GPS Daily Programming

GPS Human Performance

Functional Fitness, Functional Training, General Fitness, Strength & Conditioning
Geoffrey Steinbacher

The GPS Daily Team is the same exact style of programming I used on a daily basis in my brick and mortar gym.

It is geared toward the individual that needs a one stop shop program to tick all of the fitness boxes.

Want to get in shape? Check. Want to get stronger? Check. Want to lose a couple lbs? Check. Want to put on some lean muscle? Check.

The Daily Team will help you improve your overall fitness level, while increasing your whole-body strength and helping you earn the physique you deserve.

We do this by focusing on 2 things. Lifting weights, aka strength training and Metabolic Conditioning, aka metcons. I also throw in some Bodybuilding, but don't worry, your won't get bulky ladies.

With this Team you get variety. Monday, Wednesday and Friday you'll be able to choose either a more STRENGTH focused routine or a more CONDITIONING focused routine. It's like the Hardy Boys, you get to choose your own adventure.

Tuesday and Thursday everyone gets in on some Conditioning after the Strength work. See sample week below!

Any questions, email:

Get in, Get out!
Each days training is designed to maximize your time in the gym so you can enjoy life outside of it. Gone are the days of spending two-hours grinding thru a workout From start to finish, the days programming should take you no more than 60 minutes (including warm-up and cool-down). Unless of course you start scrolling through IG, then who knows how long it'll take.
Adaptable Programming
Whether you are looking to get stronger, put on muscle, drop lbs or get in great shape there is something for everyone on the GPS Daily Team. With a mix of Strength work, Metabolic Conditioning and some Bodybuilding thrown in weekly you'll be able to fit the programming to your needs and achieve your goals quicker.
Variety of Training
On a typical week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday you'll be able to choose either a more STRENGTH focused routine or a more CONDITIONING focused routine. I call these days "The Hardy Boys" because you get to choose your own adventure. Tuesday and Thursday are "Hybrid Days" where everyone will hit a quick strength work superset then roll into a longer metabolic conditioning circuit.
Access to Your Coach
Get feedback from Geoff, who has a MS in Exercise Science, BS in Athletic Training and 10+ years of experience working in the fitness industry..
Programming 5 days per week
Complete with Warm-Ups, PreHab, Cool-Downs and Daily Strength, Conditioning, and Bodybuilding Work to maximize time and gainz. 6th Day Optional.
Exercise Video Demos
Instructional videos linked to our YouTube channel to guide your movement and make execution easy to understand what is expected.
Detailed Instruction
Each exercise will have notes from Geoff on what is expected, how to execute and specific points of performance so we are always on the same page.
Committed Teammates
You are not alone. Train virtually along side a community of like minded individuals that will push you to unlock your best.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Using the TrainHeroic app you will be able to record/track your daily workouts, monitor your progress and see past performance to push you further.
Barbell & Plates // Squat Rack // Pull-Up Bar or Rig // Bench // Med Ball or Slam Ball // Assortment of Bands
Assortment of DB's or KB's // Air Bike or Rower // GHD Machine // Dip Station // Rings or TRX Straps // Plyo Box // Jump Rope // Furniture Sliders
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Fight Club - Day 1 Week 1

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Daily PreHab Circuit #28

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each. Lower: 2-Band Monster Walks 1x30ea Upper: PVC Pass Throughs + Around the Worlds 1x20+10 (5 each arm) Core: Dying Bugs (All Limbs together) 1x20 (hold 0:01 each rep when fully extended) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


Paused Back Squat

5 x 3 @ 65 %


Push-Up Position Pull Thru to Rear Raise

5 x 8


Cross-Over Step-Ups

3 x 15


Barbell Shoulder Press

20, 15, 12


Ring/TRX Y-Row

3 x 8

E-Block Core Circuit


Fight Club CORE Circuit Day 1 Weeks 1 - 4

AMRAP x 6 minutes: 10 Russian KB Swings (50/35 lbs +) 10 V-Ups **Record total COMBINED REPS in Leaderboard** Click SCALED if not doing as prescribed.

