Alpha Babe

Alpha Babe

Functional Fitness, Functional Training, Women's Training, Bodybuilding
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet

Alpha Babe is how we build a beautiful, aesthetically balanced, muscular and athletic body that is sustainable.

Our Alpha Babe tribe is full of strong powerful women who want to develop the ultimate version of themselves, for themselves.

Alpha Babe creates the ultimate blend of form and function in one complete package.

Thoughtfully designed through extensive education and experience by Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, Alpha Babe is developed by women for women.

Using her passion for science developed while attaining her Chemical Engineering degree, her experience as a CrossFit Games champion and elite athlete, combined with her own physical challenges as a woman Camille created Alpha Babe to serve the community of women who desire effective results for the long term.

Alpha Babe pairs advanced functional bodybuilding methodology for women to help create well defined physiques while simultaneously creating elite athletic capacity thanks to science based fitness programming.

Be Strong. Be Fierce. Be Beautiful. Be Alpha.

Built by Women for Women
Unlike other programs created by men who don’t share our unique physiology, all of our programs are created by Camille using her passion for science and extensive education in elite-level physical performance. Alpha Babe takes important factors like hormonal balance into consideration. No more peaks and valleys, just consistent high-level results.
Real Results
Our focus is sustainable, long-term results that make you look good, feel good, and perform at your highest level – in all aspects of life. Being a part of the Alpha Babe tribe gives you not only the program and guidance to get there, but also a tribe of Alpha Babes who support one another through-out the journey.
Access to Me
Welcome to the tribe of strong, fierce, powerful women. While you’re part of our tribe you will have access to our training, our community, and me. Our team chat is there so you can ask questions when you need help or support, send in videos for review, and be part of something bigger as we continue to develop this incredible community.
Programming 6 days per week
6 days of warm-ups, strength, and conditioning to make sure you've got everything you need in a meaningful training plan.
Demo Videos
Each movement in the program has been filmed by me so you know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Detailed, expert instruction
There is so much more than sets and reps, and you should expect to have every detail you need to get the most out of each training session.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do.
Barbell + Plates // Dumbbells and Kettlebells // Squat Rack, Boxes, Bands, and Foam Rollers
Conventional Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Day 1


Bodyweight Hip Thrust

20, 15, 15, 10, 6, 10, 15, 20


B Stance 1 DB Deadlift

4 x 15


X Banded Walk

4 x 60


Cossack Squat

4 x 8


Good Morning

4 x 10



2 Minutes AMRAP 15 Cals Bike 12 Front-Racked Kettlebell Front Squats 9 Toes to Bar 6 Kettlebell Push Presses Short 9 Minutes AMRAP 15 Cals Bike 12 Front-Racked Kettlebell Front Squats 9 Toes to Bar 6 Kettlebell Push Presses Note: During this section use dumbbells or kettlebells for the lifting movement and choose a load that allows you to get all the repetitions unbroken for at least the first 2-3 sets. Choose an option for the toes to bar so that you can maintain a good pace. This could mean doing sets of 3's or bending your legs to keep moving. Record repetitions. Scale up: Increase load to 35lbs/55lbs Scale down: reduce the load execute knees raise or sit-up instead of toes to bar



5 rounds: 400m run 90 sec bike 10 renegade row Note: Choose a pace that is about 75% of perceived exertion for the run and try to push the bike a little more. Record distance covered on the bike

Day 2



Abs Warm-up #1

5 Reps of each of the following: Cross Arm Stretch Overhead Tricep Stretch Shoulder Circles fwd + back Arm Circles fwd + back Arm Crosses fwd + back Arm Swings up + down Cat Cows Child's Pose + Lean Prone Lean into Shoulders Good Morning into Down Dog Inchworms


Strict Press

15, 12, 10, 10, 8, MAX


Incline Press

2 x 20



2 x 12


Upright Row

2 x MAX


Seated Shoulder Press

3 x 15



5 rounds 10 Power Clean 30 double unders 15 deadlift 30 air squat Short 2 rounds 10 Power Clean 30 double unders 15 deadlift 30 air squat Note: During this section choose a medium to heavy load for the power clean that will challenge you. I am looking for a load that you can do 2-3 repetitions at a time all the way through. Make sure you keep the technic tight and enjoy the burn. Scale up: power clean 115/165lbs Scale down: reduce the load do single under instead of double unders



3 sets of: 7 min amrap 200m run 15 wall ball 400m bike 15 hang power snatch rest 2 minutes between set Note: Start a 7-minute clock and move from one movement to the other, maintaining a pace that is about 75-80% perceived exertion. Record number of repetitions achieved.

