Jacked Olympic Weightlifter - Look Like You Lift 1


Mike Dewar

Look Like You Lift 1.0 is a 20-week training program that takes you from a base hypertrophy cycle (8 weeks) and strength building phase (8 weeks) for Olympic weightlifting lifters, and culminates into a 4-week competition prep program.

This program is a complete program, taking you from the off-season to the platform.

This program is perfect for an Olympic weightlifter who is looking to PR or prepare for a meet.

Improve Your Weightlifting Technique
Each session will include primer movements to improve you snatch and clean and jerk technique. These drills will help you fix common issues many lifters struggle with, such as but not limited to: (1) finishing the pull, (2) improving the speed under the bar, (3) getting into better overhead and front rack positions, and (4) being more aggressive.
Build Dense Muscle
The more muscle you have, the more raw potential you have to later train those muscle fibers to produce more force, contract at faster velocities, and have carry over to your lifts. The first 8 weeks are devoted to building more lean, dense muscle tissue to help set up a successful strength phase. The rep range and volumes trained in will not only help you gain muscle but look muscular too.
Stronger Legs, Back, and Shoulders
In the sport of weightlifting, the goal is to lift heavy weights. This program will spend 8 weeks teaching you how to improve your technique and confidence moving heavy loads to build your strength using back and front squats, deadlifts (various kinds), and overhead presses and jerks. All these strength exercises will make you a stronger, more capable lifter.
Bodybuilding Accessory Exercises
After you complete your weightlifting and strength exercises, every workout will provide you with 20-30 minutes of additional bodybuilding type training to help you build muscles, improve your aesthetics, and address any muscular imbalances you may have that may put you at risk for injury.
Prepares You to Compete
The program ends with a 4-week weightlifting peaking cycle that will decrease overall volume, increase the intensity, and prepare you to PR both the snatch and clean and jerk on the competition platform. During this 4-week period, you will also have multiple opportunities to PR you back squat, front squat, and jerk.
Access to Your Coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength, muscle building, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Detailed, Expert Instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best
Delivered through TrainHeroic
No more PDF printouts and Excel sheets. All you workouts are delivers, recorded, and stored in the Train Heroic mobile app.
Barbell // Bumper Plates // Squat Rack // Gym Machines // Dumbbells
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 20-week program
Week 1 (LLYL): Back Squat + Medium Lifts


Snatch Pull + Snatch

6 x 1 @ 70, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80 %


Block Clean + Jerk

6 x 1 @ 70, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80 %


Back Squat

4 x 6 @ 70 %


Leg Press

4 x 12


Banded Hamstring Curl

4 x 20


Barbell Sit Up

3 x 15

Week 1 (LLYL): Upper + Light Lifts


Power Snatch + Snatch Balance (1+1)

5 x 3


Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Power Jerk

5 x 3


Push Press

4 x 6 @ 70 %


Seal Row

3 x 12


Close Grip Bench Press

4 x 12



3 x 12


Barbell Bicep Curl

3 x 12



3 x 12

Week 1 (LLYL): Deadlift + Heavy Lifts


Block Snatch

6 x 1 @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 88, MAX %


Clean Deadlift + Clean + Jerk

6 x 1 @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 88, MAX %


Clean Pull

4 x 5 @ 90 %


Good Morning

3 x 8


Strict Leg Raise

3 x MAX

Week 1 (LLYL): Upper + Light Lifts


No Foot No Contact No Hook Snatch

5 x 3


Push Jerk

4 x 4 @ 70 %


BTN Snatch Push Press

4 x 5 @ 70 %


Seated Barbell Strict Press

3 x 8


Barbell Row

3 x 8


Bench Press

3 x 8


Banded Face Pull

3 x 12

Week 1 (LLYL): Front Squat + Medium Lifts


Hang Snatch + Snatch

5 x 1 @ 70, 75, 75, 75, 80 %


Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

5 x 1 @ 70, 75, 75, 75, 80 %


Front Squat

4 x 6 @ 70 %


Bench Press

4 x 6 @ 70 %


Weighted Back Extension

4 x 12

coach-avatar Mike Dewar

Certified strength and conditioning coach with over 15+ years of experience coaching USA Weightlifting national level lifters, Masters Worlds lifters, NCAA (D1 and D3) athletes, and gym goers. Mike holds a Masters from Columbia University in Exercise Physiology and a Bachelors in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition.

How Hard Would You Push to Succeed?

Start your lifting journey today!

Get Jacked Olympic Weightlifter - Look Like You Lift 1
What if I don't have access to some of the equipment in the workouts?
You can message the coaches directly within the app for substitutions that will be based on what you have access to that will still deliver you results.
How often can I get coaching feedback?
If you post it, we will offer feedback. We want you to post and interact as much as possible, you are paying for it, so use it! Please allow 24 hours for responses, 48 hours over the weekend (however many times we are on the app answering questions multiple times a day).
Who is the program for?
This is a great long-term training program for weightlifters of any level, or sport athletes looking to improve muscle mass, strength, and power. This is also a good training plan for anyone who wants to train to be bigger, faster, stronger.
Has Mike personally done all these workouts?
Yup! Not only has Mike done these, he has refined the programs after having his athletes and clients perform this and end the program hitting PRs on the national level platform.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Matt E

National Level Weightlifter (81kg)

Verified Athlete

"I've used this program to continue to build muscle, strength, and my total. The first time I did this plan my snatch was 105kg and CJ 140kg. Since doing this cycle a few times, my maxes are now 125kg and 155kg."

verified-athlete-avatar Mike

Masters Worlds Weightlifter (89kg)

Verified Athlete

"I have used this program (as well as the other LLYL plans) to help me gain muscle and strength in my 30s and am still seeing progress. The mix of weightlifting and bodybuilding allows me to emphasize my technique, build strength, but also stay healthy and prepare my body for heavier training cycles."

verified-athlete-avatar Gabi

AOS Weightlifter and Avid-Fitness Lover

Verified Athlete

"I began this program not sure what to expect (I wanted to get stronger, build muscle, and improve my technique). What came next was PRs, confidence on the platform, and a leaner physique. I loved the bodybuilding segments!"

Jacked Olympic Weightlifter - Look Like You Lift 1