Engineering High Performance

Functional Fitness, Functional Training, Strength & Conditioning, Olympic Lifting
Trevor Florendo

EHP Train is the ultimate hybrid strength & conditioning program designed for those who want to dominate all facets of human performance.

Train provides 6 days of progression based strength, conditioning, skills and accessory training per week designed as a roadmap to the fittest, strongest, most athletic you, ever.

Each week is a scientifically planned blend of intensity, volume, and density delivered through tried and true strength programs and high-powered conditioning sessions.

Whether you want to get stronger, run longer, look better, or be more athletic, the answer is yes. EHP Train is for you.

Train's powerful strength progressions, proven conditioning modalities, and planned skills and accessory work will help you stand out in a crowd and become an elite athlete in this sport of life!

Top Quality Coaching
Our coaching team consists of certified, experienced professionals in the fields of collegiate strength & conditioning, competitive functional fitness, and national level olympic weightlifting. Whatever your goals, we have the program for you.
Get Stronger, Go Longer, Feel Better
Our scientifically periodized strength & conditioning cycles emphasize certain components of strength, conditioning, athleticism and bodybuilding throughout the year to help you become an elite, well-rounded athlete in this sport of life for years to come.
Rooted In Principles Informed by Science
Our professionals in the field of Performance Research have tested, iterated and closely monitor every set, rep, and movement in our programs to ensure you are getting a cutting edge application of scientifically rooted training modalities.
Access to your coaches
Video submissions, daily training log, and DM access to our team of professionals
Programming 6 days per week
We rest on Sundays
Exercise Video Guidance
Detailed, expert instruction
Committed Teammates
We believe there is strength in numbers and shared, hard work!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Complete functional gym - but we provide modifications
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Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 1



EHP General Warm-up A

3-5 minutes continuous movement or cardio machine of choice Then 8-10 total reps of each exercise Knee Hug Ankle Grab + Reach (quad stretch) Figure 4 A Skip x 2 sets Straight Leg Skip x 2 sets A Run x 2 sets Then 1-2 sets of :10 on :20 off of each Wide-outs (FAST) Runners (FAST) Drop Squats (smooth)


Back Squat

10, 8, 6, 4 @ 60, 65, 70, 75 %


3 Position Snatch

4 x 3 @ 65 %


Snatch Pull

3 x 3 @ 80 %



Fan Bike Intervals Preferably use an Assault or Rogue Echo Bike, but any exercise bike will do 5 sets 3:00 work 1:00 rest The goal here to test your sustainable power. Your score is your average power (in Watts) held for the entire 15:00 of work **Pre Notes** During this first, 12 week cycle we will focus on building our critical (sustainable) power output. For this cycle, we will focus particularly on building capacity with a fan bike, mainly because most everyone has access to one. This bike can be an assault, echo, Airdyne, or even a stationary bike such as a Peloton or Concept 2. This is a great indicator of your anaerobic power output, a term commonly used alongside the term "fitness". We will periodically retest this, so be honest in this day one endeavor.


Back Extension

3 x 15


Weighted Plank Hold

3 x 1:00


Alternating DB Hammer Curl

10, 8, 6

Optional Extra: Skill Work


Strict Handstand Push-up Practice If you know how many strict handstand push-ups you can do for a max set: 40%-35%-30%-25%-20% max reps with 1:00 rest between If you don't know how many strict handstand push-ups you can do for a max set: Warm-up with a few sets of 2-5 reps, then perform a big set without failure (3-4 reps in tank) Then, do 3x15% of those reps with 1:00 rest between If you can't do a strict handstand push-up: Work handstand holds against the wall 3 sets of :15-:30 seconds without going to failure Rest completely between

Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 2



EHP General Warm-up B

3-5 minutes continuous movement or cardio machine of choice Then 8-10 total reps each exercise each direction Lateral Shuffle Walk + Squat Cross behind hamstring scoop Inch outs + Push-up Lateral A Skip Carioca Lateral A Run Then 1-2 sets of :10 on :20 off of each Push-up wide-outs Icky shuffle Bent over band row


