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Gladiator STRONG

Zach Even - Esh

Wrestling, Football , Law Enforcement, Tactical / Military, Rugby, Hockey, Functional Fitness, Lacrosse, Strength & Conditioning
Zach Even - Esh

**Welcome to Gladiator STRONG. Our program has been built on 30+ years of training experience and 25 years of coaching experience. I always say, You can't fake results and Strong is STRONG. What we do at The Underground Strength Gym is now available to people like YOU, anywhere in the world.

**The training you're about to experience is centered around our proven training system which has been used by THOUSANDS of athletes from The Underground Strength Gym since 2002 along with D1 University teams, Military, First Responders, adult men and women all around the world on the interwebs. **

**How else are we different?

RESULTS! ** ** We are Not out here faking it, giving you fads and gimmicks. You're getting battle tested, real world strength & conditioning that has been proven to deliver power results. 6 days a week I am in the trenches training athletes of all types at The Underground Strength Gym, consulting with Military, D1 Sport Teams and anyone else who is seeking elite performance. Our training programs are based on Results and real world training, not BS theories, BS promises and BS in general. Integrity & Results.**

Experience Gladiator STRONG
You're not getting some Cookie Cutter Program locked up in a PDF. Instead, you're getting an EXPERIENCE. With our 24-7 Private Forum you can post videos and ask questions to get real time feedback. Our preparation before each training session will alleviate joint strain and build your body into a resilient, fine tuned machine. Prepare to transform your Body, Mind & LIFE.
Alleviate Joint Strain, Aches & Pains
Gladiator STRONG is not JUST Powerlifting or JUST Kettlebells or JUST bodyweight. Instead, the programming cycles through on the regular so you can continue making progress year round while having fun, never feeling burn out & getting HEALTHY. Gladiator STRONG improves your life while other programs take Away from your life. NO extremes here, just intelligent training & world class coaching!
Proven Through 30+ Years of Experience
With Gladiator STRONG, you will experience coaching from Zach Even - Esh, 1 of the world's leading authorities in Strength & Conditioning. With 30+ years of training and 25+ years of coaching, you are NOT getting some hypothetical BS training. You're experiencing proven training that is being tested day in and day out. We'll leave the fads & gimmicks for the arm chair experts.
Minimalist Approach with MAXIMUM Results
You don't need to LIVE in the gym to achieve amazing results. Whether it's adults, Tier 1 Special Ops Military or D1 Athletes, we train with an Optimal approach. Zach will post extra workouts on the forum from The Underground Strength Gym if you choose to train more often. Too much volume leads to burn out, injuries & plateaus. We choose to lift & LIVE!
More FUN Than Ever Before
Training should be FUN. You'll never get bored with Gladiator STRONG and of course, who doesn't LOVE to SEE & FEEL the results. You'll pack on lean, functional muscle with Zach's unique training style. Your fellow teammates will inspire you and keep you accountable through our private forum. No matter where you are in this world, you can transform your mind, body & LIFE by training with us!
24 -7 Access to Your Coach, Zach Even - Esh
24-7 Access to Zach on our private forum + teammates who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow.
Programming 3 days per week
3 - 4 Training Sessions per week & you can jump in at any point in time. Adjustments & Modifications are listed on the forum or under each exercise.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your training so technique is never a question. Post your own video to the forum any time for expert feedback.
Detailed, Expert Instruction
Every training session has a unique warm up to prepare you both mentally & physically. Each exercise comes with Video Instruction.
An Iron Brotherhood
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best potential. People of all ages from all around the world connected through the Iron!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Barbell // Dumbbells // Kettlebells // Squat Rack // Bench
Sled // Sandbag // Bands & Chains // Rings
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
B3 Day 10


Front Squat

5, 5, 3, 3


Lunge Jumps

4 x 8


Landmine Press

3 x 10


Cross Bench DB Pullover

15, 12, 10


Side Plank

3 x 1:00


Kettlebell Rack Walk

3 x 50


Mobility Cool Down

B3 Day 11


Turkish Get Up

4 x 4


Floor Press + Chains

15, 10, 6, 3


Rear Delt Flyes

4 x 15


Side Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

3 x 15


Barbell Cheat Curl

3 x 10


DB Hex Hold


Captain of Crush Gripper

3 x 10


Couch Stretch (Hip Flexors)

2 x 1:00

B3 Day 12


Power Clean

5, 5, 5, 3, 3


Ring Push Ups

4 x MAX



4 x MAX


Russian KB Swing

4 x 10


Sandbag Carry

3 x 100


Sled Drags


Mobility Cool Down

coach-avatar Zach Even - Esh

Zach Even - Esh is one of the leading authorities in the strength & conditioning field today. Zach started The Underground Strength Gym in 2002 and has been coaching & consulting with Adults to Tier 1 Military, Youth Athletes to D1 Athletes and Garage Gym lifters from all around the world. Zach is also the Author of The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength.

World Class Coaching

Never before has Zach's world class coaching been available for .66 cents a day. From anywhere in the world, you can train with Zach & The Gladiator STRONG Team to transform your Mind, Body & LIFE. You put in the Work and we Guarantee the Results. Let's ge

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
Can I Jump Right In?
YES. You do NOT need to go through a preparation phase to join The Gladiator STRONG Team. Our lifters & athletes are intermediate level and we can always adjust via the forum. Just post your questions & we got you!
What Does a Typical Training Week Look Like?
Most of the time we program 3 sessions per week, sometimes a 4th session. Zach will often post photos from The Underground Strength Gym to the forum if you want more training. Training sessions are either upper / lower split or full body. Friday is often a tough day to help you EARN the weekend.
What if I am Feeling "Banged Up"?
Our warm ups and optimal approach to training will help you FEEL BETTER than ever before. Every 6 - 8 weeks we step away from the barbell and give the joints & mind a much needed break. This recipe has proven successful on thousands all around the world.
Who is Gladiator STRONG for?
Whether it's at The Underground Strength Gym or online, I don't want to be around quitters or average folk. The team feels the same. Nobody wants to be around a quitter. So if you're coming on board, prepare to lift others up. Be a GREAT teammate. It's WE, NOT me. See you on the other side.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Steve Rule

A Brotherhood of Strength

Verified Athlete

"Gladiator Strong is truly a Brother / SisterHood of strength. Strength in mind, body and spirit. Everyone encourages & pushes each other to be better. Plus you’ve got Zach as your coach, enough said!"

verified-athlete-avatar Keith Coomes

Hands Down, The Best Group

Verified Athlete

"Gladiator Strong was exactly what I was looking for. Barbells, Kettlebells & Bodyweight training, which has played a vital role in both my recovery from injuries & success as an athlete. The members make this group especially great. Hands down best group I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of."

verified-athlete-avatar Daniel Hahn

I Love the Training!

Verified Athlete

"Gladiator Strong offers me a structured Training program with a variety of tools; Sandbag, Kettlebell, Dumbbells, Barbell. I love it!! The Community is inspiring, active & supportive. I decided to sign up for the entire year. Live the Code 365 "

verified-athlete-avatar Catherine Belonogoff

The Camaraderie is Amazingly Uplifting

Verified Athlete

"GS has been a revelation after powerlifting for years. I wanted more athleticism & strongman training so I signed up for a year as a Mother's Day gift. The camaraderie is amazingly uplifting considering it’s virtual. The workouts look simple on paper yet they are dynamic, fun & challenging. "

Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

Gladiator STRONG
Gladiator STRONG
Gladiator STRONG

Customer Reviews

Overall Rating

4.94 out of 5.0

16 Total Ratings