PRVN Compete

PRVN Fitness

Functional Fitness, Functional Training
Shane Orr, Tia-Clair Toomey and Nic Johnston

PRVN Compete is for those that are committed to putting in the time, effort, energy, and sacrifice to train like the world’s fittest.

Through years of dedication & innovation, we developed mindsets and methods to achieve what had never been achieved before.

You will experience exactly what the world’s fittest athletes are going through. In fact, your training is being tested by the world's fittest, and you're simply following along, one week behind.

You will have the ability to modify the weight(s) suitable for your ability, but we suggest keeping the time caps the same and the overall volume is programmed with a ton of thought and rationale.

Just like our in-house athlete, we're here to support you and you're going to need it. Instead of being inside of our facility, we'll catch up with you on the message boards, where you'll have coaching, guidance, and our community, all inside the app.

You're just a couple of clicks away from accessing the training that's propelled some amazing athletes to be champions and we want to help you pursue you biggest goals in this sport.

Get priority access to training camps & discounts on all things PRVN when you join the Team!

See you there!

3-Tier System for Customization
PRVN Compete is designed to both Intermediate & Advanced athletes and you'll. have the ability to select from 1 of 3 daily options based on your fitness level. Lvl 3: Advanced Athletes - Sanction/Regional/Crossfit Games athletes Lvl 2: Intermediate/Advanced Athletes - Aspiring sanction/regional athletes Lvl 2: Intermediate - CrossFit Open or fitness enthused athletes
Coaching from the World's Best
We've put in the work, learned, failed, learned, succeeded, and continue to learn so that you get the benefit of decades of wisdom, grounded in education and real-life coaching experience. We've done this work to ensure that you get the most out of every season, every block of training, and every session along the way.
Competition from Around the Globe
PRVN Compete is home to some of the most fierce competitors from around the world/ Regardless of where you train physically, you'll have access to the train with and compete against athletes that will push you past what you thought was possible.
Access to PRVN's coaching staff
You get access to the best coaches on the planet. Period.
Programming 6 days per week
6 days of training, addressing every necessary aspect of your training, en route to taking you from where you are to where you wanna be.
Video Demos
We'll support every movement within our training with an instructional movement demo so that you're never guessing what to do or how to do it.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond just sets and reps, expect to have every detail you need to dominate your training sessions.
Committed Teammates
When you join the PRVN community, you're truly part of something special. This is NOT for everyone, but only those who are committed.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
We partnered with the best tech in training, so you get the training experience you deserve from anywhere on the planet.
CrossFit Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Rest Day
Day 1

Warm Up


3 Sets, For Quality: :30sec Bike Erg + :30sec Standing Bike Erg 8/8 Single Arm Upright Row 8/8 Single Arm Arnold Press 10 Goblet Cossack Squats 20 Banded Face Pulls



4 x 3 @ 65, 68, 72, 75 %


Snatch Balance

4 x 4 @ 62, 65, 70, 75 %


Power Snatch

1 x 40 @ 135 lb

Remember the Titans


2 Rounds: 21 Toes to bar 9 Sandbag Cleans 150/100# 5 Shuttle Runs 15 Toes to bar 6 Sandbag Cleans 5 Shuttle Runs 9 Toes to bar 3 Sandbag Cleans 5 Shuttle Runs 1 Shuttle run = 25ft down / 25ft Back Level 3: As Prescribed Level 2: 15/12/9 T2B , 7/5/3 SB Cleans Level 1: 12/9/6 Knees to midline / 7/5/3 SB Cleans 100/70# Goal:15-17:00 This should be smooth and steady throughout. If you pace this correctly and break up your toes to bar early your second round should be faster than your first. You should be able to pick up the intensity across the two rounds here. Practice different techniques on the shuttle run to see what works best for you. Machine Subs: C2 - 20/16 Calories "


