Have you been dreaming of performing a press handstand?!
This program is a step by step approach to building the mobility, strength and body awareness needed to get your first press. I have spent the past decade studying this movement and have compiled my best and most effective drills into this action packed program!
This is an advanced level program and a 5-10 sec freestanding handstand hold is highly recommended before beginning. If you need to brush up on your handstand hold, check out my handstand program first and then come back for the press.
Consistency over time is the key to unlocking this movement. I highly recommend taking more than 6 weeks to complete this program. Feel free to repeat weeks as needed until you feel comfortable, confident and ready to move on. I will sometimes spend 4+ weeks on the same movements before taking the next step.
I hope you're ready to get to work because we have a lot to do!
Press Handstand Mobility
Roll out lats and upper back Wall Rib Pull Backs- 60 seconds in each position: I/A/W *Feet slightly forward with knees unlocked. Tuck hips under so lower back is in contact with the wall. Pull belly button into spine. Push rib cage back into the wall. Do your best to find each position without compromising your midline position. 10 Jefferson Curls *roll down one vertebrae at a time, stretch at the bottom, roll back up one vertebrae at a time 60 second weighted pike stretch
Compression Warm Up
2 rounds 10 press drags/jumps forward 20 seated pike ups 10 press drags/jumps backwards 20 seated straddle ups *scale to one leg at a time as needed
Press Handstand Skill
2x3-5 Tuck Press Headstands 2x5 Compressed Down Dog Handstand Push Ups *focus on pushing back and keeping belly soft 2x 30 sec wrist to wall handstand hold 2x5 Wall Facing Handstand Knee Tucks *keep shoulders open as knees tuck down by driving your chest towards the wall 2x5 Wall Facing Handstand Straddles *externally rotate legs/knees down as you lower into your straddle. Distance from the wall will be determined by your straddle mobility
Compression Strength
2 rounds 10 hollow rock to straddle lift *leave heels on the ground if needed 10 reverse plank roll to compressed pike
Press Handstand Mobility
Roll out lats and upper back 10 Toes to Wall Pause Squats *toes, knees and chest touching the wall, arms remain narrow and locked out, arms/hands are NOT allowed to touch the wall. Use your low traps/scaps to pull your arms back as you squat. You can also think about driving your armpits towards the wall. Squat as low as you can without letting the hands touch. Hold the bottom of each rep for 5 seconds. 10 Straddle Jefferson Curls 10 heel drop cat/cows 60 Second Weighted Pancake
Compression Warm Up
2 rounds 10 sit up to pike + 20 seated pike ups + 30 sec pike stretch 10 sit up to straddle + 20 seated straddle ups + 30 sec pancake stretch
Press Handstand Skill
2x3-5 straddle press headstands 2x5 plank to pike + straddle jump 2x5 wall facing handstand shoulder rocks *shift the shoulders forward, then push back to a straight handstand and see if you can float your toes off the wall. 10x1 wall facing press handstand negatives *focus on compression as the feet come off the wall. The goal is to have the feet land right outside of the hands.
Compression Strength
2 rounds 10 bent knee straddle sit shrugs on bench 10 straddle sit kick outs on bench **Round your upper back and lean your chest forward. Bonus points if you can get your legs above yoru elbows!
Press Handstand Mobility
Roll out lats and upper back Rhomboid release reaches *20 up + 20 overhead Scapular activation exploration *follow along with the video 10 cossack squat to side stretch lunge 3x10 sec bum to wall low back stretch *Pull belly button into allow low back to touch the wall. Roll down as far as you can without losing contact with the low back.
Compression Warm Up
2 rounds 5 rock to tip toes 5 tip toe squats 5 press roll downs 5 lying press pattern drill
Press Handstand Skill
2x5 pike press headstands 2x5 low tuck walk ins 2x5 rock to tip toes + forward roll 10x1 jumping straddle press handstand
Compression Strength
Accumulate 3 Minutes in a hip elevated straddle sit hold *scale by elevating hands as needed
Coach, Lifelong Athlete, Mom, Ready to help you reach your goals!
Verified Athlete""A press handstand isn’t just about strength; it’s a dance between control and flow. Thanks for helping me unlock the magic of lifting off the ground, one press at a time!""