8-Week Bench Press Overload


Powerlifting, Strongman
Josh Bryant

In elite iron game circles, nothing is more coveted than a big bench press!

In high school, the bench press is your bragging right. In the collegiate and professional ranks, athletes use the bench press to build upper body strength and mass.

If you are a powerlifter, a great emphasis is placed on the bench press because it helps you achieve a higher three-lift total. For the bench press specialist, the bench press is your sport.

Behind bars, prior to politicians banning weights in correctional facilities, prison gangs used the bench press as an initiation tool.

Back in the day, I was the youngest person to bench press 600 raw; in 2017, I was proudly surpassed by my student, Peter Edgette!

I have coached 20+ 600-pound raw bench pressers, five over 300 kg (661 pounds), two over 700 pounds and the highest bench press of all-time, a 782-pound bench by Julius Maddox. I have also written a best-selling book on the bench press.

I may not know much but I know the bench press!

Better bench presses will make the world a better place.

If you're willing to put in the work for the next 8 weeks, you'll add some serious weight to your Bench.

Click the link below to get started today!

The Biggest Bench Press of Your Life
I have coached 20+ 600-pound raw bench pressers, five over 300 kg (661 pounds), two over 700 pounds and the highest bench press of all-time, a 782-pound bench by Julius Maddox. I have also written a best-selling book on the bench press. I may not know much but I know the bench press!
Accessory Work that Makes a Difference
You'll find accessory movements in our training that will help push you past plateaus that have haunted you in the past.
Simple and Easy to Follow
The days of you wandering the gym without a meaningful plan are over. If you come on this journey with me for the next 8 weeks, you'll come out the other side stronger and more resilient than you ever thought was possible + you'll have a Bench Press you're proud of.
Programming 3 days per week
3 Upper-Body focused days each week complete with the core lifts (Bench Press) and accessory work.
Exercise Video Guidance
3 Upper-Body focused days each week complete with the core lifts (Bench Press) and accessory work.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond just sets and reps, I'll give you the coaching and instruction that you need to execute the program perfectly.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training to deliver your program thru an app on your smartphone so you can track your progress along the way.
Bench // Barbell + Plates // Dumbbells
Conventional Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
Day 1 


Paused Bench Press

1 x 3 @ 80 %


Overload Bench Press

3 x 3


Barbell Bench Press

3 x MAX @ 75 %


Dead Bench Press

5 x 1 @ 75 %


Dumbbell Seal Row

5 x 6


Incline Dumbbell Tricep Extension

5 x 12

Day 2


Face Pull

3 x 12


Neutral Grip Pull Ups

5 x 5


Cobra Lat Pulldowns

5 x 12


Incline Pronated Dumbbell Row

3 x 12


1 and 1/4 Hammer Curls

3 x 12

Day 3


Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press

3 x 12


Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns

10, 8, 6


3-Board Close Grip Bench Press

2 x 10 @ 70 %


Cable Fly

2 x 15


Dumbbell Floor Paused Triceps Extension

5 x 15

coach-avatar Josh Bryant

Josh Bryant has held world records in powerlifting and won the Strongest Man in America title in 2005. Referred to as the “trainer of superstars," Josh works with some of the world’s strongest and most muscular athletes at Metroflex Gym in Arlington, Texas.

Set a New PR Bench Press

Get 8 Weeks of the Best Bench Press Program on the Planet!

Get 8-Week Bench Press Overload
What are the % based off o?
Percentages listed are of your current One Repetition Max (1 RM) Bench Press.
How strict should we follow the rest times in the program?
Rest intervals are guidelines (not hard rules); stronger, more advanced lifters may need longer.
What if I'm not recovering in time week over week?
If you are someone that recovers slowly, try extending the week to 9-10 days.
Should I push through pain with the accessory work?
If an accessory movement does not feel right, substitute for an exercise that works the same muscle groups; for example: pull-ups to lat pulldowns.
What do I do if I miss a rep during a training session?
When a rep is missed, lower the load by 10 percent and continue.
How fast should our reps be?
Perform bench presses and all corresponding variations in Compensatory Acceleration Technique (CAT) style, i.e. normal descent speed but the positive portion of the rep as explosively as possible without sacrificing technique.
What does Rest-Pause mean?
Lift for as many reps as possible, then rest 15-20 seconds, before doing the same weight again for as many reps as possible. You won't be able to press as many reps on the second round. Repeat this process again for three total subsets, which comprise one set. Stop each set one short of failure.
Will you tell us how much weight to use each day and week?
Many exercises are prescribed in a Rate of Perceived Exertion format, do not worry about hitting a certain weight, stick to the RPE guidelines listed below. This format is used because of individual differences and helping YOU maximize your gains.
Can you define what the different numbers mean on the RPE scale?
4 = Light weight for active recovery or mobility. 5 = Warm-up weight. 6 = Too light to have a significant training effect. 7 = Could have performed an additional three to five reps at the end of the set
RPE Continued...
8 = Could have performed two to three additional reps at the end of a set. 9 = Could have performed one additional rep at the of a set, maybe two. 10 = At a max, no additional reps could be performed at the end of the set

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8-Week Bench Press Overload