The Skill WOD

Dusty Hyland

This 5 week stand alone cycle of training focuses the athlete on getting multiple bar muscle ups efficiently.  Lose that chicken wing.  It starts with one test day on either side of a 4 week cycle.  The Training alternates between Skill and Strength development while peppering in just the appropriate amount of Skill Acquisition each day.  Start each day with a focused warmup, Mobility and activation geared towards this skill development.  Get your First Bar MU or get multiples down in a row.  Easily parable with the Barbellwod. 

1 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Unlock Your Kipping Bar Muscle Up: Week 1 Test Day

Test: Kipping Bar Muscle Up


Three attempts a kipping Bar Muscle Up

Banded Kipping Bar Muscle Up


Attempt 1 Banded Kipping Bar Muscle Up

Unlock Your Kipping Bar Muscle Up: Week 1 Day 1

Warm Up


2 Min Row (Easy Pace) then, 3 Rounds: 5 Hang Squats 5 Inchworms 5 Scap Retractions then, 2 min Row (Medium Pace)

Activation Block


3 Rounds: 30 secs DB Skin The Cat (Breathe and settle in) 5 Narrow Grip Muscle Snatch (round 1 just the Bar, then go up based upon your TECHNIQUE)

Skill Set


4 sets, as a superset: - 1 Beat Swing - to CTB Pull up x 3 - One Legged Scoop Drill * use a Band if you need to Complete the Bar Mu - 3 Single Bar Dips * Rest 90 secs between totals sets * Move for TECHNIQUE first * If you need more rest take it

Strength Accessory


5 x 15 Straight Arm Banded Pull Downs * Pick Heaviest band that allows you to maintain straight arms

Unlock Your Kipping Bar Muscle Up: Week 1 Day 2

Warm Up


1 Min Jump Rope then, 3 Rounds: 10 Shoulder Dislocates 10 V ups 10 Supermans (Pause at the Bar) 10 Narrow Grip Overhead Squats (Just the Bar) 1 Min of Double Unders (Single Unders are a good sub)

Front Rack Lateral Stretch


3 Rounds: 30 secs Front Rack Lat Stretch 10 Dynamic Scorpions * Alternate Movements, but focus on breathing and optimal position



5 Alternating Sets: 5 Single Bar Mu Row (From Standing at an angle) 3 Slow Negatives Bar Muscle Up (5 sec Eccentric Lower on each, let the elbows lower at the same time)

Strength Accessory


5 x 1 Single Hip to Bar Banded Pulls then, 5 x Max Effort: Under Strict Chin Ups Rest 1 minute between sets * Attempt to average 5 * If you can’t do 5, do it in a band and achieve 5 CTB Chin ups

Unlock Your Kipping Bar Muscle Up: Week 1 Day 3

Warm Up


3 Rounds: 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Alternating Toes Touches 10 Back Extensions 10 Burpees



3 sets, as a Superset: 20 sec Bent Arm Single Bar Bottom of the Dip Stretch 20 sec Matador Stretch



3 Cycles, as a Superset: 5 Hollow Open Bar Tap 3 x One Legged Scoop Drill (Beat Swing - to CTB) 1 One Legged Scoop / Banded Bar Mu 3 Banded Bar Mu From the Top - You may need several bands to get this complete. - Focus on Making the Bar Muscle Up - This is recovery time but make sure you are consistent in Band Usage for week 3. - We will be building on this ** Also video your movement

Strength Accessory


Tabata: (Alternating Movements) Bent Arm Lat Pull Down (Reverse Arnold) Hollow Rocks Arch Rocks

Unlock Your Kipping Bar Muscle Up