Ring Muscle-Ups

5 x 10


Dual Dumbbell Hammer Curl

3 x 10


Bent Over Dumbbell Row

3 x 10


Banded Tricep Pushdowns

3 x 25

Day 2

Warm Up


3 Rounds, For Quality: 100ft Kettlebell High/Low Carry 10 Cossack Squats 100ft Overhead Bamboo Carry 30/30 sec Couch Stretch


Push Press

6, 6, 3, 3 @ 60, 65, 75, 80 %


Front Squat

4 x 5 @ 60, 70, 70, 70 lb



For Time: Buy In: 50 Wallballs 30/20lb 2 Rounds, FT: 50/35 Cal Assault Bike 25 Pistols 15 Shoulder to overhead 225/155# Level 3: As Prescribed Level 2: 20/14# WB / 12 Pistols (assisted if needed) / 185/125# Barbell Level 1: 35 WBs / 20/14# WB / 20 Air Squats / 155/105# Barbell Goal: 2-3:00 On Wall balls / 10-12:00 Look for large sets or unbroken on the wall balls. Part two will be a tough on the legs, so be sure you use your best technique and efficiencies on the pistols and save yourself from any sloppy reps Machine Subs: C2 - Same"



For Time: 3 Sets 18 Calorie Ski Erg 12 Hang Power Snatch 135/95# 12 Overhead Squat rest 4:00 1 Set 54 Calorie Ski Erg 36 Hand Power Snatch 135/95# 36 Overhead Squat Level 3: As Prescribed Level 2: 115/75# Barbell / 15, 45 Calorie Ski Level 1: 95/65# Barbell / 12, 36 Calorie Ski Goal: 8-10/Set This should be a solid test of your barbell conditioning and ability to hang on to the barbell through fatique. Be cautious in part one as although the sets are small in volume they will add up when attacking part Machine Subs: C2 - Same Assault Bike - 13/10, 40/30 "


Parallette Deficit HSPU

4 x 8

Day 3

Warm Up


3 Sets, For Quality: 12 Alternating Leg V-Ups 6 Overhead Squats w/bamboo bar 3/3 Box Jumps, landing with straight legs "


Power Clean

9 x 2 @ 82 %


Strict Press

10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 4 @ 60, 60, 60, 60, 75, 80 %



For Time: 00:00- 4:00 minutes 100 Ghd Sit-Ups @ 5:00 minutes, complete: 100ft Handstand Walk 6 Rope Climbs 100ft Double KB Lunge 53/35# 100ft Handstand Walk 4 Rope Climbs 100ft Double KB Lunge 53/35# 100ft Handstand Walk 3/2 Rope Climbs 100ft Double KB Lunge 53/35# *Farmers carry grip for lunges Level 3: As Prescribed Level 2: 50 GHDs / 50ft HSW / 4/2/1 Rope Climbs Level 1: 50 Ab mat sit-ups / 3 Wall walks / 4/2/1 Lay to stand rope climbs / 35/25# kbs Goal: 3-4:00 on GHD / 10-12:00 On Part 2 There are quite a few skills in this workout to work on so if you are comfortable with them all, go with a hybrid mix of the levels to keep you moving and on pace for the time goals. "



1 x 50:00



For Quality: 9:00 EMOM 1: :45 Top of ring dip hold 2: :35 Sorenson hold 3: 5/leg single leg lateral box jumps

Day 4

Option 1


For Time: 5 Sets 800m Ski Erg :90 Recovery Bike 400m Ski Erg :60 Recovery Bike 200m Ski Erg :90 Recovery Bike Level 3/2: As Prescribed Level 1: 3 Sets

Option 2


Warm Up: 4x75 as... 25 kick/25 swim/25 *descend 1-4 descend to a strong effort R: as needed b/s Drill Set: 4x50m 25 Drill + 25 Swim *rotate between Catch-Up Drill Fingertip Drag Pull Set: 200 pull with paddles and buoy consistent effort focus on long pull and feeling the pressure of the water on your hands Main Set: 10x25m All-Out Sprint R: 1:00 b/s Cooldown 200m as breast/back by 25

