Daimino Stewart

Functional Fitness, Strength & Conditioning, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting
Daimino Stewart-Anguiano

This Program is 3 sessions per week 20-30 minutes of work after strength and conditioning. This style of accessory is tailored to translate to crossfit movements , acting as skill building to support performance in workouts. In this program you will see a Gymnastic/Bodybuilding style & what we call "Skill WOD's" Every week will Have a new Challenging Combo of Movements. This Program is advanced but also has Scaling options Shown in the instructions and Videos. You Can recycle this Program from Start to finish, as you get Strong you can continue to challenge and test your ability. Sign up today and let the gains begin!

7 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
Week 1 Day 1

OTM x 16Minutes : Alt Movements


EMOM x 16 MInutes (Alternate Movements) 5 Strict C2B Pull-Ups 10 Ring Push-Ups (Push-Ups On DB's) 10 Hollow Plate Sit-Ups (15/10) + 10 V-Ups Rest

Strength Cycle (LinearProgression): Week 1 Day 3



5 Sets 5-8 Z Press *Seated on Floor 8 Single Arm DB Row 8-12 Glute Bridges *On Floor *Build on Each Set

Week 1 Day 4



10x250m Row *Rest 1 Minute After Each Set *Score Average Time over 10 sets

Week 1 Day 5



For Time 1 Minute Sand Bag Bear Hug Hold (150/100) 16 Double DB SuitCase Lunges 35/25 Rest 2 Minutes 1 Minute Sand Bag Bear Hug Hold 16 Double DB Front Rack Lunges Rest 2 Minutes 1 Minute Sand Bag Bear Hug Hold 16 Double DB Overhead Lunges

coach-avatar Daimino Stewart-Anguiano

Former football player (NFL/CFL/Arena Football) and Track and Field (Decathlon) College athlete Turned Crossfit athlete and coach. NFPT Cert + Crossfit Level Certs + Nutrition. 4x Crossfit Regional Athlete + Started Crossfit in 2011.

Accessory Program