The Skill WOD

Dusty Hyland

the new cycle of THE SKILL WOD "Strict and Eccentric” drops Monday.  This 6 Week cycle focus on developing Strict, hollow pulling mechanics for the Ring and Bar Mu as well as Strict HSPU progressions for overall pressing strength development.  We are cueing on optimal mechanics and approaching each element with tempo sets, and negatives in conjunction with actual skill accumulation.  In alternating weeks each training session will build on the previous one, as we test not only our skill acquisition and volume, but active range of motion in elemental gymnastics poses and movements such as the Skin The Cat on the Rings and the Bridge. 

1 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
The Skill WOD 3.0: Strict and Eccentric: Test Week Day 1

Warm Up 1


3 Rounds: 250 Meter Row (easy Pace) 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Supermans 3 Inchworm Push ups 10 Sec Support Hold on Rings (Focus on Turnout) *Move with Quality and Purpose

Mobility and Skill


Skin The Cat: Max Full Range of motion in 2 Mins Movement for Quality No Swinging Tempo and lift up and through the movement If you cannot pull through the negative, note it and focus on it as we progress through this cycle Lower to a point where you can pull yourself back up


Strict Muscle up

1 x 3:00 @ MAX


Banded Strict Muscle Up

For Completion


Bar Muscle Up

1 x 3:00 @ MAX

The Skill WOD 3.0: Strict and Eccentric: Test Week Day 2

Warm Up


3 Rounds: 1 Minute Jump Rope 10 Shoulder Dislocates (O/U) 5 Floor Bridges 20 Mountain Climbers 6 Push ups *Warm up move with Quality and Purpose

Mobility and Skill


For Quality: 1 min. Bridge Hold For Quality Means- Level one is hold Level two is arms Straight Level three is Arms Straight, Feet together


Head to Mat HSPU

1 x 2:00 @ MAX



5 MIN AMRAP: 5 KHSPU 5 Burpee 5 T2B If you struggle with kipping I understand, but know that this is the cycle where you will find your legs. Primarily we are concerned with building more strength in this cycle. Leaderboard instructions: Record your total reps in 5 minutes.

The Skill WOD 3.0: Strict and Eccentric: Test Week Day 3

Warm Up 3


3 Rounds: 10 Alternating Lunges 5 Hollow Open Bar Taps 5 Feet together Squats 7 GHD Heel Drives 20 Abmat Sit ups * Move with Quality and Purpose

Mobility and Skill


For Quality: Bar Under Grip Stretch Maintain a Supinate Grip on the Bar Keep you elbows up and try and drive down opening your chest


Strict Chin Up

1 x 2:00 @ MAX


Kipping Chest To Bar Pull ups

7 x 5


Rope Climb

7 x 1



7 x 5

The Skill WOD 3.0: Strict and Eccentric