This is a program designed to sculpt your physique and develop strength, and has an added element of conditioning and athleticism.
Who is it for? If you are looking to get in great shape for your wedding or special day, or if you are a regular gym-goer that knows their way around the gym, a burnt-out coach, or just generally interested in getting stronger, filling out your shirts/pants, improving your conditioning, as well as just switching things up a bit, then this is for you! This is a 10-week, 6-day-per-week program designed to get you looking and feeling great for that big day!
This program was tested and retested to make sure the progressions were clear and fast.
Shotgun Wedding
Skill level 4
Skill level scale: 1= low skill, 5= high skill
Incline DB Bench Press
Stationary Dip
Ski erg/burpee deadlift
3 rounds for time: 20 cal ski erg 20 dumbbell burpee deadlifts (sub ski erg with: cal row, cal bike, 400 meter run) Each round should take approximately 4-5 min. Record total time, and weight used for dumbbells. Dumbbells should be challenging, but you should be able to keep moving.
Run, ghd sit up
4 rounds 400 meter run 15 ghd sit ups Sub run with: 500 meter row, 500 meter ski erg, 800 meter bike Sub ghd sit up with: toes to bar, v-up, or ab mat sit up Note how long it took you to complete this circuit.
Sissy squat
Back Squat
12, 9, 6
DB walking lunge
Rower seat hamstring curl
Banded Bosu Ball crunch
Barbell seal row
DB tripod row
Barbell hang power clean
4 x 3
EOMOM Pull ups, echo bike
Every Other Minute On the Minute for 10 min: Evens: 15 pull ups (kipping is ok) Odd: 10 cal echo bike Attempt to keep each round around 1 min to 1:20 in length. If you cannot do 15 pull ups, lower the amount of reps, or use a band to help complete the action. Record your splits and/or reps Substitutions: Pull up- with Ring row, or bent over barbell/db row Echo Bike- with Rower or ski erg for cals
DB Flat bench
Stationary Dip
Inclined EZ bar Skull crusher
Banded chest fly
Spider Annie
For time: 50 double unders 50 ab mat sit ups 5 wall walks 40 double unders 40 ab mat sit ups 4 wall walks 30 double unders 30 ab mat sit ups 3 wall walks 20 double unders 20 ab mat sit ups 2 wall walks 10 double unders 10 ab mat sit ups 1 wall walks Substitutions: Double unders: Reduce the reps or double the singles Wall walks: inch worm, or standard push up or knee push up
3 rounds 800 meter run/deadlifts
3 rounds for time: 800 meter run 15 deadlifts Use a weight that is challenging but not impossible. This workout should not be longer than 20 minutes. You should be able to get at least 10 reps unbroken of the deadlift weight. Substitutions: Run- with 800 meter row or 1 mile bike Deadlift- with kettle bell swings or 30 reverse lunges (weight is optional)
DB Bulgarian split squat
Hip extension
Single arm cable pull down
Landmine close grip row
chest supported rear delt fly
EMOM thrusters, muscle ups, double unders
Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes: Evens: 10 thrusters 65-95 lbs Odd: 5 muscle ups + 20 double unders Substitute muscle ups with Pull ups (strict or kipping). Substitute double unders with single unders or jumping jacks. Increase or decrease intensity by adjusting weight or reps.
Professional Coach/Trainer since 2002. Certifications include: NSCA CPT, Cooper Institute CPT, NASM CPT, CrossFit Level 3, USAW Level 1 & Nationally ranked athlete, IKSFA, USA Gymnastics Safety Certified, Black belt in Northern Shaolin 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Owner of CrossFit Hollywood since 2008.
Let me help you train like a Pro, to build more muscle, more predictably than ever before.
Get Shotgun WeddingAthlete, Coach, Trainer
Verified Athlete"Andy hit another home run. This program is so well thought out and backed by tested principles. This program got me ready for my wedding in 3 months. I'm feeling better and looking better than I ever have. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to spark the next level up in your fitness journey."