GPS Conditioning Circuit


AMRAP x 5 minutes: 4 Lateral Shuffles (2 cones 10 ft apart, each touch = 1 rep) 4 MB Slams (20/15 lbs +) -- Rest 2:00 min, then -- 1 Mile Run (or 2000m Row or 4800m Air Bike) **Record 1 Mile TIME - REPS from AMRAP as seconds in Leaderboard** For example: 1 Mile = 8:30, and 74 reps (1:14) from circuit = 8:30 - 1:14 = ENTER 7:16


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

Fight Club - Day 2 Week 1

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Daily PreHab Circuit #28

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each. Lower: 2-Band Monster Walks 1x30ea Upper: PVC Pass Throughs + Around the Worlds 1x20+10 (5 each arm) Core: Dying Bugs (All Limbs together) 1x20 (hold 0:01 each rep when fully extended) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


Power Jerk

5 x 5 @ 65 %


Super Mario Plyometric

5 x 3

GPS Conditioning Circuit


3 Total Rounds of the Following (24 total minutes): AMRAP x 3 minutes: 8 American KB Swings (50/35 lbs +) 8 KB Goblet Squats --Rest 1:00-- AMRAP x 3 minutes: 8 Push Press (95/65 lbs +) 8 Barbell Bentover Rows (95/65 lbs +) --Rest 1:00-- **Record TOTAL COMBINED REPS in Leaderboard** Click SCALED if not doing it as prescribed.


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

Fight Club - Day 3 Week 1

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Daily PreHab Circuit #28

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each. Lower: 2-Band Monster Walks 1x30ea Upper: PVC Pass Throughs + Around the Worlds 1x20+10 (5 each arm) Core: Dying Bugs (All Limbs together) 1x20 (hold 0:01 each rep when fully extended) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


GPS Power Clean + Front Squat

5 x 6 @ 70 %


Weighted Pull-Ups

5, 5, 5, 5, MAX


Barbell Romanian Deadlifts

3 x 5


Deficit Push-Ups

3 x MAX


Devil's 3-Way

3 x 8

E-Block Core Circuit


Fight Club CORE Circuit Day 3 Weeks 1 - 4

AMRAP x 6 minutes: 10 MB Slams (20/15 lbs +) 20 Alternating MB Russian Twists (can use a plate) **Record total COMBINED REPS in Leaderboard** Click SCALED if not doing as prescribed.

GPS Conditioning Circuit


AMRAP x 13 minutes: 5 Over-the-Bar Burpees 10 BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55 lbs +) 20 Alternating DB Lunges in Place (pick weight) **Record REPS in LEADERBOARD, 1 Rd = 35 reps** Click SCALED if not doing it as prescribed .


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

Fight Club - Day 4 Week 1

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Daily PreHab Circuit #28

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each. Lower: 2-Band Monster Walks 1x30ea Upper: PVC Pass Throughs + Around the Worlds 1x20+10 (5 each arm) Core: Dying Bugs (All Limbs together) 1x20 (hold 0:01 each rep when fully extended) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


Hang Power Snatches

5 x 3 @ 65 %


Shin Hops

5 x 3

GPS Conditioning Circuit


3 to 5 Rounds: 1:00 @ Each movement (quick transition) Plate-to-Overhead (45/25 lbs +) Off Bench Knee Tucks Alternating Push-Up Position Front Raises (pick weight) Alternating DB Single Arm Snatches (50/35 lbs +) Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20") -- Rest 2:00 after each Rd -- **Don't worry about tracking reps, crank the Creedance Clearwater Revival and get to work!**