Bench Press

12, 10, 8, 6 @ 60, 65, 70, 75 %


Push Press

3 x 10 @ 60 %


Weighted Pull Ups

3 x 5

Metcon: Tempo Run / Gymnastics


Performance Version Part A. 5 rounds for quality 100m run 10 toes to bar Rest 2:00 before Part B. Part B. 5 rounds for quality 100m run 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Fitness Version Part A. 5 rounds for quality 100m run 10 hanging knees to elbow Rest 2:00 before Part B. Part B. 5 rounds for quality 100m run 10 pull-ups Workout Notes / Modifications This conditioning piece is meant to be completed at a smooth tempo. Your first round should look exactly like your tenth round. If you are familiar with heart rate zones, we want your average heart rate to be in your upper zone 2/lower zone 3. The toes to bar/pull-ups are meant to add some high quality, extensive reps under fatigue. Both should be in smooth, unbroken sets. Use a band for assistance to keep the pull-ups on tempo if necessary. Your run pace should be such that if we said, "you have to do 1,000 burpees if you break a set of toes to bar/pull-ups." This is about finding the perfect, active recovery pace of running in order to preserve fast, high quality sets of gymnastics. Target Time Each Set None - find YOUR pace to keep the gymnastics unbroken Scaled Version 80m run 6-8 toes to bar / band assisted strict pull-up Modifications / Scales Run (equipment) - 8-10 cal bike Run (space) - 5 x 50' shuttle run (25' - back) Toes to bar: Hanging Knee Raise, Knees to Elbow, Alternating V-ups (all 1:1 reps scale) Pull-ups: Band Bent Over Row, Inverted Row, Pull-down, Push-ups (1.5x reps)


1-Arm DB Row

12, 10, 8


Band Rotations

3 x 10


Tricep Pushdown

3 x 15

Optional Extra: Zone 2 Cardio


30-40 minutes of zone 2, steady state cardio. Pick a cardio machine of choice, put on a youtube video, a podcast, or breathe-easy music, and keep your heart rate around 60% maximum for the time allotted. If you need to take a few shorts breaks that is fine. Just stay within the target heart rate zone for 30-40 minutes. Zone 2, or commonly called "Steady State Cardio", helps build an aerobic foundation and help burn fat for fuel.This is the opposite end of the spectrum of the high intensity output we trained in the bike intervals. Ideally, this cardio would be done in a separate session. We prefer to do our zone 2 work either first thing in the morning or in the evening.

Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 3



3-5 minutes continuous movement or cardio machine of choice Then 8-10 total reps of each exercise Knee Hug + Lunge & Rotate Figure 4 with Squat Toy Soldiers Standing Windmills Pogo Jumps Forward/Backward Low Knee Carioca (Grapevines) A Run Skips for Height (2-3 reps each leg) 2 sets of the following Broad Jump x 2 reps (land above 90 degrees) Heavy Dball Slam x 4 reps


Power Clean

5 x 3 @ 67 %


Seated Box Jump

5 x 2


Clean Pull

3 x 3 @ 80 %

Metcon: Row/Lunge Intervals


Performance & Fitness Versions 5 sets - Rest 1:1 between sets Row 250m 50' (feet) barbell back rack walking lunge 95# Row 250m Your score is the total time of all 5 intervals not including rest. Workout Notes Target Time Each Interval: Sub 2.5 minutes Scale if intervals take longer than 3 minutes Goal here is to find your pace and not stop through each set. These are shorter intervals that will allow you to push around 80-85% maximal effort throughout each set Be conservative on the first set, and try to increase pace each subsequent set. Scaling options Weight: 75# lunge / 200m row Equipment: Lunge: Any type of weighted lunge - if using dumbbells, hold 20% bodyweight in each hand and hold dumbbells on your shoulders in a front rack Row: 200m run


DB Farmer's Walk

3 x 1:00


Glute-Ham Raise

3 x 8


Seated Calf Raise

3 x 10

Optional Extra: Run Intervals


3 x 1200m run Rest 3:00 between Your goal here is to find your sustainable pace for all three sets. We ideally don't want more than a 10% drop off (in seconds) from set 1 to 3. Set your pace, settle in, and repeat.


Endurance Session: Ski or Row


Ski or Row Intervals: You pick the machine 10 sets 250m moderate pace 250m easy pace No additional rest between sets An easy pace is one you could hold for hours. A moderate pace is about 7-10 seconds per 500m (if using row or ski erg) faster than easy pace.

Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 5



EHP General Warm-up B

3-5 minutes continuous movement or cardio machine of choice Then 8-10 total reps each exercise each direction Lateral Shuffle Walk + Squat Cross behind hamstring scoop Inch outs + Push-up Lateral A Skip Carioca Lateral A Run Then 1-2 sets of :10 on :20 off of each on and off a plate Push-up wide-outs Icky shuffle Drop squats (smooth)


Front Squat

6, 6, 4, 4 @ 67, 67, 75, 75 %


Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk

4 x 3 @ 60, 60, 65, 65 %


Strict Press

3 x 10 @ 60, 60, 65 %

Metcon: EMOM DBS/Bike/Burpee


Performance & Fitness Versions EMOM 24 Start a new exercise on each minute for 24 straight minutes 8 sets of each exercise 10 DB Snatch 60# (cap :35) 12 Cal Bike (cap :45) 10 Burpee to 6" Touch Overhead (cap :30) Workout Notes EMOMs are our preferred method for mental training, building capacity, skills under fatigue, and utilizing huge amounts of calories in zone 3-4 training. We will gradually progress EMOMs to longer time domains, longer working sets, and more exercises. DB Snatch should be smooth with powerful hip extension as you rise. You can change hands anyway you want. Some prefer to change as the dumbbell descends while others might find changing hands while the dumbbell rests on the ground easier. Your goal should be to use the entire time allotted for the bike. Use that time on the bike to rest while you pedal as opposed to lighting up 12 calories in 12 seconds then dying for 48 seconds afterwards. It helps to step forward with one leg first instead of hopping both feet up off the ground in the burpees. This slows the movement down, is easier on your low back, and helps drive a little momentum into that small Trust your movement. Build your mind. Grow your fitness. Have fun. Exercise substitutes Scale reps to fit within time cap Bike: 150m run / 6x50' shuttle run (25'-back) Snatch/Burpee: scale reps as needed to fit into prescribed time cap each set


Side Plank

3 x 0:30


Inverted Row

3 x 12


Single Leg Squat

3 x 4

Optional Extra: Bar Muscle Up Practice


Bar Muscle Up Practice If you know how many bar muscle ups you can do for a max set: 40%-35%-30%-25%-20% max reps with 1:00 rest between If you don't know how many bar muscle ups you can do for a max set: Warm-up with a few sets of 2-5 reps, then perform a big set without failure (3-4 reps in tank) Then, do 3x20% of those reps with :45-1:00 rest between

Week 1 Day 6



EHP Athlete Warm-up A

Forward Jog x 20 meters Jumping Jacks x 30 Backward Jog x 20 meters Prisoner Squat x 10 High Knee Carioca x 20 meters R Wood Choppers x 10 High Knee Carioca x 20 meters L Hip Hydrants / Kick Backs / Circles x 5ea Easy forward skip criss cross arms x 20 meters Scorpions x 5ea Easy backward skip criss cross arms x 20 meters Leg swings x 10ea Core Series: 2 x :30 on :15 off each Elbow Plank Alternating Dead Bugs Pogo Jumps Series (Before the metcon) 2 feet forward x 10 meters 2 feet backward x 10 meters 2-1-2 feet x 10 meters Alternate leg x 10 meters Low + High x 10 meters


Power Snatch

5 x 2 @ 67 %


Hurdle Jumps

5 x 1



10, 8, 6

Metcon: Run/Push-up Intervals


Performance & Fitness Versions Buy-in 600m run at a easy pace Then 5 rounds of 3:00 intervals Run 400 meters Max push-ups in remaining time of 3:00* *Your score is your total # of push-ups completed Rest 1 minute between intervals Cooldown 400m backward walk Workout Notes Here is a fun, low skill run/pump session you can do anywhere. Keep the runs consistent and push in the later rounds to hit your target # of push-ups. Don't crank out 50+ push-ups in the first round and crash. Stay smooth and get a good workout in. Target Reps: 125+ Scale if you can't hit 100 reps Scales Run: 300m run / 30 low box step-ups / 1000m bike

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Owner/Head Coach

$25/month for 6 days of elite training per week

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