Jeff LoVecchio

At this point in the offseason you should be skating quite a bit more as the season is upon us. 

Im a firm believer in the closer the season is, the more you should be skating the last few weeks. With everyone going into games so quickly, you want to make sure that your groins are prepared for all of the stopping and starting and contact. The best way to do this is by ramping up your skating these last few weeks. 

This last phase is built upon that idea, that you are (should be) skating 4-5 days per week the last few weeks/month of the offseason. This is where the pendulum shifts from the gym being more important, to hockey being more important in terms of energy spent. 

7 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
A full gym 
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 5-week program



If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48



Week 1 Day 1



GMBM Hand Eye Drills

Perform these with intention to get better at them. Keep your best scores and every day try to beat your last personal best !!! Simple Juggling Progressions Nicole Hensley Juggling Challenges Soccer Ball Work Simple Basketball Work Multidimensional Basketball & Racquetball Drill Football Work PVC Pipe & Stick Drills Mismatched Dribble Quick Hands Reaction Cone Touch Drill With SwitchedOn App Reaction Stickhandling with SwitchedOn App



RIPT Phase 5 Prep Days 1 + 4

Lacrosse Ball Roll Feet x 30 Seconds Each Side Foam Roll : Back, Hip Flexors, Quads, IT Bands, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Tibs Mash : Chest, Traps ( use dip handles or end of a barbell to push on these areas for self release) Click Thumbnail For Coaching Videos of These Exercises - LEARN THEM !!!! 1: 1 x 10 Per Foot Manual Ankle Dorsiflexion Mobility 2: 1 x 15/15 Slantboard Soleus Raises 3: 1 x 15/15 Anterior Tib Band Raises (sorry it isn't me - if you have a tib bar, use your tib bar for these !) 4: 1 x 4/4 Compass Balance 5: 1 x 20/20 Peripheral Vision Balance ( 20 left to right - 20 top to bottom ) - spread your hands wider apart and keep them closer to your face for these !!!! This will challenge your eyes even more 6: 1 x 15/15 Simple Foot Strengthening Drill 7: Alternating Toe Lifts 1 x 15 8: 1 x 5/5/5 Spinal Flow 10: 1 x 10/10 Bear Alternating Hip Extension March 11: 1 x 10/10 Standing Wall Push Hip Flexor Lifts ( stronger players can add a light band to this ) 12: 1 x 30 Seconds Each Side Side Planks 13: 1 x 8/8 Half Kneeling Leg Abducted T Spine Twists 14: 1 x 5/5 Kneeling T Spine Twists 15: 1 x 20 Second 8 Point Plank 16: 1 x 5 Somersaults 17: 1 x 6 Snap Down To Split Squats 18: 10 Seconds 2 Inch Runs WHILE SCANNING THE ROOM x 10 seconds



Watch Videos For Coaching ! 1: Perform banded pogos 1 x 10 Forward - 1 x 10 Laterally To The Left - 10 x Laterally To The Right Rest 60 seconds between sets - 2 times through INTENTION ON THESE !!!! Pop off of the ground with a stiff ankle as fast as you can ! (laterally will be the same as forward just with the band around the right hip or left hip instead of across the front of the stomach - so you'll be driving up and laterally)


GMBM Short Sprint Starting Positions

4 x 10


GMBM Short Sprint Starting Positions

4 x 20


RIPT Accelerated Squat Jumps

3 x 5



3 x 5

Phase 5 Pre-hab


REALLY FOCUS ON THESE !!! INTENTION 1: 1 x 10/10 Straight Leg Raises 2: 1 x 10/10 Short Lever Hip Lifts 3: 1 x 25 Seconds Bodyweight Sliding Lateral Lunges Slow and Controlled 4: 1 x 5/5 Side Lying Hip CAR 5: 1 x 10/10 90/90 Forward Fold Hip Hinge 6: 1 x 10/10 90/90 Internal Rotation 7: 1 x 12/12 Back Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridges 8: 1 x 15-20 Seconds SINGLE LEG HAMSTRING BRIDGE ( 1 leg at a time )



