WHO IS THIS FOR?Functional fitness junkies, athletes and those of you who might normally train in a gym called a "box" See what I did there? This is a mix of Olympic lifting, strength and conditioning and gymnastics. The perfect recipe to look good naked and be more useful at life.
This is a 6 session per week program with the option of including some additional accessory work.
Get stronger AND fitter AND better at life. What's not to like?
Warm Up- Squatting 1
5 minutes cardio equipment of choice 3 Rounds :30 Couch Stretch/Side 10 Alternating Lunges With Rotation 12 Barweight Zombie Squats
Back Squat
6 x 2 @ 80 %
Barbell Lunge
3 x 20 @ 50 %
Nordic Curls
3 x 10
Seated DB Press
3 x 10
Gorilla Row
3 x 10
Strength/Lifting Bias
Quad Endurance/Hypertrophy: A) Single Leg KB Leg Extension 3 x 12-15/side @ AHAFA B) Plate Overhead Duck Walk 3 x 10/side @ 15-25kg C1) Ring Assisted Pistol Squat 3 x 15/side @ non alternating C2) Dual DB Box Step Overs 3 x 10/side @ AHAFA to 24/20” Take note of weights please!
Engine Bias
Sprint Intervals A) 10 minutes @ warm up pace/ RPE4 B) 10 x 15 seconds @ RPE10, followed by 90 seconds walking rest. This is plenty of rest and we are looking to push the pace on the sprints as much as possible here so really give it everything you’ve got please!
Gymnastics Bias
Pull Strength A1) Archer Ring Rows 4 x 6 (each arm) To adjust the difficulty alter your lever angle A2) Strict Chin Ups 4 x max effort unbroken reps B1) Sled / Prowler Pull 5 x 25ft @ 50% Bodyweight B2) Inverted Barbell Rows 5 x 8 B3) Seated Banded Lat Pull Down 5 x 12 C) Barbell Shrugs 4 x 10 @ 80/60kg
Warm Up- Snatch Focused
3 Rounds 10 PVC Passovers @ varying depth 8 Snatch Balances @ bar weight 6 High Hang Snatches @ bar weight 2 Rounds 3 Paused Snatch Pulls @ RPE5 (1 second pause below knee) 2 Drop and Reset Snatches @ same loading as above
Snatch High Pull
3 x 3 @ 65 %
Slow Pull Power Snatch
3 x 2 @ 70 %
Hang Snatch
5 x 2 @ 70, 70, 75, 75, 80 %
Assault Bike
5 x 0:20
Single Leg Strict Toes To Bar
4 x 8
Strength/Lifting Bias
Hamstring Endurance/ Hypertrophy A) DB Death March 3 x 12/side @ AHAFA B) Split Stance Banded Good Mornings 3 x 12/side @ Medium band C1) Crossbody Kettlebell RDL 3 x 10/side @ 20/16 (smooth and controlled please) C2) Sumo KB RDL 3 x 15 @ 20/16 (tempo, 3 second lower)
Engine Bias
Steady State Aerobic Work- Machines C2 Rower 5000m Row @ Damper 5-6 holding 26-28 strokes/minute Focus on your breathing, your stroke rate and your flow. Every stroke should look like the one before it. Smooth it out.
Gymnastics Bias
Push Capacity A1) Handstand Balance Box Drill 4 x 20s Switch which leg leaves the box first A2) Planche Push Ups 3x5 Tempo 2s eccentric, 1s pause at the bottom B1) Dumbell Push Press 4 x 8 Aim to work at the heaviest weight you can across all 4 sets B2) Candlestick to Pistol 4 x 12 (6 each leg alternating) C) Resistance Band Squat 4 x 8 Eccentric 4s each rep
Warm Up- Squatting 2
5 minutes cardio equipment of choice. 3 Rounds: 8 Side Step Downs/side from 24/20” 10 Paused Barbell Back Squats @ Barweight 10 Back Rack Step Back Lunges @ Barweight
Back Squat
6 x 3 @ 80 %
Bulgarian Split Squat
3 x 12
Banded Leg Extension
3 x 20
Strict Pullups Strict Handstand Pushups 2 ways you can tackle this- go for broke and get as fast a time as possible, or try and stick with unbroken sets throughout with minimal rest. Please note which your approach was.
Rope Climb
5 x 2
Strength/Lifting Bias
Olympic Lifting Pulls A) Snatch Liftoff + Snatch Pull 4 x 2 @ 80% B) Hang Snatch High Pull 4 x 6 @ 65-70% C) Clean Liftoff + Clean Pull + Shrug 4 x 1 @ 80/82.5/85/85% D) Paused Clean Pull 3 x 2 @ 75% 1 second pause below knee, 1 second pause above knee
Engine Bias
Long Slow Run Long slow run is a relative term. Both in length and speed. This session we are looking to stay in our Zone 2 heart rate, so honk of this as conversational pace and don’t worry about distance achieved or pacing other than as a metric for improved fitness. It doesn’t matter if your pace is 7:00/km or more, if you can then hit this each week and your pace increases while heart rate stays in the same zone we know that we are improving. Week 1 we want to start with 25-30 minutes of CONTINUOUS running/jogging and we will slowly increase this as needed. Mark down distance completed and put the time you ran for in your notes also please.