Day 5

Warm Up


4 Sets: 90 seconds BikeErg 5/5 KB Windmills 5 Box Jumps 34-38" 5/5 Single Arm OHS w/KB


Push Jerk + Split Jerk

4 x 4 @ 65, 68, 68, 72 %


Power Snatch

5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3 @ 65, 70, 70, 75, 80, 80, 85 %

Coach Boone


For Calories: Assault or Echo Bike Conditioning Every 2:00 x 6 Sets 15sec All-Out Sprint Rest 3:00 2 Sets: 40sec @ 90-95% effort Rest: 2:30 minutes 40sec @ all out sprint effort Rest: 4:00 minutes Level 3/2: As Prescribed Level 1: Every 2:30x5 Rounds for part 1 Goal: 8-15 Calories Depending on what type of bike you use the calories will be all over the place so i want you to focus on your rpms or watts and focus on consistently hitting those high percentage efforts. Machine Subs: Can be done on any machine"



For Time: 4 Rounds 30 Calorie Row 8 Devil Press 50/35# 15 Calorie Row 12 Dual Db Shoulder to overhead 50/35# Level 3: As Prescribed Level 2: 35/25# Level 1: 20 Calories / 35/25#, 5 Devil Press / 10 STOH Goal: 14-15:30 This will be a shoulder burner and one that will require you to mange heart rate and fatique. Be smart on how you break things up and how quickly you move in the early sets. Leave yourself a level of intensity to push in the end. Machine Subs: C2 - Same Assault Bike - 22/17"



For Quality: 3 Sets : 100ft Suitcase carry (L) :45 Sandbag bear hug hold 100ft suitcase carry (R) 12 Alternating leg lifts over paralette Rest as needed b/t set Athlete's choice on load.

Day 6

Warm Up


3 Sets: 10 SA DB Upright Row + 10 SA DB Press (Each) 6 Inchworm Push-ups 10 Worlds Greatest Stretch (5 e/side) 10 Barbell RDLs


Squat Cleans

4 x 3 @ 65, 68, 72, 75 %


Bench Press

4 x 5 @ 60, 70, 70, 70 %


Back Squat

10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 4 @ 60, 70, 70, 70, 75, 80 lb

TC Williams


For Time: 7 Rounds 7 Ring Muscle Ups 60ft Torque Sled Push 7 Burpee Box Get Overs 48” 60ft Torque Sled Push Level 3: As Prescribed Level 2: 4 Muscle-ups /lighter sled Level 1: 7 Chest to bar pull-ups/ lighter sled/ 30/24"" box Goal: 16-18:00 Looking for unbroken sets on the gymnastics and active recovery on the sled. The burpees should be at a quick cadance but the secondary priority when it comes to the gymnastics *If no access to a torque tank, use a sled push Sled push sub: Box push Farmers Carry



For Quality: 3 Sets 7 Glute Ham Raises 10 Dumbbell Lateral Raises 20 Barbell Front Raises 10/leg alternating kb goblet reverse lunges rest as needed b/t set Athlete's choice on load.

coach-avatar Shane Orr

Shane owns PRVVN Fitness and is coach to some of the best CrossFit athletes in the world.

coach-avatar Tia-Clair Toomey

✍️Training Programs @prvnfitness 🥇2017/18/19/20/21 CrossfitGames Champion 🥇Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist 🏋️‍♂️Rio 2016 Olympian

coach-avatar Nic Johnston

After being introduced to Crossfit in 2015 I have spent the past few years constantly learning and working to apply the Crossfit methodology to a number of high-level athletes. This has given me an opportunity to work alongside some of the hardest working, most dedicated athletes in the world, who truly exemplify what it means to be professional athletes. _____

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PRVN Compete
PRVN Compete
PRVN Compete