Alternating Shoulder Tap Planks - NO SHIFTING IN YOUR HIPS !!! 1 x 30 Seconds Rest 20 Seconds 1 x 40 Wall Push Toe Touches Rest 20 Seconds 1 x 6/6 Active Leg Side Planks Rest 20 Seconds 1 x 12 Banded Good Mornings Rest 20 Seconds 1 x 10-20 V Ups (form as to be tight on these !!!) Rest & Repeat Entire Circuit



RIPT Recovery

Perform these stretches for as long as you'd like - no pressure - just relax and melt into them 1 - Couch Stretch 2 - Band Assisted Hamstring Stretch 3 - Elevated Pigeon Stretch 4 - Band Assisted V Stretch 5 - Diaphragmatic Breathing x One Super Chill Song




If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48






GMBM Prep Circuit

1 Details Matter Video 2 Self Foot Massage/Roll Feet 3 Massage Gun Foot Activation (dont skip this if you have a gun !) 4 Foam Roll - Watch Video ! 5 Simple Vestibular Drill 1 x 20/20 East/West & 1 x 20/20 North/South 6 Simple Peripheral Vision Drill 1 x 20/20 East/West & 1 x 20/20 North/South 7 Vestibular Jog/Shuffle : 15 yards down & back jogging followed by 15 yards down & back lateral shuffle 8 Multidimensional Hand Eye Drill x 20/20



RIPT PHASE II Activation 2/5

Watch Video For Coaching ! 1: 1 x 50 Jump Rope Skips 2: 1 x 10 Manual Ankle Dorsiflexion 3: 1 x 10 Dorsiflexion Knees To The Wall 4: 1 x 4/4 Dynamic Ankle Stability 5: 1 x 20 4 Way Deadbugs 6: 1 x 30 Wall Push Toe Touch 7: 1 x 3/3 Bear Sit Throughs 8: 1 x 5/5 Half Kneeling T Spine Rotation 9: 1 x 20 Glute Bridges 10: 1 x 5 Snap Downs 11: 1 x 10 Seconds 2 Inch Runs



RIPT Phase II Upper Pre-Hab 2/5

Watch Videos For Coaching ! 1: Neck Circuit - All four exercises x 30 Seconds ! 2 : 3 Point Plank Shoulder Cars x 3 each side 3: Scap Slides x 15 4: Scap Push Ups x 15 5: Shoulder Internal & External Rotation x 12/12 6: Band Pull Aparts x 15


GMBM Kb Traveling Clean

4 x 5


RIPT Continuous Frog Leaps

3 x 5



3 x 8



3 x 20



4 x 12

Skating Or....


Hopefully you are skating enough now that you don't have to do extra cardio BUT if you aren't... Since we sprinted yesterday today we will work differently ! Inertia Wave or Battle Rope alternating quick waves x 20 seconds on 60-80 seconds off x 5 sets Followed by 5 min medium-light to medium tension bike ride with RPM's high the whole time - steady state ride



1 x 5:00




If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48






RIPT Hand Eye Drills

Learning to juggle Gold Medalist client Nicole Hensley juggling challenge Non dominant soccer juggle Non dominant football throws PVC hand eye Multidimensional hand eye Quick hands SwitchedOn App quick touch 1v0 or 1v1


Mobility Flow with Dr. Tony Katakis

1 x 1


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 1 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Shooting Progression 1 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 2 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Shooting Progression 2 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 3 With Connor Chatham

1 x 5:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 4 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 4 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 5 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 5 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 6 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 6 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 7 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 8 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 9 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 10


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 12 With Connor Chathamm


RIPT Meditate / Diaphragmatic Breathing

1 x 5:00




If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48






GMBM Hand Eye Drills

Perform these with intention to get better at them. Keep your best scores and every day try to beat your last personal best !!! Simple Juggling Progressions Nicole Hensley Juggling Challenges Soccer Ball Work Simple Basketball Work Multidimensional Basketball & Racquetball Drill Football Work PVC Pipe & Stick Drills Mismatched Dribble Quick Hands Reaction Cone Touch Drill With SwitchedOn App Reaction Stickhandling with SwitchedOn App



