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13-Week Learn Chinese Weightlifting

Venus Weightlifting Club

Olympic Lifting, Weightlifting
Coach Gaby

Looking to learn the world's leading Olympic Weightlifting techniques? Follow Coach Gaby as she leads you through a 13-week program designed to provide the foundations of Chinese Weightlifting used by Olympic and World Champions.

Learn proper form of Chinese weightlifting techniques, programming structure, extensive skill drilling, and mobility work to enable you to crush PR's and set your sights on greater feats!

Whether you are a hardcore Olympic Weightlifting enthusiast looking to learn new skills, or a CrossFitter looking to enhance your capability, or just someone looking to get in shape or start a new journey in fitness and health & wellness - this 13-week program will set you on a new path of superior athletic performance in weightlifting!

Join us on this new and exciting adventure into Chinese Weightlifting!

Learn Chinese Weightlifting Methods
Ever wondered what techniques the world's greatest Olympic Weightlifters use in training? Through this 13-week program you will learn the very foundations every great lifter uses to win gold medals and set new world records. From the world-renowned Panda Pull to gearing up for a new Snatch or C&J PR - you will learn to move and train like a pro!
Know How and Know Why
The whole 13-week Program deconstructed the lifts into the most fundamental elements, which allows you to reflect and improve on your own lifting even when you are an experienced lifter. In the end, you are not just getting programs & demos, you will also get the most important parts, the why & how in coaching videos to have a deeper understanding of this sports.
Set New PR's
If you have hit a plateau or slowed progress recently, this 13-week program can be a key to unlocking your true potential by exposing you to new methods and programming to help address an athlete's performance 360-degrees. This course won't just offer you variety from your regular programming, but will actively teach you how to move more efficiently and create more power as a result.
Programming 3 days per week
Receive 3 days of extensive programming each week - from initial warm-ups, to skill drills, to core lift programming and accessories!
Education + Tutorial/Movement Videos
Every lift demonstration is provided by Venus Weightlifting. No guess work on what to do in any lift.
Feedback from Venus Weightlifting Coaches
Coaches Gaby will provide athlete feedback and corrections on video exercise submissions to ensure success!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
No more looking up exercises by random people on YouTube from your PDF/Excel sheet programs. Everything you need is in one place.
Barbell // Plates // Kettlebell // Thick & Thin Bands // Squat Rack or Stand
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 13-week program
W1 D1 - Level 1


Mobility and Warm Up - Squat

For Completion


Empty Barbell Squat

For Completion


Back Squat

5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 50, 60, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70 %


Good Morning

4 x 12 @ 30 %



4 x 12


Cool Down - band

W1 D3 - Level 1


Mobility and warm up - Deadlift

For Completion


Empty Barbell Deadlift

For Completion


Snatch Deadlift

5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 @ 50, 50, 60, 70, 70, 80, 80 %


Clean Deadlift

5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2 @ 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 80, 80 %



4 x 0:30


Cool Down - band

W1 D5 - Level 1


Mobility And Warm Up - Overhead Movement


Start-Rack-End Positions


Shoulder Press

5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 @ 50, 50, 60, 70, 70, 80, 80, 90, 90, 100 %


Back Squat

5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @ 50, 60, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70 %


French Press

4 x 12


Cool Down - band

coach-avatar Coach Gaby

- One of the most renowned Olympic Weightlifting coaches in China - Trained Olympic Weightlifting with the Chinese National Weightlifting Team - Creator of the Venus Weightlifting System

Endorsed by Deng Wei

All training practices, exercises, techniques, and programming are endorsed by Olympic Champion and 3x World Record Holder - Deng Wei. As head athlete of VWC, Deng Wei assists in original program creation, technique and education delivery for Venus Weightl

Get 13-Week Learn Chinese Weightlifting
Can I add additional training outside of this course at the same time?
You could add active recover day, but we strongly recommend not adding tough trainings. The program is 3 sessions per week, however, those three days are very intensive both physically and mentally as you will be performing new lifts and techniques. You will need the days in between for recovery.
Will I learn the same techniques that Deng Wei and others use?
Yes. This program is designed to teach you the foundations that will carry through your entire weightlifting career. We are teaching you how to move & providing you with new training methods that can be scaled and built upon as your proficiency increases with experience.
What's next after I finish this program?
After you finish the 13-Week Chinese Olympic Weightlifting Program, we will be releasing programming and courses to help people progress towards winning competitions and addressing specific weaknesses to ensure you remain the strongest lifter you can possibly be.
I have trained for several years, is the program suitable for me?
This program is not only designed for beginners to learn from the scratch, but also for experienced lifter to have a holistic understanding of Chinese Olympic Weightlifting. For experienced lifters, through the training program, you can review your movement and improve lifting numbers accordingly.
I'm a coach, does the program contain any certification?
For the moment, it doesn't contain any certification. However, we believe many information shared in this program can be directly used in your coaching and help you design the program accordingly. We will recommend any coaches who are interested in Chinese Olympic Weightlifting to give a try!
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Ivan Guo

Certified Personal Trainer

Verified Athlete

"I began Oly Weightlifting through my CrossFit training, then followed Gabby's 13-week program. It gave me a much deeper understanding of Oly Weightlifting and the fundamental techniques that I can now bring to my own PT clients!"

verified-athlete-avatar Qingxin Wu

Lawyer - Amateur Weightlifter

Verified Athlete

"I used to train traditional bodybuilding styles and developed pain in my knee. I wanted to try something different and found Coach Gabby and did the 13-Week Course. It drastically improved my squat and my knee pain disappeared thanks to learning proper technique and training through the course!"

13-Week Learn Chinese Weightlifting