Beginner program 10km 12 weeks
This program prepares you to complete 10km in your first race. Before starting, you should be capable of a continuous 5km run (3 mile) and being able to run 3 times per week.
In this program, any workout beginning with a pace other than easy should be preceded by a 10 minutes easy run.
Program goals.
Weeks 1-4 focus on base-building by increasing the distance of the long run.
Week 5-8 is the support phase where the program intensifies with pace-change runs, interval training, and hill training.
Weeks 9-12 are race specific, with longer pace-change and intervals workouts. During the taper in week 12, reduce any easy runs or cross-training to less than 50% of your usual volume.
Key word
1) Lactate threshold (LT):
Your lactate threshold (LT) pace is the highest possible speed you can run without causing an accumulation of blood lactate in your muscle. Training at LT pace raises this threshold, and your body adapts to perform aerobic cell respiration which clears lactate at faster paces.
Lactate threshold pace should stay just within the aerobic range of activity, which should feel like a "comfortably hard" pace that you can sustain for around 1 hour in race condition (LT pace is also called 1 hour race pace). RPE 4-5
2) RPE:
RPE rate of perceived exertion.
The relationship between RPE and heart rate and pace is relative between runners. However, by keeping a record of your RPE, heart rate and average speed you can learn what effort corresponds to a specific pace.
RPE pace equivalens
RPE 0 = No effort, sedentary
RPE 1 = Very very easy, Walking
RPE 2 = Easy, easy pace
RPE 3 = Moderate, marathon pace/half marathon pace (recreational runners)
RPE 4 = Somewhat hard (half marathon pace (elite)lactate threshold pace/10km pace (recreational runners)
RPE 5 = Hard, 10km pace (elite)
RPE 6 = Harder, 5km pace (elite)
RPE 7 = Very hard, 3km pace (elite)
RPE 8 = Very very hard, 1500m pace (elite)
RPE 9 = Extremely hard, 800m pace (elite)
RPE 10 = Maximal effort, sprinting/final exertion, at the end of a race
A good advice is to invest in a good running watch and download Strava App to log your running.
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