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00

Fight Club - Day 5 Week 1

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Daily PreHab Circuit #28

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each. Lower: 2-Band Monster Walks 1x30ea Upper: PVC Pass Throughs + Around the Worlds 1x20+10 (5 each arm) Core: Dying Bugs (All Limbs together) 1x20 (hold 0:01 each rep when fully extended) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


Segment Deadlift

5 x 3 @ 65 %


Wall Walk-Ups

5, 5, 3, 3, 3


MB Lateral Lunge

3 x 8


Supine Grip Bentover Rows

3 x 15


2-Arm DB Bench Press

20, 15, 12


Alternating DB Bicep Curls

3 x 30



3 x 30

GPS Conditioning Circuit


5 Rounds For Time: 5 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs +) 5 Pull-Ups 400m Run (or 1200m Air Bike or 500m Row) **Record TIME in Leaderboard** Click SCALED if not doing it as prescribed.


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

Fight Club - Day 6 (Optional) Week 1

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Daily PreHab Circuit #28

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each. Lower: 2-Band Monster Walks 1x30ea Upper: PVC Pass Throughs + Around the Worlds 1x20+10 (5 each arm) Core: Dying Bugs (All Limbs together) 1x20 (hold 0:01 each rep when fully extended) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion



The First Rule

5 Rounds for Time: 1200m Air Bike (or 400m Run or 500m Row) 15 Deadlifts (95/65 lbs +) 12 Toes-to-Bar 10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs +) 8 Mix Grip Pull-Ups **Record TIME in Leaderboard** Click SCALED if you are not doing it as prescribed.


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00

coach-avatar Geoffrey Steinbacher

Owner. Geoff has been working in the field of human performance for over 10+ years. He has worked with beginners up to elite-level athletes in one-on-one and group settings. From 2015-2020 he ran a training facility that housed a wide range of clientele, from the experienced to the novice. That is where the GPS Daily team comes from. Follow the same style of program he would run on a daily basis.

Quit guessing start training!

Stop wasting your time, start maximizing it! Sign-up today and we can chase down your goals together.

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
Who is this for?
EVERYONE! Seriously, I have beginners and life long athletes on the TEAM. Everyone from new mothers to Active-Duty soldiers follow this.
Can I join in the middle of a training cycle?
YES! Jump right in! No point in waiting. You might have to adjust %'s down a little or decrease reps, but that's why I am here to help guide you and make suggestions to get you into the swing of things ASAP.
What if I don't have a certain piece of equipment?
Send me a message in the Team Feed and we'll come up with an alternate for you.
How long do the workouts take?
Start to finish, with warm-up and cool-down 60 mins. Maybe 75 mins if you are messing around on your phone scrolling through IG.
What if I still have questions?
Shoot me an email, I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Liz

Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC)

Verified Athlete

"Life Changer! One of the greatest decisions of my life was joining GPS Daily. I’ve become stronger, increased my endurance and am more confident all thanks to GPS!"

verified-athlete-avatar Brittni

Bad-Ass Momma Bear

Verified Athlete

"I’ve had the privilege to follow GPS Daily programming for the past few years, pre-pregnancy, pregnant and postpartum. In all aspects my conditioning and my lifts I have never been so strong or seen such improvement in a short amount of time. I can only hope Geoff never stops programming! "

verified-athlete-avatar Banaz

Physicians Assistant (PA)

Verified Athlete

"Training with GPS Human Performance is by far the best experience. I was hesitant to do remote programming because I knew I'd need a lot of direction and it turns out the app allows just that. Now I'm in the best shape of my life. I recommend Geoff and the GPS Daily Team to anyone I run into."

verified-athlete-avatar Nicole

The Cardigan Kid

Verified Athlete

"I'm the strongest I've ever been thanks to the GPS Daily Team. The programming ramps up from week to week, getting you from A to B in a very achievable way while helping you concretely see your progress every week. "

Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

GPS Daily Programming
GPS Daily Programming
GPS Daily Programming
GPS Daily Programming