This program is designed for the individual who is ready to get into shape but isn't sure where to start. Maybe you were once in shape and you fell off for a bit. Maybe you just had a bit of life hit you and you need a place to start.
This is a 6 week, 4 days a week program to get you rebooted.
:20 on :10 off for the following sequence 1-Jumping jacks 2- Jumping jacks (forward straddle) 3-tall plank static 4-tall plank shoulder taps 5- single leg reverse lunge + high knee Right side 6- single leg reverse lunge + high knee Left side 7- side plank reach throughs Right side 8- side plank reach throughs Left side 9- Air squats 10- Jumping air squats 11- Single leg alternating v-ups 12- Single leg alternating v-ups 13- inch worm walk out/push up/walk in 14- inch worm walk out/dive bomber push up/walk in 15- Back bridge 16- back bridge
E3MOM deadlift, push up, pull up
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds (15 min) Perform: 12 Deadlifts 9 push ups 6 pull ups Choose a weight that is appropriate for your level. The weight should be about a 5 on a scale of 1-10. Substitutes: Deadlift: Kettle bell swings, lunges or box step ups Push ups: hand stand push ups, box push ups, bench dips Pull ups: band assisted pull ups, ring row, standing upright row, barbell/dumbbell bent over row
Running warm up
3 sets: for time. 400 meter run 30 lunge steps 20 box jumps 10 ghd sit ups Substitutions: Run: Row, ski, or bike (double the distance if biking) Lunge: reverse lunge, or box step ups or air squat Box jump: jumping jacks, tuck jumps, or box step ups Ghd sit ups: V-ups or standard sit ups
Full Body Warm up #1
Back Squat
12, 8, 5
EOMOM 20 min Back squat
Every other minute on the min for 20 minutes (10 sets) Perform 3 back squats. (30X1 aka 3 seconds down, 0 sec pause at the bottom, explosive contraction, and a 1 second pause before starting the next rep) (30 reps total at the end of the session) The goal is to increase the weight until you reach a challenging set of 3. Once you reached a weight that is challenging without compromising your form, if there are still sets remaining in this workout, stay at the same weight and prioritize control on the descent and speed on the ascent.
Upper body warm up
barbell push press
12, 8, 5
DB Flat bench
12, 8, 5
21-3 db bench, 3-21 ghd
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 DB bench press 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 GHD sit ups Choose a weight that feels like a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being heavy where you can't do more than 1-5 reps) This should be easy in the beginning but challenging towards the end of the sets. You might even need to break up a few sets and that is ok! Substitutes: DB bench press: Barbell bench press, push ups, bench dips, db push press, barbell push press GHD sit up: toes to bar, ab mat sit ups, v-ups Note: This may be a lot of reps for you. If this is the case, remove the set of 18's so that the rep scheme looks like this: 21-15-12-9-6-3
Professional Coach/Trainer since 2002. Certifications include: NSCA CPT, Cooper Institute CPT, NASM CPT, CrossFit Level 3, USAW Level 1 & Nationally ranked athlete, IKSFA, USA Gymnastics Safety Certified, Black belt in Northern Shaolin 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Owner of CrossFit Hollywood since 2008.
Don't wait any longer. Get the Rebooted Program and get started today!
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