Flow Babe

Alpha Babe

Functional Fitness, Functional Training, Women's Training, General Fitness
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet

Finding your center of balance is important. Yoga, Pilates, running, you’ve tried them all but something just misses the mark in creating the version of you that brings you joy. Take a deep breath, Flow Babe is here.

Flow Babe focuses on creating a trim and lean physique that can be sustained for the long term.

The Flow Babe tribe is full of women who find calm and strength in movement. Women who care about longevity when it comes to peace of mind and physical health knowing that the two are intertwined.

Thoughtfully designed through extensive education and experience by Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, Flow Babe is developed by women for women.

Flow Babe pairs advance functional bodyweight and hypertrophy methodology for women to help create well balanced, fit and trim physiques while increasing stamina by combining it with science based calisthenic programming.

Flow Babe uses methodologies that teach women how to sustain their bodies for life resulting in increased confidence and health benefits.

Be Strong. Be Fierce, Be Beautiful. Be Alpha.

Built by Women for Women
Unlike other programs created by men who don’t share our unique physiology, all of our programs are created by Camille using her passion for science and extensive education in elite-level physical performance. Alpha Babe takes important factors like hormonal balance into consideration. No more peaks and valleys, just consistent high-level results.
Real Results
Our focus is sustainable, long-term results that make you look good, feel good, and perform at your highest level – in all aspects of life. Being a part of the Alpha Babe tribe gives you not only the program and guidance to get there, but also a tribe of Alpha Babes who support one another through-out the journey.
Access to Me
Welcome to the tribe of strong, fierce, powerful women. While you’re part of our tribe you will have access to our training, our community, and me. Our team chat is there so you can ask questions when you need help or support, send in videos for review, and be part of something bigger as we continue to develop this incredible community.
Programming 6 days per week
6 days of warm-ups, strength, and conditioning to make sure you've got everything you need in a meaningful training plan.
Exercise Video Guidance
Each movement in the program has been filmed by me so you know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Detailed, expert instruction
There is so much more than sets and reps, and you should expect to have every detail you need to get the most out of each training session.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do.
Barbell + Plates // Dumbbells and Kettlebells // Squat Rack, Boxes, Bands, and Foam Rollers
Conventional Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready


Legs Warm Up 1

1 x 1

BB Evolution 1


Step up and stay low 3 sets 10 right leg step up with 2 sec negative 20 right leg lunge 30 right leg lunge pulse Immediately into… 10 Left leg step up with 2 sec negative 20 Left leg lunge 30 Left leg lunge pulse Rest 1 min between rounds Notes: Use something sturdy for your step up like a bench or chair. Complete the whole sequence on one leg before moving to the next, with no rest inbetween. During your step up, lean slightly forward as you bring your self all the way up, and squeeze your butt at the top. Bring yourself back down with control and a 2 second negative. Once you finish those 10, bring it to the floor and complete 20 full lunges, gently tapping your knee to the floor and standing all the way up. For the pulses, try not to stop! Stay low, tap your knee t the floor and only come up about ¾ of the way. Go to that dark place and make it burn!


Arch Leg Lift

5 x 20


Reverse Hyper Hold

5 x 20



Amrap 4 20 push up to shoulder tap 20 burpees 20 sit up twists Rest 2 min Amrap 4 15 push up to shoulder tap 15 burpees 15 v ups Rest 2 min Amrap 4 10 push up to shoulder tap 10 burpees 10 tuck crunch to v up Note: During this section start a clock and execute as many repetitions as possible (amrap) during the 4 minutes window. Choose a version of the movement that allows you to keep going at a descent pace. Record repetitions achieved Scale up: Do hand stand shoulder taps Scale down: Go onto your knee for the shoulder taps Step back and forth during the burpees Bend your legs during the V-up or execute sit-up



ABS Core Warm Up 1

1 x 1

BB Evolution 1


Kitchen Sink 3 sets :20 no push up burpee :10 rest :20 hip dip right :10 rest :20 hip dip left :10 rest :20 hollow hold :10 rest No rest between sets notes: Complete each movement for the given amount of time. Rest no more or less than 10 second between each. Aim to keep the same amount of reps for each round to maintain the intensity of the workout. Record reps achieved https://youtu.be/-F0Gd7cPckg https://youtu.be/q8vQ9TuPMfo https://youtu.be/2stGvET5vCQ


Straight Leg Marches

4 x 15



4 x 30



4 rounds 200m run 20 shoulder taps 200m run 60 jump rope or jumping jacks Note: This workout is 4 rounds for time. Complete the movements in the given sequence. Begin with your run and get to the shoulder taps. Keep your shoulders and hips in a straight line as you alternate arms. Avoid swinging too much from side to side. Keep the same pace on the run throughout the run to maintain intensity. Record the time it takes to complete the workout.



Arms Warm Up 1


Reach Through To T Plank

3 x 30


Push Ups

3 x MAX


Plank See Saw

5 x 20


Shoulder Taps

5 x 20


Plank Hold

5 x 20



For time: 100 yoga push ups 100 reverse lunges 100 air squats *every 3 minutes 100m run Note: this workout is done when the 100 reps of each movement are complete! But every 3 min you will perform 100m run and then return to chipping away at the movements. Complete all the push ups before moving onto the reverse lunges and so on. https://youtu.be/Q8irxphqJbA https://youtu.be/ICnXgLup4-0



Arms Warm-up #2


Clam Shells

4 x 50


Frog Glute Bridge

3 x 25

BB Evolution 2


jumping squat and air squat Amrap 7 10 jumping squat 20 air squat 30 squat pulses Note: Keep a soft knee as you land and move to the next rep. For the Air squats, make sure you are standing all the way up and squeezing your butt at the top. Stay low in the squat pulse and make it burnnn



Amrap 16 2 push up 4 breakdancers 6 burpees 400m run * increase by two reps each round Note: an amrap means as many rounds or reps as possible in the given amount of time. Start a 12 or 16 min clock and begin the sequence, each time you return to a movement however, you will add 2 reps. Record the amount of reps achieved at the end of the workout.



Warm Up



3 x 10


Flutter Kicks

3 x 20


Hollow Hold

3 x MAX

BB Evolution 2


Lucky 8 Amrap 8 2 leg lift 2 tuck crunch 2 v ups 4 leg lift 4 tuck crunch 4 v ups …add 2 reps each round Note: an amrap is as many reps or rounds as possible in the given amount of time. start a 7 min clock and begin the sequence. Every time you return to a movement you will add 2 reps. Record the amount of reps achieved.



For time 10-20-30-20-10 Push ups Kneeling to stand jump Air squats note: complete 10 reps of each movement before moving onto the round of 20 reps of each movement and so on until you get back to 10. Choose a variation of the push up that you can complete 10 plus reps at a time. If you cannot perform the kneeling stand to jump, step up and then jump at the top before stepping back down. Record the time it takes to complete the workout



Legs Warm Up 2


Plank Elbow Up Down

4 x 10


Yoga Push Up

4 x 20


Pike Push-up

4 x 10



10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, MAX



8 rounds 20 sec pop squat 10 sec off Directly into 8 rounds 20 sec abs pulse 10 sec off Directly into.. 8 rounds 20 sec step ups 10 sec off Directly into.. 8 rounds 20 sec ab bicycles 10 sec off Note: each section of this workout is 4 min. Perform the movement for max reps during 20 seconds and rest for no more or less than 10 sec. Try to match your reps each round to maintain intensity.

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