Explosive Strength & Mass - Look Like You Lift 2


Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting
Michael Dewar

Improve Your Olympic Weightlifting

This program has you performing the snatch and clean and jerk 2-3 times a week. You will alternate between heavy snatch + volume clean and jerk days vs volume snatch and heavy clean and jerk training. Additionally, you will spend a third session building better positions in the jerk and overhead squat/snatch.

Get Stronger in the Barbell Lifts

Build strength in the classic barbell lifts (squat, bench, and deadlift). We will spend 15 hard weeks dedicated to developing strength using daily undulated periodization to maximize both muscle growth and neural recruitment. You will also perform a steady dose of supplemental exercise to help support stronger positions.

Look the Part and Get JACKED

Odds are you were drawn to this program because you want to LOOK LIKE YOU LIFT. As much as I love Olympic weightlifting, it isn’t the most effective way to build muscle size and mass. That’s why every session attacks a few muscle groups with rep range to help stimulate new muscle growth. Generally speaking, most muscle groups will be trained 2-3 days per week to maximize muscle growth and allow for adequate recovery between sessions.

Hit New PRs
You will alternate between heavy snatch + volume clean and jerk days vs volume snatch and heavy clean and jerk training. Additionally, you will spend a third session building better positions in the jerk and overhead squat/snatch. Variations will be a plenty to help you dial in and learn to use your new strength while improving your technique and explosiveness.
Get Stronger in the Barbell Lifts
Build strength in the classic barbell lifts (squat, bench, and deadlift). We will spend 15 hard weeks dedicated to developing strength using daily undulated periodization to maximize both muscle growth and neural recruitment. You will also perform a steady dose of supplemental exercise to help support stronger positioning, such as goodmornings, front squat variation, rows, and more.
Look the Part and Get JACKED
As much as you love Olympic weightlifting, it isn’t the most effective way to build muscle size and mass. That’s why every session attacks a few muscle groups with moderate and higher rep range to help stimulate new muscle growth. Generally speaking, most muscle groups will be trained 2-3 days per week to maximize muscle growth and allow for adequate recovery between sessions.
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 7 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Mental Exercises
Structured mental training exercises to cultivate your inner strength
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Barbell // Bench // Dumbbells // Bumper Plates // Squat Rack // Pull Up Bar
Blocks (if not, go from hang or rack) // Leg Press or Hack Squat
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 15-week program
Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 1 

Warm Up


2-3 Rounds 10 Poliquin Split Squats 20 Glute Bridge (can do single leg or double leg)


Back Squat

3 x 3 @ 85 %


Stiff Leg Deadlift

4 x 6


Leg Press

3 x 10


Leg Extension

3 x 20


Barbell Bicep Curl

3 x 10


Lying Cable Sit Up

3 x 1

Cycle 1 -  Week 1 - Day 2

Warm Up


2-3 Rounds 30 Sec Arm Bar/arm 8 Sots Press


High Block Snatch

4 x 2 @ 75 %


Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

4 x 2 @ 75 %


Bench Press

3 x 3 @ 85 %


Push Press

3 x 5 @ 75 %


Incline DB Bench Press

4 x 10


Weighted Strict Pullup

4 x 10


Skull Crushers

3 x 15

Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 3

Warm Up


2-3 Rounds Suitcase Carry (DB or KB) x 30 sec/arm Max Effort Isometric Deadbug x 10-20 sec



3 x 3 @ 85 %


Back Squat

3 x 6 @ 75 %


Good Morning

4 x 10


DB Hammer Curls to Face

4 x 15



3 x 20


Strict Leg Raise

3 x 15

Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 4

Warm Up


2-3 Rounds KB Floor Press x 10 Jerk Grip Overhead Squat x 10 (empty barbell)


Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

1 x 2 @ MAX lb


Incline Bench Press

4 x 8


Dumbbell Flye

4 x 15


1-Arm DB Row

4 x 15


DB Lateral Raise

4 x 15


Tricep Pushdown

1 x 100

Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 5

Warm Up


2-3 Sets Box Jump x 5 Wall Walk x 5


Block Snatch

1 x 3 @ MAX lb


Block Clean + Front Squat

1 x 3 @ MAX lb


Front Squat

5, 3, 3 @ MAX, _ , _ lb


Barbell Overhead Press

4 x 8


DB Side Bend

4 x 15

coach-avatar Michael Dewar

USAW Level 1-2 Weightlifting Coach MS Exercise Physiology BA Exercise Science Writer for Barbend, USA Weightlifting, Breaking Muscle, and FitBod Coach to USAW National Athletes (AO Finals, National Championships, U25 and Univ Championships)

Are you sick of not looking like you lift?

This program will 100% make you stronger, more muscular... and oh, did I tell you it will also help you hit new PRs in your competition lifts and barbell strength work?

Get Explosive Strength & Mass - Look Like You Lift 2
How many weeks is the program?
The program consists of three, 5-week blocks (15-weeks total). Every 5-week block has three intensity/volume weeks (the program is undulated, so this will vary week to week), a deload week (week 4), and a rep max test week (week 5).
What's the workout split?
It’s basically two upper, two lower, and then a total body day. Each day will emphasize an oly lift, strength lift, and then accessory work geared towards adding muscle.
How long are training sessions?
It’s 5 days per week, each session lasting about 75-90 minutes per day.
Should I cut or bulk during the 15-week program?
If you are someone who is not as lean, and are trying to gain muscle and lose fat, you could probably get away with doing a fat loss phase, as long as you are not overly aggressive. If you are someone who is lean, I would recommend not cutting and focus on eating to fuel training and recovery.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Gabi

U25 and University National Lifter

Verified Athlete

"Not only have I improved my strength in the lifts, I feel leaner! When I started my technique was pretty solid, however my leg strength and upper body overhead strength and stability really was lacking. I was able to increase my leg, back, and upper body strength and have noticed big improvements!"

verified-athlete-avatar Matt

AO Finals and National Champs Lifter

Verified Athlete

"I am blown away at how my lifts, more importantly my strength numbers, keep climbing. The accessory work is exactly what I need to push my muscle growth and stay healthy as I train to compete at the highest levels here in the USA."

verified-athlete-avatar Mike

USAW Weightlifting Coach

Verified Athlete

"I've always been into bodybuilding, and for the longest time my love for weightlifting just didnt mesh well with that. I began to advanced in the sport, and as I aged I saw the importance of including accessory training in the program to boost muscle growth and injury prevention. I feel great!"

verified-athlete-avatar Trezden

Crossfitter turned AO Finals Hopeful

Verified Athlete

"The amount of weightlifting technique and positional strength in this program is insane. Coming from CrossFit, I was familiar with weightlifting, but not in the sense of how to become super proficient and be able to compete at my highest levels. My body has responded great to the bodybuilding too!"

Explosive Strength & Mass - Look Like You Lift 2