athletes to answer questions and provide ongoing support. This is not offered by other trainers so we are very excited to bring this to you.
Guidance from Cody, Erika, and CWG coaches
Ask questions or post form check videos and get detailed coaching responses from the best coaches in the industry in our private FB group page.
Programming 5 days per week
3 Total Body Strength, Mobility and Power Days (Main Focus) + 1 Mobility Day + 1 Conditioning Day Mobility and Conditioning may be "Optional"
Access to Free Nutrition/Fitness Resources
Our resident Nutrition Coach, Erika Wescott, created a nutrition eBook just for CWG athletes and is available for questions in our private forum.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos for every movement and access to our YouTube channel with hundreds of other video resources.
Detailed, expert programming
Our golf programs are no BS. We use functional, efficient, and effective programming that deliver results.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Dumbbells // Bands/Cables // Med Ball/Slam Balls // Bench/Box
Pull-Up Bar // Kettlebells // Barbell // Plates // Full Gym // Stick Mobility Sticks // Golf Forever Swing Trainer
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Rest Day



In Season



2 x 1:00


Wall Supported Hip CARS

2 x 6


Worlds Greatest Stretch

2 x 6


ATG Split Squat

2 x 6


Box Squat - CWGF

3 x 5


Vertical Jump

3 x 3


Lateral Heisman Step Up

3 x 3


Band Assisted Vertical Jump

3 x 3


Pull Up

3 x 5


Power Row with Rotation

3 x 5


Med Ball Slam - CWG

3 x 3


Explosive Pull Ups - Band Assist

3 x 5


Rear Foot Elevated Hinge with Rotation Press

2 x 6


Rotational Pivot Press

2 x 6

Cool Down


1 Round :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold Per Side 2 Minute Seated Forward Fold :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold Per Side 2 Minute Puppy Dog Pose :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold

Mobility Day / Zone 2 Cardio


Stick Mobility Wrist Drills

2 x 8


Weighted Ankle Shifts

2 x 6


Plank Shoulder Tap Holds

2 x 5


Prone Weighted Swimmers

2 x 10


Side Lying Hip Abduction

2 x 10


Bodyweight Back Extension

2 x 6

Zone 2 Cardio


There are many benefits to performing Zone 2 Cardio - which is moderately intense cardio performed at about 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. Most recommendations are to get 3-4 hours of Zone 2 every week to improve performance, maximize recovery, burn fat and most of all - improve your longevity. You'll get a good amount of this from our workouts and playing golf, but this day is also a perfect time to add in as much as you can. Zone 2 should be intense enough where you can't do it for more than an hour. 30 Minutes minimum is where you really start to get the most benefits, so start there and if you have time for more do it! If you don't have a heart rate monitor (most smart watches have this) just perform cardio and try the talk test. You should be able to hold a conversation, but not perfectly, if you were on the phone someone could tell you were working out and you wouldn't be able to talk for a long period of time without needing to pause to breathe. There's a wide variety of ways you can accomplish Zone 2 - Stairs, Treadmill, Bike, etc... My personal go to is the stair mill. If you are choosing a modality that is too challenging to stay on for long periods of time, you can go for 5-10 minutes on then get off and spend 1 minute doing something like body weight squats, push ups things like that before getting back on.


Happy Baby Pose

1 x 2:00

In Season



2 x 1:00


Boot Strappers

2 x 8


Side Plank External Shoulder Rotation

2 x 6


Wall Supported Book Openers

2 x 6


Trap Bar Deadlift - CWGF

3 x 5


Lateral Broad Jump

3 x 2


Banded Kettlebell Swings

3 x 5


Band Assisted Broad Jump

3 x 3


Barbell Bench Press - CWG

3 x 5


Elevated Plyo Push Ups

3 x 3


Rotational Push Press

3 x 3


Band Assisted Plyo Push Ups

3 x 3


Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat with Rotation

3 x 6


Zombie Walks

3 x 100

Cool Down


1 Round :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold Per Side 1 Minute Per Side Pec Stretch :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold Per Side 2 Minute Saddle Pose or Standing Quad Stretch (1 Min per side) :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold

Active Recovery



In Season



2 x 1:00


Band Pull Through and Rotation

2 x 6


Single Leg Book Openers

2 x 6


Golf Posture Pelvic Tilts - With Support

2 x 8


Goblet Lateral Lunge

3 x 5


Weighted Lateral Jumps

3 x 2


Lateral Lunge Med Ball Chop

3 x 3


Banded Speed Skater

3 x 3


Split Stance Pull Down with Rotation

3 x 6


Split Stance Press with Rotation

3 x 6


Dumbbell Dig and Chops

3 x 8


Figure 4 Glute Bridge

3 x 10



8 Rounds :20 Work :10 Rest Pick a cardio machine or do air squats or jump squats. Set a time. Go at a very high pace for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, go again for 20 and repeat. Go for 8 rounds of work.

Cool Down


1 Round :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold Per Side 1 Minute Standing Straddle :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold Per Side 2 Minute Seated Straddle (don't need stick mobility, just hold something in front of you for a deeper stretch) :20 Golfers Elbow Static Hold

Conditioning Day



EMOM Stands for Each Minute On the Minute, you start a timer and start on the first exercise. Perform the prescribed reps, then rest for remaining time left in the minute. Once the next minute starts you begin the next exercise and so on. Once the last exercise in the circuit is completed start back at the first one. If it is a 9 minute EMOM you will do 3 rounds. (12 you would do 4 and 6 you would do 2) 1. 6 x Kettlebell Hip Opener Per Side 2. 6 x Half Kneeling Rotations Per Side 3. 6 x Down Dog Toe Touches Per Side



1. 5-8 x Nordic Curls (homemade can find something heavy to hold legs and feet down) SWAP Band Hamstring Curls 2. 12-15 x Standing Arnold Press 3. 5 x Pallof Walkout (Walk out until it's very challenging, then walk in until it becomes slightly less challenging)



1. 12-16 x Step Ups (total) 2. 12-15 x Face Pulls 3. 12-15 x Tea Pots (Per Side)

Norwegian 4 x 4


We will run this as our conditioning one more cycle, I know many can still progress this even after 6 weeks. If you have been doing this for a few weeks you need to be pushing your pace and/or shortening rest periods to keep progressing this. There are several methods to improve your VO2 Max (which is the number one variable correlated with health and longevity). This protocol, the "Norwegian 4 x 4" is one of the most studied and efficient methods for improving It's 4 minutes of work followed by 4 minutes of rest. You will complete 4 rounds of 4 minutes at 90-95% of max HR (Heart Rate). Then you will rest completely for 4 minutes. The pace will be the hardest pace you can sustain for the full 4 minutes without a drop in output. You may use any piece of equipment you'd like to reach this effort or you may run. I'd recommend a rower or bike if you have it available, if you are a good runner then that would be a viable option too.

Cool Down


1 Round 1 Minute Per Side Twisted Cross 1 Minute Per Side Glute Stretch

coach-avatar Cody Wescott

Founder + Head Coach // As a personal trainer with over 12 years of experience, I've become well-known for my passion for strength and mobility for athletes. After improving my own golf game through mobility strength and power, I developed my own unique methods to apply to athletes to take their golf game to the next level. I live by the motto "Lift Heavy, Swing Fast"

coach-avatar Erika Wescott

Nutrition Coach / / Fitness Expert - Erika has over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. She brings a wealth of knowledge when it comes to nutrition and endurance training. Author of our Eat to Perform Nutrition eBook to help golfers feel and play their best by properly fueling their bodies.

Are you ready to train like a Golf Athlete?

The best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is right now. Let's get to work - it's time to LIFT HEAVY and SWING FAST.

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
Will this work for my home gym?
Our app has a "swap" feature that allows you to easily change exercises in app. We offer a variety of swap options for many of the core movements, so you can stay flexible in your training. Check out LHSF - HOME GYM for those who only have access to dumbbells and bands. Linked down below!
What if I can't do 5 days a week?
5 Days a week is how many workouts are programmed, but the mobility and conditioning days can be optional. The mobility and conditioning may workouts can be swapped out for simply getting movement in - like walking. If you can commit to 2-3 days a week, you can still make gains on this program.
What if I miss a day or week?
No sweat (pun intended). The app allows you to go back to a workout from the previous day or week. We understand life happens. If you miss an entire week or several days, we recommend just picking up where the program is currently and adjust intensity to around 60-70% as you ease back into training.
Can I start the program anytime or do I need to wait for a new cycle?
You can start anytime - and many people do! We recommend starting out around 60-70% effort your first week in and you will quickly catch up. If you are brand new, start slow and learn the movements before making large increases in weight.
Who is this program for?
This program is for athletes and golfers of all levels. Juniors to Seniors, Beginners to Pros.
What is the cancelation policy?
Subscriptions are month to month and you may cancel at anytime.
How can I get a discount?
We don't have discount codes, but if you get an ANNUAL subscription, you get TWO MONTHS free! Just select the ATHLETE YEARLY dropdown at checkout!
I prefer a stand-alone program to do on my own, not a subscription.
We got you! Check out our stand-alone program options down below. We have 5 programs including Golf Fitness Foundations, Golf Off-Season, and Golf Strong that you can do on your own time and repeat as many times as you wish! All programs include access for one full year.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Jim M.

LHSF Athlete

Verified Athlete

"I love everything about this program. The swap feature is fantastic; you don’t have to go to a full blown out gym. The app is super easy to use. I like the routine and the other various exercises that are included from time to time. I get a good quality workout in about 45-60 min each time."

verified-athlete-avatar Jeff L.

LHSF Athlete

Verified Athlete

"The body doesn’t hurt after golfing anymore. - Better mobility allowing for better positions, complementing mechanics. - Stronger and more power to push off the ground, create speed via the core, and pull the club harder."

verified-athlete-avatar Alex P.

LHSF Athlete

Verified Athlete

"I appreciate the focus on strength. Too many golf programs I have tried just want you to do stretching and golf swing looking exercises with bands. I already notice a big difference in how I feel just after a couple of weeks."

verified-athlete-avatar Trent G.

Young LHSF Athlete

Verified Athlete

"I'm a 16 year old competitive golfer who just started using {the} LHSF program. It's been great and I already feel the improvement in my game. I just won the club championship at my course and I think that my conditioning had a lot to do with it. Thanks for creating this program!"

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When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

Lift Heavy, Swing Fast
Lift Heavy, Swing Fast
Lift Heavy, Swing Fast
Lift Heavy, Swing Fast