Step Up Training

Ryley Humrighouse

This 6 week program is designed to help an intermediate level athlete get their first BMU. We include strength and skill work needed to get your first MU. The program progresses to do a BMU with a band and eventually with no band. 

We wrote this block under a few principles. Doing multiple good reps with a band is better than doing a couple with no band that are not technically sound. Be patient, use the band and focus on getting quality reps. Becoming a master of the kip swing will generate better results. We have some skill pieces to focus on this. It might seem tedious but couldn't be more important. 

Learning how to kip swing with a band is a skill in itself. We believe learning this skill pays off in the long run with the results we have found. My best tip, make your kip swing look like there is no band there. Yes, the band will slightly rub against your face.

Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

1 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
Pull-up bar // bands // DBs // bench 
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
BMU Day 1


Straight Arm Pulldown

3 x 10


Single Arm Banded Rows

3 x 20



3 x 12

The Kip Swing


EMOM x 10 10-15 second bar hang + 8-10 kip swings *On the bar hang, I want us to be active. Scaps engaged, core engaged so feet are very slightly in front of hips, toes together and pointed *Transition directly into our kip swings. I don't want anything big. Goal is to keep toes pointed, scaps and core engaged, while maintaining rhythm and keeping our center of mass directly under the bar *If you start swinging or get off rhythm, drop down from the bar and hop back up to finish

BMU Day 2



3 x 5


Banded Pull-Up

3 x 12


GHD Hip Extension

3 x 8

The Kip Swing +


EMOM x 10 6-8 small kip swings + 6-8 bigger kip swings *Goal here is to be able to carry our rhythm from our small kip swings (same as day 1) into our bigger kip swings *Over the 10 rounds, I want you to work to the biggest kip swing you can while remaining tight through the core and hip flexors in your arch position *It should feel like you are snapping back into your hollow each rep because you are so engaged, rather than disengaging, then having to contract again

BMU Day 3


DB Pullover

3 x 8


Deficit Push-Up

3 x 10


Hanging Leg Raises

3 x 8

Kip Swing + Kip Swing w/ Pulldown


EMOM x 10 -10-12 big kip swings (same focus as last session; as big as possible maintaining tightness) -6-8 big kip swings w/ pulldown *alternate minutes *No hip pop yet. Try to mimic that same muscle activation at the pullovers you just did. Arms stay straight, pull the bar down to the ground in your hollow.

Bar Muscle-Up