Running program for 5 weeks! There will various differetn runs you'll do. Easy run, tempo runs, fartlek runs, intervals, long runs, and you can pick form 1 of 3 options that best suites your current running ability.
Easy Run Warm-up
Warm-up: :30 High Knees in Place 10 Air Squats 5 Inch Worms 5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch :30 Butt Kicks 5/5 Cossack Squats 5 Inch Worms 10/10 Toy Soldiers
Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (MAF 180)
Running Option 1
1 x 20:00
Running Option 2
1 x 20:00
Running Option 3
1 x 5
Core Circuit 19
5 Sets: :15 L-Sit Hang :15 Double KB Front Rack Hold (Heavy) Rest :30 Core stability today. No movement but focusing on being able to efficiently brace your core and hold your bodyweight along with an external load. If you can't perform the hanging L-Sit -Tuck your knees to your chest while hanging -Perform a Hollow Hold ***No Weight Option*** 5 Sets :15 Tuck Hold :15 Plank Rest :30
Easy Run Recovery
Foam Roll: 1:00 Calves (each side) 1:00 Quads Lacrosse Ball: 1:00 Calves (each side) 1:00 Bottom of foot (each foot) Stretch: 1:00 Pigeon (each side) 2:00 Standing Straddle
Easy Run Warm-up
Warm-up: :30 High Knees in Place 10 Air Squats 5 Inch Worms 5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch :30 Butt Kicks 5/5 Cossack Squats 5 Inch Worms 10/10 Toy Soldiers
Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (MAF 180)
Running Option 1
1 x 10:00
Running Option 2
1 x 20:00
Running Option 3
1 x 3
Core Circuit 18
For Quality 2 Sets: 300ft Farmer's Carry (AHAP) 200ft Front Rack Carry (AHAP) 100ft Overhead Carry (AHAP) Rest 3:00 b/t sets AHAP = As Heavy As Possible Taking each carry as heavy as possible for the KB's you'll use. If you need to use a different pair of KB's for each movement then do so. If you aren't sure what weights you should use, use something lighter for set 1 to get a feel for how it will work, and then go heavier for set 2 if you're up for it. ***No Weight Option*** 4 Sets: 10 Sit-Ups 15 Flutter Kicks (each leg) 10 Sit-ups Rest 1:00 between sets
Arm Pump 2
Optional Arm Pump: 2 Sets with an empty barbell (each set without dropping the bar) 10 Barbell Curls 10 Barbell Strict Press 10 Barbell Reverse Curl 10 Barbell Tricep Extension 10 Barbell High Pull Rest 3:00 b/t sets If you need to use a lighter barbell or a trainer bar go for that! This is A LOT of reps without dropping the bar, so don't stress if you need to go a little bit lighter! This is accessory work!
Easy Run Recovery
Foam Roll: 1:00 Calves (each side) 1:00 Quads Lacrosse Ball: 1:00 Calves (each side) 1:00 Bottom of foot (each foot) Stretch: 1:00 Pigeon (each side) 2:00 Standing Straddle
Easy Run Warm-up
Warm-up: :30 High Knees in Place 10 Air Squats 5 Inch Worms 5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch :30 Butt Kicks 5/5 Cossack Squats 5 Inch Worms 10/10 Toy Soldiers
Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (MAF 180)
Running Option 1
2 x 6:00
Running Option 2
2 x 10:00
Running Option 3
1 x 5
BSS + Deads
4 Supersets: 7 Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg) 10 Double KB/DB Deadlifts Rest 1:30 b/t sets Grab a pair of Kettlebells or Dumbbells and knock this superset out! The weight shouldn't be a struggle, but rather getting in some higher rep schemes for your legs. ***No Weight Option*** 4 Supersets: 7 Lunges in Place (each leg) 10 Air Squats Rest 1:30 b/t sets
Lower Body Recovery