GMBM Prep Circuit

1 Details Matter Video 2 Self Foot Massage/Roll Feet 3 Massage Gun Foot Activation (dont skip this if you have a gun !) 4 Foam Roll - Watch Video ! 5 Simple Vestibular Drill 1 x 20/20 East/West & 1 x 20/20 North/South 6 Simple Peripheral Vision Drill 1 x 20/20 East/West & 1 x 20/20 North/South 7 Vestibular Jog/Shuffle : 15 yards down & back jogging followed by 15 yards down & back lateral shuffle 8 Multidimensional Hand Eye Drill x 20/20



RIPT Phase 5 Prep Days 1 + 4

Click Thumbnail For Coaching Videos of These Exercises - LEARN THEM !!!! 1: 1 x 10 Per Foot Manual Ankle Dorsiflexion Mobility 2: 1 x 15/15 Slantboard Soleus Raises 3: 1 x 15/15 Anterior Tib Band Raises (sorry it isn't me - if you have a tib bar, use your tib bar for these !) 4: 1 x 4/4 Compass Balance 5: 1 x 20/20 Peripheral Vision Balance ( 20 left to right - 20 top to bottom ) - spread your hands wider apart and keep them closer to your face for these !!!! This will challenge your eyes even more 6: 1 x 15/15 Simple Foot Strengthening Drill 7: Alternating Toe Lifts 1 x 15 8: 1 x 5 Press Ups 9. 1 x 5 Cat Camels 10: 1 x 10/10 Bear Alternating Hip Extension March 11: 1 x 10/10 Standing Wall Push Hip Flexor Lifts ( stronger players can add a light band to this ) 12: 1 x 30 Seconds Each Side Side Planks 13: 1 x 8/8 Half Kneeling Leg Abducted T Spine Twists 14: 1 x 5/5 Kneeling T Spine Twists 15: 1 x 20 Second 8 Point Plank 16: 1 x 5 Somersaults 17: 1 x 6 Snap Downs 18: 10 Seconds 2 Inch Runs WHILE SCANNING THE ROOM x 10 seconds


Multi Cone Agility (Set Patterns & Reactionary Using Switched On App)

4 x 15


RIPT Forward Backward Shuttles

4 x 60


Snap down into Lateral Hurdle jumps and stick

3 x 3


RIPT Split Squat Jump

3 x 4


RIPT not me 45 Degree Forward Lunge

3 x 6



3 x 6



3 x 6



RIPT Phase II Lower Pre-Hab 1/4

Burn Through These Exercise With One Hundred Percent Focus And Attention To Detail. INTENTION And Make The Mind Muscle Connection With All Of Your Movements !!!! 1x 12 Of Each 1 - Seated VG Hip Mobility From 90/90 2 - Hamstring Airplane Each Side 3 - Single Leg Adductor Swings In Glute Bridge Each Side 4 - Kickstand Rotations Each Side 5 - Single Leg Glute Bridges Each Side 6 - Forward/Backward Monster Walks Each Side 7 - Lunge Position Pallof Press Each Side 8 - Alternating Leg Lift Plank x 30 Seconds (on elobows !)



RIPT Recovery

Perform these stretches for as long as you'd like - no pressure - just relax and melt into them 1 - Rfess Stretch 2 - Band Assisted Hamstring Stretch 3 - Pigeon Stretch 4 - Band Assisted V Stretch 5 - Diaphragmatic Breathing x One Super Chillax Song




If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48






RIPT Maryville Prep Circuit

0 - Spinal Flow x 5/5/5/ 1 - Half Kneeling T Spine Twist w Band Resistance x 5/5 2 - 90/90 forward folds x 5/5 3 - 90/90 sit throughs x 5/5 4 - Copenhagens x 15-20 Seconds 5 - Bear Plank Hip Abduction Pulses x 20 seconds each side 6 - Back elevated single leg hip thrusts x 12/12 7 - Scap Slides x 15 8 - Scap Push Ups x 15 9 - Band Pull Aparts 2 x 15 Perform these in a circuit fashion with NO REST !!!! 4 - V ups x 15 5 - Wall Push Toe Touches x 40 6 - L Side Plank x 30 Seconds ss R Side Plank x 30 Seconds



1 x 1


Split Stance Band Rows


Incline DB Row

3 x 8


RIPT Split Stance Single Arm Standing Band Press

3 x 12


RIPT Neutral Grip Pull Ups

3 x 6


GMBM Full Body Push Ups

3 x 15


RIPT Db Curl Into Overhead Press

3 x 6



3 x 20



3 x MAX



Dealers Choice !!!!! We all have our favorite core exercises. On Friday's for this phase you can choose any core exercises you like from the last four phases and this phase - or any that you have completed before ! 200 Reps of choice core - this was always my favorite when my strength coach gave us this - which exercises do you know you need to get better at ? Start with those !!!