Day 3


Strict Pull Up

10, 8, 8, 6, 6


Power Row

12, 10, 18, 25


DB Bicep Curls

4 x 12


Banded Dante Rows

4 x 24


Seated Shoulder Press

3 x 15



5 rounds 10 Power Clean 30 double unders 15 deadlift 30 air squat Short 2 rounds 10 Power Clean 30 double unders 15 deadlift 30 air squat Note: During this section choose a medium to heavy load for the power clean that will challenge you. I am looking for a load that you can do 2-3 repetitions at a time all the way through. Make sure you keep the technic tight and enjoy the burn. Scale up: power clean 115/165lbs Scale down: reduce the load do single under instead of double unders



3 sets of: 7 min amrap 200m run 15 wall ball 400m bike 15 hang power snatch rest 2 minutes between set Note: Start a 7-minute clock and move from one movement to the other, maintaining a pace that is about 75-80% perceived exertion. Record number of repetitions achieved.

Day 4

Arm Warm-Up


Arm Hugs/Side x10s/side Shoulder Reach Throughs x5/side Hip Bridges x10 Wrist Rolls x10 Wrist Stretch x30s Squat and reach x5/side Plank and reach x5/side Plank + Roll to Toe Calf Stretch x 5


DB Wide Sumo Deadlift

15, 12, 10, 10, 20


Stiff Leg Deadlift

6 x 10


Banded Sumo Walk

4 x 60


Banded Frog Hip Thrust Iso Hold

4 x 60


DB Elevated Sumo Squat

3 x 45



Every 5 minutes for 5 sets Row 250m 12 Power clean 12 burpees over the bar 12 Front rack lunges Row 250m Short Every 5 minutes for 3 sets Row 250m 12 Power clean 12 burpees over the bar 12 Front rack lunges Row 250m Note: During this workout choose a light load for the power and the front squat. I want you moving with really good technic and at a descent pace. You should be able to easily hang on to the load for all sets of the workout. Push the burpees and the row. The goal is to have about 20-30sec of rest before starting the next round. Record time Scale up: Increase load to 65/95lbs Scale down: reduce load reduce the row to 200m Record your slowest set.



20 minutes EMOM minute 1: 10-15 wall ball minute 2: 10-15 pike push-up or handstand push-up minute 3: 50 double unders or double unders practice minute 4: 10-15 cals row Note: During this section choose a number that is challenging but that you can maintain across the 20 minutes of work. Emom means every minute on the minute. Each minute switch movement and repeat for 5 sets. Record repetitions

Day 5



Flow Warm-Up 2

2 Rounds of: Cat Cow x5 Thoracic Rotations x5/side Wrist Stretch x5/side Cross Arm Stretch x5/side Neck Stretch x5/side Squat + Reach x5/side Scorpions x5/side Cobras x10 Cobra Hold x10s Lunge + Calf Stretch x5/side



3 x 10


Push Ups

1 x MAX


Skull Crushers

3 x 12


Single Arm Overhead Carry

3 x 45



"Grunt work Friday 4 rounds 100 feet sled push 20 box jump over 100 feet farmer carry 20 push-up Short 3 rounds 100 feet sled push 20 box jump over 100 feet farmer carry 20 push-up Note: During this section really challenge yourself with the load on the sled and the carry. I want you to be able to do the first 2 rounds unbroken and maybe have to take a break or questions your decision on round 3 and 4 :). Record time Scale up: Increase load Scale down: Decrease load do push-ups on your knees or elevate your hands reduce the box height



4 rounds 30 sec fast, 30 sec slow 60 sec fast, 30 sec slow 90 sec fast, 30 sec slow No rest between rounds Notes: Choose your favorite cardio to perform these intervals. Choose a pace for the fast interval that can be matched throughout the workout. For the slow interval, keep pedaling, jogging or rowing to slow your heart rate and prepare for the next round!"

Day 6



Flow Warm Up 3

Go through each of the following for 5 reps (per side): 90/90 Shin Box into Lunge Lunge into Hamstring Stretch into Thoracic Rotation Upward Dogs into Downward Dogs Squat to Stand Hamstring Stretch Seated Reaches (each side + middle) Quad Stretch Plank to side Rotation


GHD Paddling

3 x 30


L Hang

3 x MAX


Barbell Overhead Squat

4 x 12


Hollow Hold

4 x MAX


Plank Hold

1 x 45



For Time: 15 GHD Sit-up or sit-up 3 rope climb 30 alternating hang dumbbell snatch 15 GHD Sit-up or sit-up 2 rope climb 20 alternating hang dumbbell snatch 15 GHD Sit-up or sit-up 1 rope climb 10 alternating hang dumbbell snatch Short 15 GHD Sit-up or sit-up 2 rope climb 20 alternating hang dumbbell snatch 15 GHD Sit-up or sit-up 1 rope climb 10 alternating hang dumbbell snatch Note: During this section execute GHD sit-up or normal sit-up depending on your fitness and ability level. For the rope climb sub for 30,20,10 inverted row if you do not have access to a rope climb. If you do have access to one scale the height to where you are comfortable. Record time Scale up: Go faster Use 35/55lbs Scale down: Reduce load do inverted row instead of rope climb



4 rounds: 3 min easy pace 2 min moderate pace 1 min fast pace No rest between rounds Note: Choose your favorite type of cardio! For each interval, choose a pace that is significantly different from the rest. Take note and try to match your pace each round:) "

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Alpha Babe
Alpha Babe
Alpha Babe