Phase 3 of our programming starting this new year.
Comprehensive strength AND conditioning program for first responders and tactical populations.
Zone 2/Technique Work
1 x 10:00
Band or Cable Rotational Row to Single Arm Press
3 x 10
Horizontal Press- Choice
4 x 5 @ 5, 6, 7, 8
Low Incline DB Press
3 x 8
Chest Supported Row
3 x 10
Bicep/Tricep Super Set
3 x 10
Zone 2/Technique Work
1 x 10:00
HICT Step Ups Or Sled
Quick Review: Pick either a Sled or Step Ups. For Step Ups, wear either a weight vest or hold a couple Dumbells or KBs. Start lighter than you think at first. I'd recommend 20-30lbs weight vest and/or 10-20lb in each hand for guys, and for ladies I would recommend going a bit lighter than light in week 1 to find your sweet spot. Each step should be moved with a purpose. Don't get sloppy, good knee tracking, stay mentally present. If you use a sled, load it up with a moderately heavy weight and just keep moving. It should almost be like a march. Whatever way you move it just don't sprint with it. Training Zone- Heart rate should be 150-160bpm. If you need to slow down or stop for a bit to keep it in this zone, that is OK...These intervals will seem easy at first. Just give it a couple a minutes. If there is two sets, take about 5 minutes to rest before doing your next set. Week 1: 1 x 15 Minutes Week 2: 2 x 10 Minutes Week 3: 1 x 20 Minutes Week 4: 2 x 12 Minutes
Low Impact Zone 2
1 x 20:00
Zone 2/Technique Work
1 x 10:00
Side lying Clam Shell
3 x 10
Zercher Box Squat
4 x 5 @ 5, 6, 7, 8
Goblet Lateral Lunge
3 x 10
Waiter Walks
3 x 20
Tempo Intervals Demo
1 x 10
Zone 2/Technique Work
1 x 10:00
Reverse Humane Burpee- Breathing Ladder
This is a variation of Strength Coach Dan John's Humane Burpee Complex For our purposes we are going to this as a breathing ladder where we pyramid up, and come back down. It will go like this: 1 KB Swing 1 Goblet Squat 1 Push Up Take one deep breath Then you'll do: 2 KB Swings 2 Goblet Squats 2 Push Ups Take 2 deep breaths Then you'll do: 3 KB Swings 3 Goblet Squats 3 Push Ups Take 3 deep breaths Then you'll do: 4 KB Swings 4 Goblet Squats 4 Push Ups Take 4 deep breaths And so on...keep building until your form starts to break down and then come back down to one. Usually it is the push up that gets most people. The other half looks like this: 3 KB Swings 3 Goblet Squats 3 Push Ups Take 3 deep breaths then: 2,2,2 Take 2 deep breaths then: 1,1,1 Remember, as you fatigue the more you calm down and control your breathing the more recovery time you'll have. This is a valuable skill to train for professions where exposure to stress is inevitable. This day can be a great session to work on practicing your radio traffic for a foot pursuit or other visualization drills.