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

10 x 12 @ 48



1 x 5:00




If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48






RIPT Hand Eye Drills

Learning to juggle Gold Medalist client Nicole Hensley juggling challenge Non dominant soccer juggle Non dominant football throws PVC hand eye Multidimensional hand eye Quick hands SwitchedOn App quick touch 1v0 or 1v1


Mobility Flow with Dr. Tony Katakis

1 x 1


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 1 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Shooting Progression 1 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 2 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Shooting Progression 2 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 3 With Connor Chatham

1 x 5:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 4 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 4 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 5 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 5 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 6 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 6 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 7 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 8 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 9 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 10


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 12 With Connor Chathamm


RIPT Meditate / Diaphragmatic Breathing

1 x 5:00




If you are a few weeks away from your season starting I like to have all my guys skating every day (even if you're on your deload week). I tell them to work backwards : The week before the season starts skate 5 times. Two weeks before the season starts, skate 5 times. Three weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Four weeks before the season starts skate 4-5 times (depends on the individual). Five weeks before the season starts skate 4 times. And so on working backwards. As we get closer and closer to the start of the season you effort should switch from more gym dominant to more hockey dominant. Warm up before you skate like you''re going to every day in the season. Tweak that routine and find what makes you feel your best !!! I personally would rather my guys skate BEFORE their workout at this point in the summer whenever it's possible because HOCKEY is now the most important thing so let's put it first if you can. Not a big deal if you have to train before skating, ideally I would do them back to back if you could.



TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY !!!!!!!! DO NOT SKIP THIS To start today, take 5-10 minutes to STATIC STRETCH (take longer if your body needs it, listen to your body this week and feed it what it needs!) Static Stretching is when you hold a stretch for 30 seconds or longer - REALLY focus on slow and controlled breathing throughout each stretch you choose to perform. Relax your mind and your muscles - I tell myself to MELT into the stretch - that mental cue really helps me. FOAM ROLL - THIS FOAM ROLL ROUTINE, DONT SHORT IT !!!! Lax Ball TFL Release Massage Gun Feet


GMBM Quick Yoga Flow

1 x 2

Short Sprints


Rip a few warm up sprints Short Sprints 2-3 x 10 yards We are only doing 2-3 because we are going to do this every day this week.

Light Work


Take at least 75 seconds between each exercise * Squat Jumps x 3 * Explosive Push Ups x 3 * Explosive Inverted Rows x 5 * High Box Step Ups x 8 each leg - try to have box/bench so that your knee is closer to the ceiling vs making a 90 degree angle - simple way to do this if you dont have a higher box is to place a thick plate on the bench or under it's legs to make it taller ! * Push Ups x 10 * Lateral Lunges x 8 each leg * Inverted Rows x 10 * 8 Point Plank x 30 seconds * Active Leg Side Planks x 5/5 * Single Leg Glute Bridge With Knee Drive x 12/12 * Suitcase Clap Unders x 8-20 depending on your abilities * Alternating Shoulder Tap Plank x 8/8 * Supermans x 10


RIPT How To Ride A Bike Like An Athlete

8 x 12 @ 48






RIPT Hand Eye Drills

Learning to juggle Gold Medalist client Nicole Hensley juggling challenge Non dominant soccer juggle Non dominant football throws PVC hand eye Multidimensional hand eye Quick hands SwitchedOn App quick touch 1v0 or 1v1


Mobility Flow with Dr. Tony Katakis

1 x 1


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 1 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Shooting Progression 1 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 2 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Shooting Progression 2 With Connor Chatham

1 x 2:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 3 With Connor Chatham

1 x 5:00


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 4 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 4 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 5 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 5 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 6 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Shooting Progression 6 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 7 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 8 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 9 With Connor Chatham


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 10


RIPT Stickhandling Progression 12 With Connor Chathamm


RIPT Meditate / Diaphragmatic Breathing

1 x 5:00

2024 Phase 5 Offseason Training