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Cal Strength Masters

California Strength

Weightlifting, Olympic Lifting, Strength & Conditioning, Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Dave Spitz

Welcome to the Cal Strength Masters program—a specialized training experience designed for athletes aged 36 and above, celebrating the strength, wisdom, and resilience that comes with mastering the art of weightlifting.

Led by Dave Spitz, owner and CEO of California Strength and a recognized USAW Senior International Coach, this program is meticulously crafted to address the specific challenges and goals of athletes in the master's category.

As a member of the California Strength Masters Program, you'll experience a training regimen that respects the wisdom of age while pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Dave and our coaching staff, attuned to the nuances of mature athleticism, will guide you through sessions tailored to enhance your technique, boost strength, and celebrate achievements.

Embrace a community of like-minded individuals who understand the journey of the master's athlete. Benefit from personalized attention, technical feedback, and a supportive environment that recognizes and honors your unique path in the world of weightlifting.

Navigating Fitness as a Masters Athlete?
If you've reached the age of 36 and beyond, you know that fitness takes on new dimensions. The Cal Strength Masters program is crafted to address the distinct challenges and opportunities that come with mastering your athletic prowess, providing a supportive environment for your unique journey.
Rediscover Your Strength and Resilience!
Masters athletes often face the challenge of maintaining strength and resilience. The Cal Strength Masters program invites you to rediscover your capabilities, emphasizing functional strength, mobility, and tailored programming to support your body in every lift.
It's Time to Thrive, Not Just Survive!
Don't let age be a barrier to your fitness aspirations. The Cal Strength Masters program is all about thriving in the journey, embracing the experience, and enjoying the process of becoming a master of your strength and vitality.
Tailored Training for Your Journey!
The Cal Strength Masters program recognizes that your fitness journey is unique. Tailored training programs address the specific needs of masters athletes, focusing on joint health, flexibility, and strength to ensure that every session contributes to your overall well-being.
Join a Community of Like-Minded Athletes
The Cal Strength Masters program extends beyond individual training sessions—it's a community of like-minded masters athletes. Connect with others who share your passion, exchange insights, and celebrate the collective strength and resilience that come with mastering the art of weightlifting.
Access to Dave Spitz, and other expert coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow.
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy.
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow.
Enthusiastic and supportive community
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Through the TrainHeroic app, your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer.
Barbell // Bumper Plates // Dumbbells // Kettlebells // Medicine Ball // Plyometric Box
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Week 1 Day 1



Mobilization 1.0

Mobilization 1.0 - Rollout quads: 1-3 Minutes - Rollout Glute and Piriformis: 1-3 Minutes - Tactical Frog: 30 seconds to 1 Minute - Squat Press Out: 10 reps with 2 second hold in the hole - Nordic Hamstring Curl: 1 set of 8 reps



Glute Warm up 1.0

Perform the following warm up with a glute band (10m of ea excercise) - Place band just above the knees - Power position forward walk leading with left foot - Power position backwards walk leading with left foot - Power position forward walk leading with right foot - Power position backwards walk leading with right foot - Power position lateral shuffle left - Power position lateral shuffle right - 10 air squats with 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep



Dynamic Warm Up: Snatch

Couch Stretch (Left/Right) for 30 seconds Samson Stretch for 30 seconds Lateral Lunge (Left/Right) x 10 yrds Torokhtiy Pulls x 10 reps Muscle Snatch x 10 reps Behind the Neck Press x 5 reps Overhead Squats x 10 reps Snatch Balance x 5 reps Behind the Neck Sots Press x 5 reps Overhead Squat Hops x 5 reps


Snatch from Blocks

10 x 1


Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlift

4 x 5


Back Squat

4 x 6


Seated Box Jump

4 x 5

Core Superset 9


Superset 3x the following: - GHD Sit Ups x 15 - Weighted GHD Back Raises x 15 - Hollow Hold x 30s



Active Stretching 1.0

Low Lunge Stretch - 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side Feet Together Forward Fold - 30 seconds to 1 Minute on each side Half Cross - 30 seconds to 1 Minute on each side

Week 1 Day 2



Mobilization 2.0

Mobilization 2.0 - T Spine Mobility Drill: 30 seconds to 1 Minute - Foam Rolling T-Spine: 1-3 Minutes - T Spine Lift Off: 30 seconds to 1 Minute



Dynamic Warm Up: Clean

30 second Couch Stretch (Left/Right) 30 second Samson Strech 30 second Bar to Quads Squat PVC Stretch Forward Lunge x 10 yrds Lateral Lunge x 10 yrds (Left/Right) High Knee Run x 10 yrds Lateral high Knee Run x 10 yrds (Left/Right) Squat Jumps x 5 reps Torokhtiy Pulls x 5 reps



10 x 1


Clean Pulls

4 x 4


Strict Press

1, 5, 4, 3, _


Pause Front Squat

4 x 3

Performance Care:


Double DB Bent Over Rows 3x10 (AHAP) DB Bench Press 3x10 (AHAP) EZ Bar Curls 3x10 (AHAP) EZ Bar Standing French press 3x10 (AHAP)



Active Stretching 2.0

Butterfly Stretch - 30 second Stretch QL Stretch - Hold for 1 minute on each side Couch Stretch - Hold for 1 Minute on each side Calf and Ankle Stretch - Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side

Week 1 Day 4



Mobilization 3.0

Mobilization 3.0 - Banded Shoulder Stretch: 30 seconds to 1 minute each side - Shoulder End Range Lift Off: Complete 5 lift offs on each side - Land Mine Presses: 2 sets of 8 reps (no weight on first set, light weight on second) - Eccentric DB Pull over: 2 sets of 8 Reps (slowly lower and hold each rep for 5 seconds at end range)



Dynamic Warm Up: Snatch

Couch Stretch (Left/Right) for 30 seconds Samson Stretch for 30 seconds Lateral Lunge (Left/Right) x 10 yrds Torokhtiy Pulls x 10 reps Muscle Snatch x 10 reps Behind the Neck Press x 5 reps Overhead Squats x 10 reps Snatch Balance x 5 reps Behind the Neck Sots Press x 5 reps Overhead Squat Hops x 5 reps


Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 2

4 x 1


Power Clean

4 x 2


Jerk Drill 1.0

3 x 3


Jerk from the Blocks

3 x 3


3 Second Eccentric Tempo Back Squat

4 x 5



Active Stretching 3.0

Bar assisted Shoulder Stretch - Hold for 30 seconds Twisted Spinal Stretch - Hold for 30 seconds on each side Wall assisted Shoulder Stretch - Hold for 30 seconds Wall assisted spinal twist - Hold for 30 seconds on each side

Week 1 Day 5



Mobilization 3.0

Mobilization 3.0 - Banded Shoulder Stretch: 30 seconds to 1 minute each side - Shoulder End Range Lift Off: Complete 5 lift offs on each side - Land Mine Presses: 2 sets of 8 reps (no weight on first set, light weight on second) - Eccentric DB Pull over: 2 sets of 8 Reps (slowly lower and hold each rep for 5 seconds at end range)



Glute Warm up 1.0

Perform the following warm up with a glute band (10m of ea excercise) - Place band just above the knees - Power position forward walk leading with left foot - Power position backwards walk leading with left foot - Power position forward walk leading with right foot - Power position backwards walk leading with right foot - Power position lateral shuffle left - Power position lateral shuffle right - 10 air squats with 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep



Dynamic Warm Up: Snatch

Couch Stretch (Left/Right) for 30 seconds Samson Stretch for 30 seconds Lateral Lunge (Left/Right) x 10 yrds Torokhtiy Pulls x 10 reps Muscle Snatch x 10 reps Behind the Neck Press x 5 reps Overhead Squats x 10 reps Snatch Balance x 5 reps Behind the Neck Sots Press x 5 reps Overhead Squat Hops x 5 reps



8 x 1


Clean & Jerk

1, 2, 2


Front Squat

5 x 3


Seated Box Jump

5 x 3

Performance Care


3x through the following: - Wide Grip Pull Ups x 10 - Barbell Only Strict Press x 20 - Barbell Only OH Hold x 30s



Active Stretching 6.0

- Standing Single Leg Hamstring Stretch Left & Right (30-60 seconds ea side) - Standing Single Leg Spinal Twist Left & Right (30-60 seconds each side) - From Fingers to Forearms Left & Right (30-60 seconds each side)

Week 1 Day 6



Mobilization 2.0

Mobilization 2.0 - T Spine Mobility Drill: 30 seconds to 1 Minute - Foam Rolling T-Spine: 1-3 Minutes - T Spine Lift Off: 30 seconds to 1 Minute



Dynamic Warm Up: Snatch

Couch Stretch (Left/Right) for 30 seconds Samson Stretch for 30 seconds Lateral Lunge (Left/Right) x 10 yrds Torokhtiy Pulls x 10 reps Muscle Snatch x 10 reps Behind the Neck Press x 5 reps Overhead Squats x 10 reps Snatch Balance x 5 reps Behind the Neck Sots Press x 5 reps Overhead Squat Hops x 5 reps


Muscle Snatch + Heaving Snatch Balance

5 x 1


Power Clean + Hang Clean

5 x 1


Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

4 x 1


Back Squat

3 x 5

Core Superset 3x


3x the following: - Weighted isometric Back extension x 30s - Plank x 30s - kneeling Palloff Presses x 10 ea side



Active Stretching 7.0

- Seated #4 Stretch on each side 30 seconds to 1 Minute each - Prone Pec and Shoulder Stretch each side 30 seconds to 1 minute each - Thumb and Grip Stretch, 30 seconds to 1 minute

coach-avatar Dave Spitz

USAW Senior International Coach and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. I'm excited to bring 15+ years of coaching experience working with Olympians, NFL players and CrossFit Games athletes to see you through your training and competition goals.

Join the War on Mediocrity

Become a California Strength Athlete and find out just how good you could be.

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Why is Masters program $10 more than the other weightlifting teams?
This team having its own Masters Weightlifting Coach, ensuring this program meets the recovery needs of masters athletes with unique warm-ups and cool-downs that aren't included in our other weightlifting programs. This team's unique periodization model follows the USAW Masters competition schedule.
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Cal Strength Masters
Cal Strength Masters
Cal Strength Masters
Cal Strength Masters