XIP Training & Ridgeline Athlete

Hunting, Adventure Race , Archery
Adrian Guyer

The 8 Week Off-Season program is the ultimate training program for those backcountry athletes preparing for life in the mountains and backcountry hunting.  The program provides a comprehensive approach to your pre season physical and mental preparation for backcountry hunting. 

The Backcountry Off Season program will build your strength and movement capacity as needed for performing in the mountains and also for fortifying your joints against all of the forces you will encounter.  This is not a powerlifting program, or an olympic weightlifting program or some bootcamp class just to make you sweat.  I honestly don’t give a shit what you can do in the gym if it doesn’t transfer to what you do in the mountains, and many of the programs out there make that mistake.  This program will prepare you to be better for your sport, that I will guarantee. 

Sessions are anywhere from 45 min to 1.5 hrs long depending on your level of fitness. 3 days of gym based strength and power workouts, and 3 days with a pack both rucking and work capacity training sessions.  We will spend a lot of time on your movement capacity or your ability to move well while we also help you become a stronger, more powerful and athletic predator with the ability to dominate in any backcountry environment.  If you move like shit, lack coordination and can’t get out of your own way, then lifting weights isn't going to help you be a better athlete in the mountains.  Movement quality first, you must earn the load.  The Backcountry Athlete Off Season program is your answer to all of it. 

5 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
You can complete this program with DB’s // Bands and Fan Bike or Rower)  Dumbbells // Barbells // Cable Machine // Fan bike or Rower // TRX Trainer // continuous loop bands // Landmine // physio ball.  (Note: All of this equipment is not required but it will be helpful to have in your training arsenal.  Most important equipment needs are DB’s // Fan Bike or Rower) and continuous loop bands)
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
Week 1 Day 1

Warm Up


Ridgeline Warm Up

2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)


High Plank - Hand to Knee

2 x 20


Calf Raise - 3 Plane

2 x 8


KB Roll and Reach - Partial Get Up

2 x 8


Goblet Squat 1-min Test


BB Sumo Deadlift

3 x 6


Floor Press - DB w/Iso Knee Drive

3 x 4


Chest Supported Row - DB

3 x 8

Metabolic Strength


3x40sec./25sec. 40 sec of work and 25 sec of rest between each movement. Example - Lunge 40sec, rest 25sec, Incline Row 40sec, 25sec Rest, Fan Bike 40sec, Repeat. Use the heaviest loads you can while still maintaining strong technique. These circuits will challenge your muscles ability to perform loaded work over longer periods of time. Walking Lunge w/ Knee Drive TRX or DB/Pack Bent Over Row (If you don't have a TRX you can sub with a DB or Pack Bent Over Row) Fan Bike (If you don't have a fan bike you can substitute with a Rower or a Run)



Recovery - No Equipment

Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea

Week 1 Day 2

Warm Up


Ridgeline Warm Up

2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)


Sidelying Windmill

2 x 6


Band SA Pull Apart - 1/2 Kneel

2 x 10


Hip Mobility - 90/90 Flow

2 x 0:45


Calf Raise - Seated/DB

2 x 6


Band Dead Bug - Straight Leg

2 x 12


Goblet Squat - DB

3 x 5


Chest Supported Row - DB

3 x 6

Metabolic Strength


3x40sec./20sec. Lateral Lunge w/ Knee Drive Kneeling Alt. DB Press DB Farmer Carry


Finisher - Row/Sky Jump/Push Up



Recovery Stretching

Rocking Groin Stretch Glute/Hip Mobility on Wall Band Lat Stretch Kneeling Quad Stretch Lizard to Hamstring Stretch Hamstring Band Stretch Series Quad Bar Roll Forearm Bar Roll 90/90 Hip Mobility

Week 1 Day 3

Warm Up


Ridgeline Warm Up

2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)


DB Shoulder Matrix

2 x 10


Prone Head to Butt - Rocketman

2 x 10


SL Eccentric Squat

2 x 6



2 x 45


Leg Pop Quiz #1

1 x 3:00


DB Raised Foot Split Squat - RFSS

2 x 10


Scissor Jumps

2 x 10


DB Reverse Fly

2 x 10


Slider Ab Saw

2 x 10



Wear a loaded pack or a weight vest for this entire metcon. I recommend 25# and up for men and 15# and up for women. 12 minutes, as many rounds as possible Step Ups - 8 each leg Push Up - 8 Farmer Carry - 40 yds total.



Recovery - No Equipment

Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea

Week 1 Day 4

Warm Up


Ridgeline Warm Up

2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)

LT Intervals


You are looking to WORK AT THE HIGHEST SPEED YOU CAN MAINTAIN during each interval, as we are working to improve your lactate threshold. If you go too far into the pain cave you won't come back, and if you go too easy there isn't the training effect. These can be done running, on a Mtn Bike, on an Fan Bike or on a Rower. If you are on a Mtn Bike I recommend finding a really long hill of moderate pitch. For those with old knees and joints go to a grass athletic field for decreased impact. Intervals: 5 sets of 2min work./2min Rest. *Recovery should be very slow movement such as walking or a light spin. If on a MTN bike you could be slowly working your way back downhill.



Recovery - No Equipment

Perform 1 set of each of the following movements. Circuit 1: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 45s/ea Lizard to Hamstring Stretch - 5ea Rocking Groin Stretch - 5ea Quad Stretch - Kneeling - 45s/ea Circuit 2: Leaning Crossover Stretch - 30s/ea Pectoral Wall Stretch - 30s/ea T-Spine Rotation On Wall - 30s/ea Circuit 3: Sidelying Windmills - 6ea Sphynx Pose - 1 min 90/90 Hip Flow - 6ea

Week 1 Day 5

Warm Up


Ridgeline Warm Up

2-3 min. ride, row, or light run Quad Walk + Knee to Chest (6 each side) Reaching Ham (6 each side) Walking Hydrants (8 each side) Lunge w/ Inside Touch (6 each side) Spider-Mans (5 each side) Squats (10 full and 10 pulsing) Push-Ups (15 reps)


Loaded Hike

1 x 60:00


Yoga - Athlete

For Completion

Ridgeline Athlete Back Country Athlete Offseason - 8 Weeks