Promo code: "JOHNKUCBENCHPRESS" to pay only $4.95
John Kuc was an IPF World Champion multiple times and had best lifts of 905 squat, 600 bench press, and 870 deadlift.
This workout was republished Mar/2000 in POWERLIFTINGUSA.
This program is split into two eight week blocks. The first serves as a prep block for the second. You will see more assistance work and volume in the first while the second focuses on heavier loads, and the eventual elimination of assistance work.
John advocates pausing the heavier bench press reps to simulate contest rules.
If your bench has stalled and you want a challenge, give it a run!
You may also consider running his squat and/or deadlift workout during this program and can find them by browsing our other historical workouts.
DG |The Bench Press
10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 2 @ 45, 58, 72, 78, 82, 85 %
DB Fly
3 x 10
DG | Close Grip Bench Press
10, 6, 6, 6 @ 62, 68, 68, 68 %
DG | Tricep Push Down
3 x 10
EZ Bar Curl
4 x 8
DB Bicep Curls
4 x 8
DG |The Bench Press
10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 2 @ 45, 45, 72, 72, 72, 72 %
DB Fly
3 x 10
DG | Close Grip Bench Press
10, 6, 6, 6 @ 62, 68, 68, 68 %
DG | Tricep Push Down
3 x 10
EZ Bar Curl
4 x 8
DB Bicep Curls
4 x 8