Gymnastics Bias
Pull Capacity A) Kipping Ring Pull Ups 4 x 8 Ensure knees and ankles maintain together, tight hollow and arch positions, no bend of the knees - perfect reps only B) Box Butterfly Pull Ups 3 x 10 C) 4 x 6 Butterfly Pull Ups Perform as an EMOM D1) DB Renegade Rows 4 x 16 (8 each arm) Aim to use the heaviest dumbells possible without compromising form, ensure your hips stay parallel to the ground and avoid too much rotation in the hips D2) 4 x 5s (each side) Archer Chin Up Hold Scale to band assisted if needed but ensure you challenge yourself
One-Arm DB Bench Press
3 x 10
Pendlay Row
3 x 8
Landmine Press
3 x 10
Alternating DB Hammer Curl
3 x 10
TBT Lower Body Mobility 1
Warm Up- Squatting 3
5 minutes cardio equipment of choice 90 seconds Banded Hip Flexor Stretch/Side 3 Rounds: 8 Goblet Cossack Squats/side @ RPE4 10 Frog Pulses 12 Jumping Back Squats @ Barweight
Back Squat
6 x 2 @ 80 %
Barbell Hip Thrust
3 x 10
Single Leg Glute Bridge
3 x 12
Wall Balls
4 x 22
Seated Box Jump
3 x 3
Strength/Lifting Bias
Back/Lat Focus A) Weighted Pull Ups 4 x 4-6 @ AHAFA B) Hollow Position PVC Lat Pull-down 3 x 15-20 C1) DB Seal Row 3 x 12 @ AHAFA C2) Single Arm KB Row 3 x 8-12/side @ AHAFA
Engine Bias
CrossFit Specific Long Workout 80 Calories Echo Bike 25 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20” 25 Deadball Bearhug Lunges @ 55/35 60 Calories Echo Bike 25 Box Jump Overs 25 Deadball Cleans @ 55/35 60 Calories Echo Bike 25 Box Jump Overs 25 Deadball Bearhug Squats 80 Calories Echo Bike Scale loading as needed so that each movement is complete in no more than 2 sets (cleans to be done as single, over the shoulder style)
Gymnastics Bias
Push Strength A) Bottoms Up Kettlebell Carry 2 x 50ft (each arm) Heaviest KB possible, maintain a tight grip around the handle of the KB to ensure greatest stability B) Deficit Eccentric HSPU - 4/2" 5 x 4 C1) Top of Ring Support Hold 3 x 15s Try perform this supinated with your palms facing forward C2) Top of Ring Support Hold 3 x 15s D1) Ring Dips 4 x 4 D2) Low Ring Plank 4 x 20s E1) Sled / Prowler Push 4 x 100ft @ 1.5x Bodyweight E2) 4 x 100ft Shuttle Run
Warm Up- Clean Focused
3 Rounds 10 Hang Muscle Cleans @ bar weight 5 High Hang Squat Cleans @ bar weight 10 Front Squats @ bar weight 2 Rounds 10 Zombie Squats @ RPE4 10 Clean Pulls @ same load as above
Clean Low Pull
3 x 3 @ 80 %
3-Position Clean
5 x 1 @ 65, 70, 72.5, 75, 75 %
Front Squat + Jerk
5 x 1 @ 70, 75, 75, 80, 80 %
Russian Twist
2 x 0:30
GHD Sit-Up
2 x MAX
Hanging Leg Raise
2 x MAX
Strength/Lifting Bias
Olympic Overhead Work A) BTN Split Jerk 5 x 2 @ 80-85% B) Jerk Balance 4 x 3 @ 55% C) Jerk Stance Push Press 3 x 5/side @ light weight D) KB Z-Press 3 x 12 @ AHAFA
Engine Bias
AMRAP 33: C2 Bike for max distance metres @ Damper 5 Every 3 minutes, beginning from 0:00, complete 6 burpee box step overs @ 24/20
Gymnastics Bias
Core / Flexibility A) Banded Hamstring Stretch 4 x 20s (each leg) B) Jefferson Curls 4 x 6 Light load Slow and controlled here, make the eccentric as long as possible gaining as much range of motion through your back as possible C1) Kettlebell Hip Flexor Raise 3 x 8 (each leg) C2) Toes to Ring 3 x 12
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