GPS Tactical 12-Week Running Program

GPS Human Performance

Tactical, Tactical / Military, First Responders, Law Enforcement
Geoffrey Steinbacher

This 12-Week running program is geared and designed for those in the Armed Services or Law Enforcement/First Responders looking to improve on their PT test run times.

Whether you need to run a faster 1.5-mile, 2-mile, or 3-mile this is the program for you.

This 3-day/week program is monitored by me, Geoffrey Steinbacher, MS, ATC, CSCS. I have worked directly with soldiers across all branches of the armed services since 2009 and previously worked for USASOC within the THOR3 program at Ft. Bragg, NC before starting GPS Human Performance.

Included with the running is daily PreHab/Injury Prevention exercises with detailed instructions and demo videos as well as a daily Dynamic Warm-up/Movement Prep sequence and I follow each training day up with a Cool-Down section to start to prepare you for the next training session.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the GPS Tactical 12-Week Running Program! I also offer an 8 and 16-Week Running Programs.

Or if you are looking for a one-stop shop for all your Tactical S&C needs, be sure to check out my GPS Tactical Strength & Conditioning Team listed below.


Long Slow Distance is Dead
Not officially, but if you are trying to run shorter distances faster, running longer distances slower does nothing to benefit you. In order to get faster you have to train faster. That's why you will be running intervals to maximize your speed development over shorter distances to carry over into your PT test distances.
Speed Kills
One of the best physical attributes someone can have is being fast. That's why the goal of all the running that is programmed weekly is geared to bring that speed out of you. There is nothing long and slow about this train-up or any of the training day. In order to run fast for a longer distance you have to push yourself to do so, hence I would work to build up your capacity during this program.
Daily Variety
This program has 3 different types of running days. An interval day, a pacing day. and a capacity day. Each day has it's own set of goals, paces and rest breaks. But the main theme of the program will never change, and that is to get you faster! In a perfect world you can have a non-running day between run days, but work and life happen, so just reach out and we'll adjust things to make it work.
Programming 3 days per week
Complete daily warm-ups, prehab/injury prevention work and cool-downs along with a proven running program that works!
Exercise Video Demos
Instructional videos linked to our YouTube channel to guide your movement and make execution easy for the dynamic Warm-up and PreHab exercises.
Detailed Instruction
Each exercise and running workout will have notes from Geoff on what is expected, how to execute and specific points of performance to guide you.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Using the TrainHeroic app you will be able to record your daily running workouts, monitor your progress and see past performance to push you further.
Running Shoes
Assortment of Mini-Bands
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
Week 1 Day 1 - Interval Day

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Running PreHab Circuit #01

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each, then a 2nd set and finally the 3rd set. Lower: Glute Bridge 3x10 (hold 0:03 at top) Core: Plank Movement Series 3x5ea (front & lateral movements) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


400m Intervals


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

Week 1 Day 3 - Pacing Day

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Running PreHab Circuit #01

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each, then a 2nd set and finally the 3rd set. Lower: Glute Bridge 3x10 (hold 0:03 at top) Core: Plank Movement Series 3x5ea (front & lateral movements) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


2 Mile Run


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

Week 1 Day 5 - Capacity Day

PreHab / Injury Prevention


GPS Running PreHab Circuit #01

Perform in a SUPERSET, doing 1 set of each, then a 2nd set and finally the 3rd set. Lower: Glute Bridge 3x10 (hold 0:03 at top) Core: Plank Movement Series 3x5ea (front & lateral movements) **Click Tips & Vids for Points of Performance and Video Demos**


GPS Daily Dynamic Warm-Up

For Completion


Timed Run

10:00, 7:00


GPS Foam Rolling

1 x 2:00


GPS Post Training Recovery Flow

1 x 5:00

coach-avatar Geoffrey Steinbacher

OWNER. I first started working with 10th Special Forces Group soldiers in '09 at the NSCA's HQ in Colorado Springs after receiving my Masters in Ex Sci from Syracuse. I started GPS Human Performance in '14, following my time in USASOC's THOR3 Program as a S&C Coach at the USAJFKSWCS at Fort Bragg. Over the past 10+ years I have helped countless soldiers crush advanced selections and PT tests.


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine

Get GPS Tactical 12-Week Running Program
Who is this running program for?
If you are in the Armed Services, Law Enforcement or a First Responder that needs to run on your PT test this is for you, no matter your MOS, rank, age, gender, etc. This running program is designed to allow YOU the individual to push yourself and progress at you pace and capability level.
What if I am deployed and have nowhere to run?
If you have access to an Air Bike and/or Rower you can sub those in. I typically would adjust distance like this: 400m Run = 500m Row or 1200m Air Bike. And any of the timed efforts can be done just the same. BUT biking and rowing exclusively will not prepare you for the rigors of running a PT test.
What if I can't commit to 3-days of running?
I know how hectic schedules can get and sometimes you might have to adjust a week here and there. Remember, I'm just an email away, so hit me up and we can find a solution to maximize your time. But missing a day is not a deal breaker by any stretch.
Do you offer any other running programs?
Yes. I have an 8-week and a 16-week running program. You can find those by scrolling down. Both have the same goals as the 12-week, but the 8 is more condensed and the 16 has more of a build-up in intensity. All 3 of the running programs are set-up the same with the goal to get you FASTER!
What if I still have a question?
Shoot me an email, I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
GPS Tactical 12-Week Running Program