Foam Roll: 1:00 Glutes (each side) 1:00 Quads (each side) Lacrosse Ball: 1:00 Hamstring Smash on Box (each side) 1:00 Glute Smash Stretch: 1:30 Figure-4 Piriformis Stretch (each side) 2:00 Wall Straddle
Long Recovery
Foam Roll: (each side) 1:00 Lats 1:00 Quads 1:00 Glutes Lacrosse Ball: (each side) 1:00 Delt Smash 1:00 Hamstring on Box Smash 1:00 Trap Smash Stretch: 1:30 Pigeon Stretch (each side) 1:00 Side Lying Thoracic Rotation (each side) 1:30 Puppy Dog Stretch (each side) 1:30 Thoracic Spine Extension on Bench 3:00 Standing Straddle
Speed Day Warm-up
Warm-up: 20yd High Knees 20yd Butt Kicks 40yd Jog 20yd Single Leg Alternating Bound 20yd Broad Jump 40yd Slightly Faster Jog 20yd Toy Soldiers 15 Air Squats 5 Inch Worms 5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch Run 60yd @ 50-60% Effort, Rest 30 seconds Run 60yd @ 60-70% Effort, Rest 30 seconds Run 60yd @ 70-80% Effort, Rest 30 seconds x2
Running Option 1
2:00, 2:00, 2:00, 2:00, 1:00, 1:00
Running Option 2
400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 200, 200
Running Option 3
800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800, 400, 400, 400, 400
Close Grip + KB Lunge
3 Sets For Quality: 10-12 Close Grip Bench Press @ Light-moderate weight 30ft Double KB Front Rack Lunge (choose your weight) Rest 2:00 b/t sets For this portion, this is going to be a "For Quality" type of circuit. Don't stress about going faster, focus on quality of movement. The close grip bench press should be with your grip inside the distance of your shoulders. This will be more of a tricep pump than a chest pump, so start a little lighter than needed if you're unsure of this movement. For the Double KB Front Rack Lunges, go as heavy as you can for the 30ft. Don't let the KB's rest on your shoulders, but rather support them in front of your body like a true front rack position. Log the weight used for the close grip bench press. Put the weight used for the KB's in the notes. ***No Weight Option*** 3 Sets: 10-12 Push-Ups (Go to knees if needed) 8 Walking Lunge Steps (each leg)
Core Circuit 11
3 Sets: 10 Super Mans 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Alligator Rolls Rest 1:30 All body weight for the core work. Focus on a smooth movement with each exercise and keeping tension in your core throughout the entire duration. For the Alligator Roll, when you roll 1 direction, that will count as 1 rep. You will only need to roll a total of 10 times. Regardless of what direction you go.
Upper/Lower Body Recovery 2
Cool Down: Foam Roll: 1:00 Glutes (each side) 1:00 Quads (each side) Lacrosse Ball: 1:00 Pec Smash 1:00 Scap Smash Stretch: 1:30 Pigeon Stretch (each side) 1:00 Puppy Dog
Long Run Warm-up
Warm-up: 20yd High Knees x 2 20yd Butt Kicks x 2 20yd Walking Knee Hug 20yd Toy Soldiers 5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch 5 Inch Worms 15 Air Squats 15 Toe Touches
Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (MAF 180)
Running Option 1
2 x 8:00
Running Option 2
1 x 25:00
Running Option 3
Upper/Lower Body Recovery 2
Cool Down: Foam Roll: 1:00 Glutes (each side) 1:00 Quads (each side) Lacrosse Ball: 1:00 Pec Smash 1:00 Scap Smash Stretch: 1:30 Pigeon Stretch (each side) 1:00 Puppy Dog
Long Recovery
Foam Roll: (each side) 1:00 Lats 1:00 Quads 1:00 Glutes Lacrosse Ball: (each side) 1:00 Delt Smash 1:00 Hamstring on Box Smash 1:00 Trap Smash Stretch: 1:30 Pigeon Stretch (each side) 1:00 Side Lying Thoracic Rotation (each side) 1:30 Puppy Dog Stretch (each side) 1:30 Thoracic Spine Extension on Bench 3:00 Standing Straddle