Safe and effective training sessions built for the hunter athlete by a professional coach.
Trust that your training program has been tested and proven over decades with other backcountry athletes and coaches.
The BC Hunter program safely guides athletes as you build strength, power, agility, endurance, work capacity, mobility and movement capacity while being coached through every movement, every step of the way. The training is designed for the demands of backcountry hunting and places an emphasis on building a more durable athlete for the mtns, not just for the gym.
*Athletes will need access to resistance training equipment such as DB's, KBs, suspension straps, sandbags, continuous loop bands, a pack for rucking, step up box or sturdy cooler, cardio equipment (fanbike, rower, treadmill, or mtn bike)
FeaturesWarm Up
Ridgeline Warm Up
2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)
90/90 Roundabout
2 x 10
2 x 10
KB SL Transfer - Foot and Ankle Strength
2 x 30
Pallof Crossover Walk Outs - Band
2 x 30
“100 at 25” Step Up Test - Pack
1 x 100
DB Iso Lunge
2 x 30
Isometric Push Up
2 x 45
ISO SL Hip Extension - Band
2 x 45
TRX Isometric Incline Row
2 x 1:00
Nasal Only Reverse Hike/Sled Drag + Farmer Carry
Complete 2 minutes of Reverse Hike or Sled Drag and then 40 yds of Farmer Carry. Repeat this 4 times for a total of 8 minutes and 160yds of Carry.
5 Way Wall Stretch
1 round on each side, spend 15-20s or more on each movement Windmill Hold w/ Neck Rotation T-Spine Rotation Hold w/ Neck Rotations Hip Flexor Stretch Rocking Hamstring Stretch Adductor Stretch w/ Reach
Warm Up
Ridgeline Warm Up
2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps - modified if needed)
Inchworm, Cross-Under, Rotate and Reach
2 x 5
Lunge Matrix
2 x 4
Dead Bug - Band
2 x 24
5 minute V02 Max Test
For the 5 min VO2 Max Cardiovascular Endurance Test you can choose to Row (erg), Ride (fan bike) or Run (treadmill or outside). You will measure your total distance at the end of the 5 minutes as well as your Max HR as soon as the test is complete. Be sure to record both data points in your notes here in the program.
Work Capacity
20 Minutes Complete as many rounds as you can in the required time while maintaining the fastest pace you can sustain. 15 cal Row or Fanbike Ride or 250m run 5 Deadlifts (choose Hex bar, Sumo, or conventional) 4 Sandbag Squat Cleans (Hold it up there and go right into your step ups after the 4th rep of cleans) 8 Sandbag Front Rack Step Ups 4 Inchworm Push Ups (2 push ups each rep) *Click on the video below to see all of the exercise listed above*
Recovery - No Equipment
Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea
Warm Up
Ridgeline Warm Up
2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)
Mini Band Supine ISO Hip Flexor Hold
2 x 12
SL Eccentric Squat
2 x 5
Crawling - Square
2 x 45
Landmine Power Press
2 x 12
DB Push Press
2 x 12
Band Broad Jump
2 x 6
1 Minute Pack Squat Test
Load a pack or a vest with 25% of your total body weight and complete as many reps of full ROM squat as you can in 1 minute. Full ROM means your thighs will be parallel with the floor at the bottom of each rep. Never sacrifice form for technique! If you aren't strong enough for 25% drop the load so that you can stay in a safe position. Watch the video to see and hear the coaching tutorial.
2 x 12
2 x 12
BB Bench Press
2 x 12
DB Bench Press
2 x 12
Chest Supported Row - DB
2 x 12
Arm Farm 2
Complete 3 sets of the following movements and reps. 10 Curl to Punch in Lunge (Make these fucking explosive!) 10 Reverse Fly 16 DB Alternating Kneeling Military Press
Nasal Only Reverse Hike/Sled Drag + Farmer Carry
Optional in week one. If you have time don't skip this! BREATHE THROUGH NOSE ONLY! PRESS TONGUE INTO ROOF OF MOUTH & KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT the entire time. The breathing will autoregulate your speed, which will be slower, but that's what we are after. In, short the nasal breathing will help you become more efficient at utilizing your blood oxygen. Over time this will help to improve your aerobic capacity, lactate threshold and other metabolic processes. Not to mention improved performances at higher elevations. Feel free to extend the time frame past the 8 minute mark if your training schedule allows. Complete 2 minutes of Reverse Hike or Sled Drag and then 40 yds of Farmer Carry. Repeat this 4 times for a total of 8 minutes and 160yds of Carry.
5 Way Wall Stretch
1 round on each side, spend 15-20s or more on each movement Windmill Hold w/ Neck Rotation T-Spine Rotation Hold w/ Neck Rotations Hip Flexor Stretch Rocking Hamstring Stretch Adductor Stretch w/ Reach
Warm Up
Ridgeline Warm Up
2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)
Isometric Split Squat w/Calf Raise - Raised Front Foot
2 x 12
Hi Plank Rotate and Reach
2 x 20
Modified Adductor Plank
2 x 15
Band Trunk Circles
2 x 12
Hex or DB Carry - Test
Work Capacity Strength
Work Capacity - 20-30minutes *Set a running clock for the required time and complete the following movements repeatedly until the time is up. You should be using heavy loads but not maximal, and working at a pace that is sustainable and consisitent for the entire time frame. Work to minimize your transition time as you move from one movement to the next. Record your rounds at the end. Finishing a full round means completing all exercises in a set. Ex: 4.3 rounds = 4 full rounds plus completion of 3 exercises in your 5th round. 6 DB Goblet Squat 6 Hand Release Push Ups 6 Reverse Lunge w/DB Curl 15s/ea DB SA Farmer Carry 10 cal Fanbike or 10 cal Row (can substitute with a 200 meter run)
Dead Tread Interval Finisher - Short
This Finisher is short, sweet and the perfect finisher for the backcountry athlete. It's only 1 minute of total work but if you go hard with maximal intent it will certainly challenge your lactate threshold and have you gasping for air by the end of it. 6 x10sec/45sec (6 Rounds x 10sec.Work/45sec. Rest) You can substitute with Hill Sprints outside or a fan bike, just be sure to go AHAYC each interval. If running outside add 5 seconds to each interval - Put a treadmill at incline of 8 and turn the power off. - Hold onto the handles and sprint pushing the belt as fast you can for the required time. - Do not start the clock until you are up to top speed, this will take approximately 5 seconds. - These are MAX EFFORT SPRINTS! Go as hard as you can every sprint and finish your week like a fucking champ!
Recovery - No Equipment
Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea
Yoga - Athlete
Recovery - No Equipment
Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Foot Fascial Release - 45s/ea Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea
100 & 1 - Ruck & Step Up Test
For this test you will need a step up box or a sturdy cooler as well as your pack and some DB's. Load your pack with minimum of 25% of your BW. Your DB's should also equal 25% of your BW. If your DB's are light you can go heavier in your pack but I wouldnt' go too heavy because that's the same weight you will be rucking with. Your ruck course will need to be .25miles out and back, or .125 out and .125 back. After each .25 mile ruck complete 25 total step ups then head back out for another ruck. Record total time to complete 1mile and 100 step ups. Watch the full video for more details. In the next video I cover pack set up to help decrease back pain.
Pack setup to decrease back pain
Recovery - No Equipment
Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea
Pack Workout 1
1 x 20:00
Recovery - No Equipment
Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Foot Fascial Release - 45s/ea Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea